My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-279 She Is My Wife.

CH-279 She Is My Wife.

3Mrs Gracie was the same doctor who had checked Avery earlier after coming to this city. When Alexander called and gave instructions to Mrs Gracie, she was confused as to what happened to Avery in just four days. Alexander had not told her everything clearly on the phone call and it was clear from his words that he was in an urgency.      1

They were outside the city in an area where no one came commonly. It was a deserted outer street.     

Ranveer was sitting on a big rock on the side of the road. He was looking blankly at the darkness.     

"I know what you are thinking." suddenly Alexander's strong voice fell on his ears. He thought that Alexander couldn't talk normally to anyone apart from Avery.     

God! He wasn't a desperate girl who needed Alexander's gentle words. But still, there is a way of doing a conversation with anyone which he didn't see in Alexander. He understood very well that Alexander's gentle side was only for Avery.     

Alexander's body was leaning against a nearby tree trunk. One of his hands was in the front pocket of his pants and the other hand had a cigarette. He was smoking a cigarette in the night.     

He was looking calm and composed from the outside but only he was aware of his inner turmoil.     

His wife was in a lot of pain. He did not know what exactly happened to her. He did not know if his baby would survive or not. He took a long breath of the cigarette and released it into the air looking at the dark sky.     

"She is my wife. It has been six months since we married. She is much younger than me but she is my everything. She is my love. She is my soul. She is my life." It was hard for Ranveer to accept this reality but what else he could do? But unknowingly this time he was not so shocked as before.     

"Why are you telling me this?" Somehow Alexander's words were like salt to Ranveer's wounds.     

Ranveer's reply brought a smirk to Alex's lips and his next word surprised Ranveer, "Because I know you have feelings for my wife."     

For a moment, Ranaveer did not understand what to say. He had never told anyone that he liked Avery. Then how did Alexander come to know about this? If the situation, time and the person who was asking were different, he would have accepted this. But accepting that now was nothing but humiliation and that too in front of Alex.     

"Don't talk nonsense." Alexander laughed and dropped the cigarette in his hand on the ground before crushing it with his shoes.     

"Officer I am not someone who talks nonsense and I am not here to make sure whether you like my wife or not because I already know the truth."     

"Officer... " Ranveer whispered and was stunned once again. Nobody knew that he was an undercover officer except some important people. So how did Alex know?     

"And you should be thankful to God because you are the first person with whom I am still talking, even after knowing his interest in my wife. I can say that you are a playboy but a good person. People need a person like you in this society and that is the only reason you are still alive. If there was another person in this place, he would be six feet under the ground by now." Alex's tone went from normal to hard.     

Avery and I have a secret marriage so I think you can keep your mouth shut." This was Alex's warning. Alexander was like a mysterious person to Ranveer. He was like an unsolved puzzle that only he could solve.     

"How you know abou... " Sebastian's unannounced entry took place in the middle of Ranveer's sentence. Boss Doctor Gracie wants to share some words with you. Suddenly Alex's heart stopped beating but he was prepared for whatever the outcome might be and Avery was more important to him anyway than the unborn child.     

A person who knows Ranveer's biggest secret and knows what's on his mind may not be a normal person. Ranveer's eyes followed Alexander till he reached the ambulance. He immediately recognized Sebastian as well. He once saw Avery getting into Sebastian's cab. He wondered at that time why this cab driver was opening the door for her and from his physique he didn't look like a cab driver at all. He thought it was strange but he didn't think much about it but now it all became clear to him.     

"Sir, madam and baby both are fine." These words comforted Alexander. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. "This only become possible because Madam's treatment was done on time otherwise what would have happened I can't say. But still, we have to run some tests on her and for that, we have to take her to the hospital."     

"After that, I can take her home."     

"Hmmm....." Dr Gracie took a momentary pause. "I would like to advise you to keep her under observation in the hospital for three days."     

"It is not necessary. "     

"But sir.... " The doctor tried to stop him.     

" I will arrange a doctor and nurse at home. So you don't have to worry about anything. And this is the last time you try to oppose me. I hope this mistake will not happen in the future"     

The doctor knew where she had gone wrong. She lowered her head and said, "Yes sir."     

"Is there anything else?"     

"Yes, there is one more thing." The doctor hesitated a bit.     

Alex narrowed his eyes at her hesitation.     

"She has an acid burn on her chest. The wound was still fresh and burning her skin slowly. It was a good thing that the acid wasn't too strong, otherwise, her flesh would have burned deep. But it was still strong enough to burn the top layers of her flesh. It may leave scars on her body which can be removed by surgery."     

"Her chest... Acid.... Burn." These words kept spinning in Alex's head. His body shuddered at the thought of his little wife being so tormented by that motherfucker.     

"And she also has bruises on her thigh and back."     

"Hmmm. He did not understand exactly how to react. "Can I see her?" Only these words came out of his mouth.     

"Yes, She is currently unconscious due to the sedative but will regain consciousness in the next two to three hours."     

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