My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-154: Not this medicine.

CH-154: Not this medicine.

3Her back was against his chest and his hand was on her waist. In this way, she was in his arms which everyone was surprised to see once again. Zuri got angry when she saw the attraction between normal canteen girl and Max. "Max you don't need to help this canteen girl this way." She said and Max answered her without a moment's delay. "You don't have to tell me what I should or shouldn't do."     

Max's words seemed to humiliate her in front of everyone. But not everyone knew exactly what the relationship was between Max and Raina. They all thought how can he talk like this with his fiancee for a canteen girl.     

Yes, Everyone there thought that she was Max's fiancee. Because Zuri had introduced herself to everyone as Max's fiancee.     

"Max leave me..." Raina shouted again. Without saying a word, Max grabbed the bottle of liquid medicine again. And as he was about to pour the liquid on her injured hand, she begged him. "Please don't do this. Not this medicine. It hurts a lot." She placed her backside of the head on his chest.     

"You are in so much pain right now. Am I right?" He whispered in her ear and she felt goosebumps all over her body.     

"But what about the pain in my heart Raina. The pain you gave me without believing in my love. The pain you gave me when you left me. This pain is nothing compared to your pain." All of Max's words were so low that no one else could hear them. "You did not believe me." He said her this again and put a bandage on her injured hand.     

When the bandage was done, he released her from his arms and turned his heel. "We have to go now." He said looking at Zuri. Just as he was about to leave, Raina hugged him from the back. And it was the biggest shock ever to anyone present there.     

"Miss Raina what are you doing? It is not appropriate to hug a stranger like this."     

"Just tell me is she your fiance or not."     

"What?" He reacted by raising his eyebrows. And here came a cold sweat on the Zuri's head. She was afraid that she would be exposed.     

"Max we should now." She felt it was right to leave before the matter got out of control. But before Max could say anything, Raina spoke. "No Max. You're not going anywhere without answering my question." Raina said in the middle of her sob. Then Max turned.     

He put his hand on her shoulder.     

"Miss Raina is my matter. And I have not given you the right to ask this question." Hearing Max's words, the Zuri's heart began to float in her chest. She became very happy and started smiling in her cheeks. On the other hand, Raina started looking at him with her tearful gaze. His words went straight to her heart. She could not bear her burden. But before she could fall to the floor, Max grabbed her waist to hold her in place.     

"Miss Raina. I don't think you're feeling well. You should take a rest." He sat her down on a chair nearby and turned to Kenny's father. "Mr Steve, I have to go now." With that, Max again turned to Zuri. "Let's go." He said in a very simple tone and started to walk away.     

He was a short distance from the main door when suddenly someone grabbed his hand. When he turned around, the person holding his hand was none other than Raina. "What Miss Raina."     

" I want to come back." When he heard this, he immediately said to her. "But where?"     

"I...I want to ... " She didn't understand how to told him that I wanted to come with you.     

But again she didn't want to miss the chance because she knew that Max was deliberately treating her that way. She knew that she made a big mistake which she has to fix. She closed her eyes for a moment, gathered all her strength, and opened her eyes to speak. But before she could open her mouth to speak, Zuri spoke. "Max, We have to leave now. Otherwise, we will be late."     

As she spoke, Raina remembered what she had forgotten, and she quickly asked him. "Is this your fiancee? Are you going to marry her?" Her words were shattering and there was a lot of sadness in them. She looked at him hopefully, waiting for his answer. He was just looking at her without saying anything. His silence was breaking her heart into pieces.     

Seeing that Max was not saying anything, Zuri got a chance and she spoke. "Yes, I am Max's fiancee." She said putting her arm in Max's arm. "And I think you have no right to ask....."     

"No!!" Raina yelled at Zuri before she could finish her sentence and began to punch her little fist on Max's chest. "That cannot happen. You can't do that. She is not fiancee." Her screams echoed throughout the canteen. She was so lost in her madness that she didn't even realize that the white bandage on her hand turned red and blood was dripping from it. She was so lost in her madness that she even forgot that she was standing in the middle of people and everyone was looking at her.     

But when Max gazes fell on her hand, his eyes widened in horror and he quickly grabbed her hand in the air. "Leave my hand. Just leave it." She shouted again. Her face, she looked very miserable and lost in a wet face with tears.     

"Stop Raina. Listen to me first."     

"No! I don't want to hear anything." She was not aware of anything else. At that moment she just wanted to free her hand from his grip.     

"I said stop."     

"No! I'm not! I know you are doing all this with me on purpose. You didn't even ask me the reason for all this."     

Note(please read):- I am very grateful to all those who have paid for the privilege. You have helped your author by buying a privilege. And a big thank you to all the readers who are reading this Locked Chapter by paid. And they are requested to read all the chapters that I am uploading today and tomorrow before midnight tomorrow(GMT+8). Thanks also to all the other readers who are supporting this novel. Stay tuned because I'm going to upload a lot of chapters in these two days.And a big thank you to all the readers who are reading this Locked Chapter     

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