My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-165 : Natural Juice.

CH-165 : Natural Juice.

1"He was not as cold as I thought. Most likely it was because his girlfriend was no longer with him. Because the president I know would have insulted you today, he would not have thought of anything and would have simply blamed you. And if his girlfriend Clara had been with him, things would have been horrible. I think the President has started liking."     2

David was so engrossed in his babbling that he didn't even realize that the soft spot of Avery's heart hit as soon as Clara's name was mentioned and two drops of tears fell from her beautiful eyes to her hand.     

But when Raina notices it, she puts her hand on David's shoulder. "Can you please shut your mouth?"     

"But why?"     

"Because of Ave..."     

"Miss Miller!" Before Raina could finish her sentence, she heard Avery's name in a very calm voice and she turned looked at the person. In front of them stood Lucas with a bottle in his hand.     

"Sir, You are here.." Emily asked him surprisingly.     

"Yes, I'm here to see Miss Miller."     

"But why," David asked immediately because he didn't like Lucas from day one.     

"But why?" Lucas repeated David words while narrowing his eyes at David's question. It was clear from the expression on his face that he was very angry with David.     

"Mr David, don't forget that I am your professor." Lucas's words were very simple but the meaning behind them was too big for David to notice. David pressed his lips into a thin line and turned his head towards the other direction. Lucas approaches Avery and stretches out his hand in front of her.     

"Miss Miller, take this."     

Avery looked at him with her crystal clear eyes and asked. "What is this?"     


"Juice?" Emily and Raina said looking at each other.     

"What's so shocking about this? I've seen what happened in the canteen and I know you haven't eaten anything since that mess. So take this."     

"But sir."     

"Just take. This juice is completely natural and made by my mother." Suddenly Lucas bent down a bit and took Avery's hand in his and placed that bottle in her hand. Lucas's sudden cold touch caused a current to run through her body and she quickly pulled her hand back from his. " sir." Her words stuttered and she said looking down in a slow voice.     

"Okay! Now drink this."     

"Huh?" She looked at him in surprise. Not only she but also Raina and Emily looked at him. Because they thought it was okay to give her a bottle of juice, but it was too much in their eyes to drink the juice in his presence. And upon all this, she was pregnant, so they were both very afraid about her health.     


"It's Ok!" Avery cut Emily's sentence in the middle before she finished her sentence. Because she didn't want that argument to be too much. And her inner feeling was telling that Lucas would not harm her in any way. She opened the lid of the bottle and held it close to her lips.     

Her mobile phone rang just as she was about to take a sip of juice. She pulled the mobile out of her bag and when she saw Alex's name on the screen, she immediately picked up the phone and held it close to her ear. When she said hello, she immediately heard Alex's voice from the other side. "Come to my office Love." He said her very affectionately because he knew that her mind was already in the mess because of what had happened in the canteen. And he didn't want her to be afraid of him. Avery was a little relieved when she heard Alex's loving voice.     

She quickly put her mobile in the bag and closed the bottle lid. Seeing her closing the lid, Lucas quickly asked her. "Why are you closing the lid of the bottle?"     

"Because I have to go." She said as she got up from the bench.     

"But at least finish your juice."     

"I'm sorry sir but I'm in a hurry. I'm taking this bottle with me. I will drink this later." She said as she hung her bag on her back and then looked at her friends. "I'll call you later."     

"Ok." Raina and Emily said simply because they knew where she was going. But David didn't know, so he asked immediately. "But where are you going?"     

"I have important work to do." She preferred to lie with him rather than answer his question.     


When Avery reached outside Alex's office, Ethan was standing near the office door with a blue file in his hand. He was seriously looking into the file. She decided not to disturb him and knocked on the door very slowly.     

But because it was so close, Ethan heard a knock on the door, and he looked up, and with that door of the office opened. When the door was opened, Alex was standing in the doorway in front of Avery because he had opened the door. She couldn't stop herself after seeing him in front of her eyes and she threw herself on him.     

She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. Due to her sudden act, Alex was taken a little back. It was her first time to throw herself on him in such a way that made him a little surprised. But he felt pleased to feel her in his arms and then he also wrapped his arms around her small frame.     

Ethan smiled as he saw the two of them in each other's arms like a lovebird. But all of a sudden in the next moment he felt chilly and when he looked at his boss he saw the anger in the boss's eyes. A cold sweat came over his head and he left out of there quickly.     


Note( please read):- I am very grateful to all those who have paid for the privilege. You have helped your author by buying a privilege. And a big thank you to all the readers who are reading this Locked Chapter by paid. And they are requested to read all the chapters that I am uploading today and tomorrow before midnight tomorrow(GMT+8). Thanks also to all the other readers who are supporting this novel. Stay tuned because I'm going to upload a lot of chapters in these two days. And a big thank you to all the readers who are reading this Locked Chapter.     

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