My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-103: Alex, I want to talk with my daughter-in-law

CH-103: Alex, I want to talk with my daughter-in-law

3He grabbed Avery's chin and held it up.  Avery was feeling his breath on her face.      0

"See how beautiful you were looking at our wedding." He turned her face to the screen.     

Avery's heart was filled with a different kind of happiness when she saw wedding photos on the big screen. She had no idea how Alex managed those photos.  She wanted to ask Alex.  But she didn't ask thinking that, 'he is a devil who could do anything.'     

Now Avery's face was towards the screen and Alex was holding her from the back.  Alex's both hands wrapped around her belly and his chin on her shoulders.     

Avery felt urge emotions, especially when she was two photos.     

The first photo shows Alex was filling her head with a pinch of vermilion.  And in the second photo, Alex was tying a wedding chain around her neck.  Avery unknowingly placed her hand on Alex's hand which was on her stomach.  As she feared Alex would run away from her.  But in the next moment, Clara's thoughts came in her head and she removed her hand from hand.     

At that time, Alex's behaviour caused her to sink into an ocean of confusion.     

Avery had seen only four wedding photos when suddenly she heard Alex's words.     

"Avery, I want to feel your lips."     

"Ale..."  Before Avery could say anything, Alex held her chin on the place and brought his lips close to hers.  They were both feeling each other's breath.  Alex was about to seal Avery's lips with his lips when suddenly the whole hall was light up.  "Ethan." He cursed in his breath.     

Due to sudden light, Avery again hid in Alex's arms.  At that time Alex's arms were the safest place in that party hall for her.  Alex chuckled on her cute behaviour and wrapped his arms around her small frame.     

"It's Okay.  No need to fill embarrass." He assured her but she said nothing.     

After realizing that Avery is relaxed now Alex turned his attention to the rest.     

"Does anyone else have an interest in my private life?" There was pin-drop silent. Where no one dared say a single word, a person wanted to talk with Avery.  And that person was none other than a kind woman in a purple gown. That kind woman was about to say something when an old lady put her hand on her shoulder.     

"Eliza! The situation is not so simple. Handle it properly because she is very scared."     

"Yes Mom, I will." That kind lady's name was Eliza.  And she was none other than Alex's mother.     

She signalled a nearby waiter and called him.  When the waiter approached her.  She put her glass in his tray.  And stepped towards the couple, who was standing in the centre of the hall. She stood in front of Alex     

"Alex, I want to talk with my daughter-in-law." As soon as Avery heard the word Daughter in Law,  her stable body began to tremble again.  She couldn't see Alex's mother's face because her face was in Alex's chest.  But she felt that voice was familiar.     

Alex nodded his head and leaned down. "Ave..."     

Before Alex could say anything to her, she began to shake her head vigorously. Seeing his wife's refusal, he said nothing and turned his attention to his mother.      


"No problem.  She needs to take rest for a while, it's already too much for her. You take her, I'll stop the party here." Eliza cut him.     

"No Mom! Please don't do that.  Today is your marriage anniversary.  Dad is already not here. And also Kaylee has worked very hard to organize this party. So for sake of her decoration." Alex paused for a moment and then continued, "I hope you understand what I mean."     


After talking his mother, Alex picked up Avery in his arms and went towards stairs.  Before climbing on the stairs, he turned again to the party hall where all the guests were standing like the statue.     

Avery's face was still hidden in his warm chest.  The firm fists of her hands were on his chest.  His shirt was ruined by her tears.     

"I hope all of you don't open your mouth to anyone about what happened at the party today."     


Alex gently laid Avery on the bed and sat down beside her on the edge of the bed.  Leaning over her body, he placed one hand on her cheek and the other on the bed to support his own weight.  He started rubbing her cheeks.     

"Open your eyes." He demanded to her for opening her closed eyes.  She gently opened her eyes.  Seeing his face very close to hers made her heart beat faster. Due to nervousness, she gripped the corner of her lower lip in her teeth.     

"Don't." He freed her lips from the grip of her teeth with the help of thumb.     

"Don't hurt your self."  Alex places a very soft kiss on her forehead. "Take a rest for a while.  I'll be back in a little soon." She was terrified when she heard that he was going to left her alone for a while.  She quickly put her hand on his chest and grabbed his shirt.     

"Alex I.... " Her voice became teary.     

"Don't panic.  I'm just going to teach a lesson to those who scared you in that bedroom."     

"You know that?"     

"Hmm." He moved his finger from her cheek to her neck.   putting his hand on her nape he lifted her neck.  Causing her head to tilt backwards.  She quickly moved her hands from his chest to shoulder and gripped his shoulders tightly.     

"Alex, What are you doing?" Her breathing became heavy.     

"Shuu.  Let me check if your neck hurts."  His breath was fanning around her neck. "Does it hurt?"     

"No, He didn't grab it too hard."     

"But I want to check."  After checking, Alex stared at her slender neck for a while.  He wanted to kiss her there but he controlled his own desire.  He comfortably adjusted her head on the pillow after he removed his hand from her nape.     

He put his head on hers and closed his eyes.  Avery had both hands on his shoulders.  She knew in that look that Alex was thinking something.  But she did not know what he was thinking.     

"I have to go now.  No one will bother you in this room."  After saying this, he got up from the bed. Just as he was about to leave, Avery grabbed his wrist.  Just as she was about to say 'come quickly'  her attention was drawn on their hands.     

She quickly let go of Alex's hand and withdrew her hand.     

"Nothing. You can go now."  Seeing her hesitation, Alex leaned down and cupped her face and raised it a little.     

"I'll be back soon." He said while placing kiss on her forehead.     



Study Room.     

Alex was sitting on a leather chair with one leg folded over the other.  His siblings in front of him were trembling with fear with their hands bowed.  They had a cold sweat on their head. The two of them didn't dare look at Alex.     

"Whose idea was that?" There was anger in Alex's calm voice.     

"..." No answer.     

"Aiden and Amaya I'm asking you again. Whose idea was that?"     

"Brother, How do you know?"  Aiden asked in a frightened voice.  Alex smirked at Aidan's words.      

"What do you two think? You could have gone closer to Avery without my knowledge."     


"Can you tell me why did you scare Avery in the darkness?"     


"I will not repeat."     

"Brother, That was Amaya's idea," Aiden answered.     

"Amaya?"  Alex turned his attention to his sister.  Amaya let out a long sigh and lifted her head.     

"Brother, firstly she didn't want to come with me when I went to take her for the party.  She was ready only because of my stubbornness.  But then all of a sudden she ran into the room and went to the bathroom and started vomiting.  I had a little doubt at that time.     

I suspected she was pregnant.     

I told her to take a rest and left but I told her before I left that she would come to the party after she felt better.  I waited for her but she never came.  So I made this plan because I wanted everyone to know that Avery is the wife of the young master of the Hill Family.     

I don't like that you haven't told anyone about her existence yet. Now If you think I did something wrong, you can punish me."     

"I will not punish you because you had good intentions.  But this is the last time for both of you. If you bother her again, I will not tolerate it."     

"Thanks, Brother." The two breathed a sigh of relief and turned to get out.     

"Wait!"  Alex stopped them.     

"Thank you for giving her company when I was in Russia."     

"You know this too." They both were shocked.     

"From starting," Alex smirked.     


Note:- My dear readers, I am very happy that you like this novel. Thank you so much for reading all the novels. Your author needs your support and you can show your support by giving a power stone. If you wish to give a gift to the author, your author will welcome the gift with both hands.     

Lots of love to my dear readers. :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes::partying_face::hugging_face:     

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