The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Beauty Not Appreciated Is A Sin!

Beauty Not Appreciated Is A Sin!


"You son of a bitch!" 2

Jack was on the verge of insanity. The guards quickly stepped in and stopped him from doing anything he would regret.

Around ten guards had to apply force before Jack could regain his composure.

"Sir Kiba, stop it," Carole stepped in between ."Don't talk about the incident with Lady Agatha."

Jack was already thrashed once. She didn't want it to be repeated again.

"I'm the innocent party here," Kiba replied ."It was Jack who brought my reputation. I was just trying to say how can people malign my reputation when all I am doing is to help those in need."

"I will appreciate if you won't bring Lady Agatha in your conversations," Carole made her intentions clear for the final time.

Jack took a deep breath. He knew he couldn't afford to lose composure. He was also aware he has to ruin Kiba's image if he wanted to be successful in stopping the date between Kiba and Carole.

Jack gave a hand signal to Richard. The latter easily understood the meaning. Richard also couldn't let Kiba get a woman like Carole.

In the past, he has asked her out multiple times but she never agreed.

Sure he might have Eva, but for a man like him, it was more the merrier. Of course, he couldn't allow his woman to sleep with others even if she was not technically his.

"Carole, you can't go on a date with Kiba," Richard looked at her and said.

"Sir Richard, I was not aware I need your permission for topics related to my personal life," Carole had enough of nonsense from men. She was not slightly interested in seeing them fighting for her favor as if she was some eye candy. She has her own aspirations and dreams, and she didn't want to be restricted to the role of someone's woman.

"You misunderstood my intent. I'm just saying Kiba is not dating material," Richard explained slowly. "He has a reputation of sleeping with others' wives and participating in orgies. He might even have slept with some poor soul's wife or girlfriend just before he came here."

Eva, who was behind Richard, blinked. She has a smile on her face when Richard spoke the last sentence

"Idiot fiance, you have no idea how right you are!" Eva thought in her heart.

She quickly wiped her smile and went on with the image she has created - shy and reserved - the ideal woman.

"Not to mention his affairs, from what I know he has a habit of dating multiple women at the same time," Richard tried to be more convincing by bringing his enemy's history. "How can you go on a date with a man who doesn't know the meaning of faithfulness?"


"He is a textbook example of a womanizer! The type of man every woman should be wary of!"

Carole didn't reply. She already knew about the scandals Kiba has created. She has said what she has said after considering everything in mind.

Carole was mature enough to know the man she was going out with. Besides, it was just a date and not some marriage.

"Hey! Richard, are you forgetting my presence?" Kiba asked with a smile.

He didn't really care about what Jack and Richard said. He has tried to take advantage of Carole multiple times, so it hardly made a difference for him if they spoke anything negative about him. She already knew about his affairs and his image.

That didn't mean he will forgive Richard and Jack. He wouldn't mind the words of a woman but a man was totally different.

"Tell me, what wrong I have done by helping needy women?" Kiba asked Jack and Richard.

"Needy woman?" Everyone was surprised about the extent of Kiba's shameless behavior.

Do you call having an affair with someone's wife as helping a needy woman?

Do you call dating multiple girls at the same time as helping needy women?

How can someone be so thick-skinned?

You are nothing but a womanizer!

"Every woman has a desire to be appreciated for her beauty," Kiba explained respectfully. "I show my appreciation by making love."

Carole: "........"

"Is there any better way to show one's admiration other than love?"

Carole: "......."

Kiba gave a sigh. He has a profound expression on his face as if the world couldn't understand his burden.

"Beauty not appreciated is a sin! The greatest of all sins!"

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