My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-88: Lucas's offer part one

CH-88: Lucas's offer part one

1Avery and Raina were standing in the doorway after the principal left. Avery's heart pounded when she looked up at Alex. She had been trying to hide from Alex for the last fifteen days. She didn't want to come in front of Alex. But today she had to come in front of him against her will which made her nervous.     0

"Now come inside and close the door." He commanded them both in a normal but strong voice. Now the office door was closed and two cute delicate bunnies were standing in front of a mighty tiger. The two of them were silently standing with their heads down. Alex looked at the two of them for a moment and smirked at the obedient of two of them.     

"Miss Emily Please sit down." Alex pointed to the couch. After Emily sat on the couch, Avery was now standing alone. After Emily sat on the couch, Alex approached Avery without a moment's delay. Suddenly seeing Alex right in front, Avery's eyes widened in surprise. In front of her, Alex was standing stiffly with his hands in his pockets. She was barely reaching his chest.     

Emily felt like the third wheel between husband and wife. She had no idea what was going to happen between two of them, so she wanted to get out of there.     

But that time she didn't think it was right to speak so she picked up the magazine from the front table to divert her mind. She grabbed a magazine in front of her face so that her face was completely hidden.     

Alex quickly took Avery's hand which was wrapped in a bandage in his hand.     

"What happened to your hand"     

"You should have nothing to do with it." Avery quickly jerked her hand. Avery's move increased Alex's anger. She turned around a bit. Just as she was about to ask Emily to go out, Alex suddenly grabbed her by shoulders and pushed her against the wall.     

"Can I go out." Emily heard a little noise, so she glanced outside the magazine. When She saw Alex was pressing Avery to the wall she stood up unknowingly and she quickly uttered words from her mouth.     


After Alex said no, she had no choice. She sat quietly on the couch again and dipped her head into the magazine.     

"Alex leave me. What are you doing?"     

" I know what I'm doing. " Alex tightened his grip on her shoulder.     

"Alex Emily is here. "     

" I don't care."     

" But I."     

"So tell me."     

" why. You started to worry about me."     

"If you want me to find out in my own way in front of your best friend Emily what happened to you. So don't say." Alex had a devilish smile on his face and his thumb was moving on her rosy lips. Avery couldn't believe her ears but she knew Alex could do that. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.     

"Now please tell."     

"Today when I was in the living room." She paused for a moment.     

"What happened when you were in the living room." He put his hand on her cheek and began to rub her cheek. His gaze was unbreakable in which Avery swallowed. She would have lost herself in his gaze but her intuition gave her a voice, 'Don't lost your self in his magical gaze.'     

"What happened when you were in the living room." He again asked her.     

"When I was standing near the couch in the living room, I was suddenly hit by someone. I couldn't handle my self and fell down. I quickly put my hands on the floor to save myself. But where I put my hand was a piece of sharp glass, and that cut my hand.     

Alex narrowed his eyes. He felt something abnormal. "How was the glass in the living room." Avery saw the changing expression on his face and unknowingly put his hand on his chest. After Nora's matter, she realized that if Alex wanted to, he could take her life. But he won't let anyone else touch her hair. She feared that he would punish all the servants in the mansion because of what had happened today.     

"Alex, glass was broken so there was a piece of broken glass left." In fact, Avery didn't even know where the glass came from.     

"Okay." Avery breathed a sigh of relief at Alex's ok.     


"Did you go to the doctor?"     



"Because Grandma had bandaged the wound at home."     

"what." He literally shouted.     

"What happened"     

"Nothing, You come with me first. I'll take you to the hospital." Avery felt the warmth in Alex's words. The warmth she had longed for, but now she was afraid of his warmth. She was afraid that if she welcomed his warmth, he would turn his warm into coldness as before. She pushed him with her all might. Her hand hurt as she pushed him and she hisses in pain.     

"Alex I don't want your consolation. You don't love me, so I beg you from my heart to stay away from me. Because when you touch me with your hands, I feel disgusting." Avery lied with great difficulty. Because deep down she knew that she felt safe when Alex touched her but she didn't want to fall into his love trap again.     

"Ave...." Before Alex could say anything, Avery joined her hands in front of him. "I beg you please stay away from me. And when your need for me ends up in your plan, please divorce me. Because after divorcing you, I will be able to start my new life with my mother and brother." Before Alex could say anything, Avery went to the door and opened.     

"Emi Let's go." Emily quietly followed Avery.     

As the two walked away from Alex's office, Emily stopped Avery.     

" Avery you today..... sir....Alex." She didn't know what to say to Avery about what was happened inside the office. Avery put her hand on Emily's shoulder. "Emily All you want to know that how I answered Alex today.' Emily nodded her head.     

"Emi I loved Alex very much but because of his behavior, I started behaving like this with him. I still love Alex so much but his love has always hurt me. I cried a lot for him. Which caused me to bother myself. It's very difficult for me to be strong in front of Alex but I need to do this for myself."     

"You're doing it right Ave." Emily patted her back. "Now let's hurry. We were also called by Sir Lucas." Emily grabbed Avery's hand and led her to Lucas' office.     


At that time     

Lucas had a piece of paper in his hand with Avery's information on it. But the joy that should have been on Lucas's face but it wasn't on his face. Because on that paper only had Avery's mother's name and Avery's previous school name. His assistant was unable to gather any other information about Avery.     

Lucas had sent his assistant to Avery's previous school to gather information about her. But his assistant only knew from her school that there was a smart student named Avery in the school.     

Now Lucas felt that Avery is a very difficult puzzle. He then picked up one of the two paper bunches from his table. He turned the page of that paper bunch. "I hope you will accept this so that I can get to know you more." He placed that paper bunch on table and closed his eyes. Avery's image was rolling in front of his closed eyes.     

"Come inside." Lucas opened his eyes and said when he heard a knock on his office door. Avery was in front of his eyes after opening the door of his office. The goddess of his dreams was in front of him who put a smile on his lips. He sat up straight in his chair. He wanted to give Avery a big hug but it stopped his mind.     

When Avery and Emily went inside his office, he asked them to sit down. Avery had gone to his office but in her head, what Alex had warned her about Lucas was still circulating.     

Avery kicked Emily's leg with her foot. Emily understood Avery's intention and started talking to Lucas.     

"Sir, why did you call us?" Lucas wanted to talk to Avery for a while but the Emily's straightforward question got him to the main point.     

"Actually, I am here to called you to make an offer." He said as he moved the two paper bunches towards them. "What an offer sir."     

"You are both working as a trainee in Alex's company. I want you to do that in my company."     

"No." They both shouted when they heard Lucas' words. Lucas was a little surprised by the screams of the two of them but he regained his composure in an instant.     

"Keep calm and read this before making any decision." Lucas nodded to the two paper bunches. Although they did not want to, they started reading the paper. After reading the paper, there was a look of surprise on their faces.      

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