My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-322 Bitter-Sweet

CH-322 Bitter-Sweet

1Opening the bedroom door with a loud thud, she entered the room and went straight to the balcony. She sat in a corner and started crying. She now realized her mistake and was sorry for it but she didn't like Alex's way of treating her in front of everyone. But still she was crying even more thinking what would have happened if that young man had not caught her in time. At that time she needed her husband but he was busy humulating her in front of everyone. Now She would not dare to face all those people again.     3

Unaware of her husband's presence in the bedroom who was hearing her heart-wrenching sobs, she was crying loudly. Her jaw and arm were in very pain. Her body was curled up like a fetus on the floor.     

Her every sob was like a deep stab to his heart. He wanted to go close to her and wrap his arms around her but he was too reluctant to do that. The thing from their past he does not want to repeat again unknowingly he did it today. He was very angry with himself that he had hurt his young wife again     

Sometime later when there was any voice of her cries, he came to the balcony and seeing her in a corner in a fetal position his heart ached. It looked like she had no one in this large world. It was a pitiful sight that Alexander couldn't bear to look at any longer and he moved closer to her. Crouching down he picked her up in his arms. Seeing her cheeks filled with tears, the corners of his eyes became wet but he immediately looked at the open sky which prevented his tears from coming out.     

Taking her to the room, he laid her on the bed and went to get the first aid kit. After bringing the first aid kit, he sat near her head and first treated her arms and then applied ointment to her cheeks.     


When she opened her eyes, it was already morning. She went to the washroom to do her morning routine. After showering, as she stood in front of the full-length mirror and her gaze fell on her jaw, she was reminded of Alexander's brutal behaviour from the previous day. She touched her jaw. It was less painful than yesterday.     

She removed her bathrobe from her shoulders to reveal her arms which left her chest almost exposed. And she was surprised to see the waterproof bandages on her arm. How did she miss this and who treated her wound? This thought came to her mind and then she remembered that yesterday she was not in the room but on the balcony but this morning she opened her eyes in the room on their bed. There was no doubt that it was done by someone other than her husband. Because who will dare to touch her when he is there? A bitter smile appeared on her lips and she blinked her eyes to keep the tears from falling.     

She was about to open her bathrobe to put on her clothes because even today there was already a dress in the bathroom for her but stopped when her eyesight halted at her neck and her eyes widened. She went near the mirror to take a closer look because her neck was adorned with her wedding chain and it was the same wedding chain that she had bought from her savings and Raghav had broken it. She had many memories related to this chain.     

Then her eyes fell on her ring finger which also already had a ring present on it. This was her engagement ring.     

These two things which were very close to her heart were broken by Raghav, but today, seeing them again in their former state, her heart was filled with so many emotions.     

She was so busy looking at her wedding chain and ring that she didn't notice when Alexander came and stood behind her. His eyes followed her every move. But when she saw him through the mirror, she immediately turned to leave. But it was no use as his arms were already wrapped around her body and he pulled her towards him.     

Her back rested against his chest and he immediately buried his face in the crook of her neck and tightened his grip around her stomach causing her bathrobe to be pulled down and her chest fully exposed. She tried to release her from his grip but it was impossible for her and she could not even correct her bathrobe with her hands as his arms were wrapped around her body from above both her hands. She had no choice but to remain in the same position.     

They both remained in the same position for a long time and after a while, Alexander broke the uncomfortable silence between them and said, "I know my actions are unforgivable but I am ashamed of yesterday. I should not have acted like that." These words of his and she became completely emotional.     

"I am also ashamed of my behaviour yesterday," she muttered in a low voice. How long was she going to blame Alex for yesterday's incident because yesterday was her first mistake? "I know you tried to stop me many times but I didn't listen to you. But what am I going to do because after so many years I felt so carefree? After Dad left, there was always some kind of pressure on me. Yesterday was the first day after so many years that I..." a sob escaped from her mouth before finishing the sentence.     

"I don't want to remember those days but still the early days of our marriage were nothing less than Hell for me." Hearing this Alexander tightened his grip around her and kissed her neck sweetly.     

"I'm sorry, yesterday I didn't think about my pregnancy. I did not think so much moving was not good for me." He released his hold on her and hugged her after turning her in his arms.     

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