My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-167: You are the King.

CH-167: You are the King.

3Hmm..." He paused for a few seconds and asked again. "Aren't you hungry? You don't feel like eating anything. And what happened with you in the canteen? Why you suddenly lose your balance? Do you still feel weak? Do you want to go to the hospital?"      0

When she heard this, she remembered the incident in the canteen and felt ashamed. She bit her lower lip and her elbow hit him in the stomach.     

"Aahh.." He growled dramatically and then turned her. "What made you hit me like a little wild cat." He teased her. But instead of saying anything to him, she put her head on his chest. "Please don't remind me of that incident."     

"Ok..ok. I will not." With that, he picked her up in his arms and moved. She was a little surprised by his sudden act and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Why did you pick me up?"     

" Because I wanted to?" In the next moment, he reached near his King size leather chair. First, he sat on the chair and then comfortably placed her on his lap. He removed the bag from her back and placed it on the table. He then placed his left hand on her waist, grabbed her very securely. His right hand picked up the bag next to his table and placed it on the table.     

"What is this?"     

"Aren't you hungry?"     

"Hmm..." She said, rolling her hands over her stomach. "Super hungry."     

"That's why I brought lunch for you."     

"That's why you called me to the office."     

" Yes, my little wife."     

"Did you eat?" She asked.     

He placed his forehead on her and said rubbing her cheek. "How can I eat without my wife."     


"Yes, my little cat."     

"Okay, let's have lunch together hubby."     

"Hmph." He widened his eyes after hearing the word hubby out of her mouth. "What did you say?"     

"Let's have lunch together."     

"No no after that."     

" Hmm... let me think." She said as she patted her index finger on her chin.     

"Come on Ave, don't be like this. You knew very well what exactly you said."     

"But I really don't remember." She blinked her puppy eyes.     

"Ok! Forget it." He said and at the same time started opening the lunch box. Seeing him like that made her smile and she immediately grabbed his wrist.     

"What now?" He said with slight irritation. He was a little annoyed because she didn't call hubby to him again. She took his free hand and placed it on her waist.     

'What's going on in this little kitty's head?' This thought narrowed his eyebrows.     

Then she wrapped both her arms around his neck and she stretched her back. She moved her face closer to his and kissed his cheek. Then she brought her lips to his ears and whispered. "I said, hubby." These were the most romantic words she has ever said to him. At that time, he just wanted her to keep saying that again and again.     

A beautiful and wide smile formed on his lips which made the dimples on his cheeks visible. His cheek Flushed Red.     

Avery pulled her face out and brought it in front of his face. She immediately asked when her gaze went to his cheeks. "Why your cheeks are looking red? Do you have a fever?" She placed her palm on his head. "Body temperature is normal."     

"Haaa.." She gasped and asked in surprise. "Are you blushing?" Whispering     

"What? Are you mad? Don't say nonsense. Let's eat now." He said picking up the spoon.     

"No-No. I'm not mad. I know when someone's cheeks turned red and body temperature is normal, that person is blushing." She explains the blush in such a way like she was telling the definition.     

"There is nothing like that." He turned his face other side but the blush was visible on his cheek.     

"Look. Now you are turning your face." Aver grabbed his chin and turned his face towards her. "Now tell me why you are blushing."     

"No! I am not.."     

"Shuu...Don't deny it."     


"Now tell me fast."     

"Huu..." He let out a long sigh. "Okay, I'm blushing. Now happy!"     

"But why."     

"It's not important. Let's eat. Otherwise, the food will be cold."     

"No No...tell me first."     

"Avery you are so stubborn." Winked     

"I know." She winked.     

He placed his free hand on her waist and pulled her even closer. He leaned his head on her shoulder. "I was blushing because you called me hubby."     

"Oh! How Cute." She dipped her hand into his hair and began to rub. "I never thought Devil could blush too."     

"Who do you call Devil?"     

"To you. The Underworld king."     

"Huh," He lifted his face.     

"Anyway. You look so cute while blushing. No one can believe that Underworld King can blush. I still remember, How scared those three maids were when you revealed your true identity."     

"You still remember that incandescence." He asked looking into her eyes.     

She flinched little and hugged him, placing her head on his chest. "Yes! That was very scary. At that time I was just waiting for you. And since you didn't come for a long time, I thought I would never see you again." He wrapped both his arms around her firmly and hugged her trembling body intensely.     

"I thought I would never be able to give birth to our baby. Even today's I sometimes remember that incident and be scared when I am alone in the room."     

"You don't have to fear. I will always be with you."     

"Hmm." She closed her eyes.     

They both stayed that way for a while.     

Then she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Alex."     

"Say." He said looking at her.     


"Say what you want to say. Don't be hesitant."     

She took a deep breath and began to speak. "I heard that the people in Underworld are very bad. They all work illegally. 'Drugs, human trafficking.' This is their main business. And you are the"     

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