My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-66: Is my wife scared?

CH-66: Is my wife scared?

2Note :- Today I am very happy because today this story completed 1M views. And it all happened because of all of you. Thank you very much for liking the story.      3


It was seven o'clock in the morning and the sun already had knocked on everyone's door. Avery slowly opened her eyes and got up and sat on the bed. Everything that happened at night was causing her headaches and making her feel weak. She was still in her previous day's clothes. Because by the time she got home, she already had fallen asleep in Alex's arms, and when they got home, Alex had laid her straight on the bed without changing her clothes. And covered her body with a blanket.     

She got off the bed, put her feet down and stood up. She started walking but could not walk properly due to her weakness. She suddenly felt dizzy and lost her balance and was about to fall on the floor then suddenly two strong hands picked her up in his arms.     

"What were you doing?" Her eyes were closed due to dizziness but her ears could hear that strong voice. With great difficulty, she opened her eyes and looked at the owner of voice. Her husband's face was in front of her eyes. He had just been bathed. Even in a simple white shirt and loose pants, he looked like a high-class model.     

"What happened Avery," he asked her again. "I'm feeling dizzy and very weak," she answered his question with great difficulty and in a low voice. Placing her head on his chest she closed her eyes again. She had completely forgotten what had happened in the police station at night due to her poor condition.     

Alex sat her on the bed and fed her with water. She hadn't eaten anything since the day before, so Alex asked Mrs Kim to make Avery's favourite breakfast. Alex was at home because it was a Sunday and there was nothing to do. He was well aware of Avery's condition so he took care of her that morning until she felt better. He fed her breakfast that day. Since there was no energy in Avery's body, she did not oppose him. She let him do what he had to do for her.     

It was evening and Avery was much better than morning. She first completed her college assignment and then started doing office work. She still did not fully understand why she was suddenly apprehended by the police. She thought the reason given to her by the police officer was false. When she was back to normal, she began to make gap between Alex and her. What Alex did with Nora at the police station made her even more frightened.     

She still didn't know that the police had taken her to the police station at Alex's command.     


It was time for dinner. Avery was walking from the bedroom and Alex from the study room towards the dining hall. Avery's condition was much better than the morning but she was feeling a little weak.     

Just as she was about to sit down on a chair, Alex picked her up in the air and placed her on his lap. Avery was a bit surprised by his behaviour. "Alex what are you doing"     

"Don't you see". His Answer made Avery speechless. After a few moments of silence, she spoke again. "Alex all the servants are present here. I feel uncomfortable..." before Avery will complete her sentence, "LEAVE". Alex's loud voice echoed throughout the dining hall and all the servants went away, leaving the two of them alone.     

Avery was a little frightened by his sudden voice and unknowingly she grabbed his arm.     

"Is my wife scared?" He asked looking at Avery. At his words, Avery let go of his arms and looked down at her lap. Alex sarcastically smirked on her action and grabbing her chin he raised her face. "Where did your fear go last night? My little wife."     

Avery had noticed that it was time to experience the consequences of what she had done at the police station at night. Alex tightened his grip on her waist and she began to feel pain on her waist.     

"Speak Avery," he said again but there was no sound coming out of her mouth due to fear. "Say Avery", he yelled at her and at the same time he tightened his grip on her waist and on her chin. This time she was in great pain and tears were flowing from her eyes. Alex lifted his eyebrows. "Why are you crying?"     

With his every word, her fears increases. "I'm asking you something." She was trying to speak but only air was coming out from her mouth.     

"Avery how old is your brother?" Seeing her not speaking, Alex started threatening her about her brother.     

"If anything happens to him tomorrow...."     

"No." She yelled and suddenly grabbed his collar.     

"No no no. No Alex. You won't do anything to Liam. Say, Alex, say please." She was loving Liam more than herself. She was not thinking about her life for Liam. And seeing that Alex was threatening her with Liam, she was very scared. She was scared just because of imagination and reality was too far for her.     

She unknowingly catches Alex's face. That was the first time she caught Alex's face that way. She had completely forgotten the pain that was happening to her at that time. All she could think about was Liam's.     

"Alex, please don't do anything with him. I will do whatever you say." She said placing her hand on her chest. Before Alex could ask her anything, she started talking. "I will not tell anyone that we are husband and wife. I will not tell anyone that you do not love me. I will listen to you. I will not create any problem with Clara."     

She was constantly crying and begging him. Alex was looking at her with an expressionless look. "If you want, I won't stay in the bedroom. Yes yes it is right. You keep Clara with you, I will shift to the guest room." Hearing Avery's words, Alex looked up and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. He was suppressing his emotions somewhere.     

Avery was acting like crazy just because Liam's name came up. Because she knew Alex could do anything. Seeing that Alex was not looking at her, she grabbed his face again with her small hands and made him look at her. Crying, she was having trouble speaking.     

" Say Alex please." Alex said nothing and suddenly hugged her.     

"Calm down Avery. Don't cry I will not do anything with Liam. I was just kidding you." Avery calmed down after Alex repeated this sentence over and over again.     

He pulled her apart from a little and held her face in his hands. "I have nothing to do with Liam but remember that what happened last night should not happen again." Avery had no choice but to listen to him. She nodded her head like a little child. Alex wiped away her tears and gave her water to drink. After drinking the water, Avery put the glass down and started to get up from his lap. He immediately grabbed her on place, "where are you going".     

"In the room."     

" why?" He said, pointing to the dinner plate. "You have to eat."     

"I'm not hungry."     

"Be a good girl. Don't behave like a stubborn child. Forgive me for today." He pulled her close to his chest and began to feed her. Although he had apologized to her, fear in her heart did not diminish. So she sat quietly like an obedient child without opposing him.     

He was about to pick her up after the meal when his phone rang so he sat in the same position and kept talking on the phone. He had a mobile in one hand and he was holding her close to his chest with the other hand. Avery's head was on his warm chest, his heartbeat was working like music for her.     

After a while, her eyes started getting heavy and she fell asleep right there. Alex was talking on the phone but his full attention was on his small and delicate wife who was in his arms. When he noticed her steady breath, he saw that she was asleep. He soon finished his conversation and picked her up in his arms and led her into their bedroom.     

After laying her on the bed, he took the ointment from a nearby drawer. He laid her on her stomach and lifted her top. The place on her waist where he had grabbed so hard a while ago had turned completely red and purple. Tears welled up in his eyes as he applied the ointment.     

"I'm sorry Avery I was so bad with you today." After applying the ointment, he adjusted her clothes. He would cover her body with a blanket and then kiss her on forehead.     

"Good night little one." After saying that, he left for study room.     

It was two o'clock at night. After finishing all the work, Alex returned to the bedroom. Instead of the sofa, he lay down next to Avery on the bed and pulled her towards him. As she approached Alex, Avery hid her face in his chest. And the two fell asleep like this.     

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