My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-168: I feel like I'm raising a daughter.

CH-168: I feel like I'm raising a daughter.

0"And you are the King so you.....      1

She stopped talking.  She didn't know how to ask him. She was just blinking her star-like eyes.  Seeing her cute expression along with her fear, he couldn't stop himself and started laughing out loud.  She became confused when she saw him laughing like a crazy person.      

After a moment he stopped his laughing and put his hand on her cheek.  "Little Wifey your husband is not a bad person and he did not do anything illegal. "     

"Are you really saying the truth?" Her eyes sparkled little.  "You you..."      

"Yes, I didn't do anything illegal and I will not do in future."     

"Then why did you join the underworld?" Alex started thinking after listening to this question,  'Ave,  You are too naive. Sometimes I feel like I'm not your husband, but your father. I feel like I'm raising a daughter.' He was just looking at her while thinking all this.      

"Why are you looking at me like this. Is there is something wrong with my face."     

"No! Nothing like that and now listen to me.  He removed his hand from her cheek and took her hand in his.  He brought her hand to his lips and began to kiss the tips of her fingers.  Every time his warm lips touched her fingers tips, she felt a different kind of sensation in her body.     

"Just because I rule on underworld doesn't mean I do all the illegal things.  I have made the underworld my own world to gain control and gain power over all these illegal activities."     

"Are you really very powerful? That no one can touch you." Her question was like a five-year-old kid who was trying to figure out something new.      

"Yes. No one can touch me."     

" Does everyone know that you are the Underworld King?"     

"No! Very few people know that."     

"Then why...."     

"Shuu..." He put his hand over her mouth. "You asked a lot of questions.  Now it times to eat."     

She turned her head to the table and stretched out her hand to pick up the spoon.  Just as she was about to hold the spoon, he moved his hand from her shoulder to her palm and interlocked his finger along with hers.  "Let me feed you."     

"Hun.  But you haven't had your lunch either."      

"I can also feed myself too." They both enjoyed their meal very much.     

After lunch, Alex started his work and Avery started walking to every corner of his office.  She would randomly pick up a file or something else from his office and ask him a thousand questions. He, too, was quietly answering her every question.     

And when she was satisfied with her investigation, she sat on the sofa. "Alex, Are you going to the company after finishing your work?" She asked him suddenly.      

He lifted his gaze from the laptop screen and looked at her.  "And why are you asking this?"     

"Just normally."     

"I know you don't ask anything normally.  So tell me a reason."     

"I want you at home with me," she said while playing with her fingers and looking at her lap.  He smiled a little when he heard her.  He signalled to her with his fingers.  "Come here."     

She got up from the couch and walked over to him.  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.  Then he comfortably placed her on his lap.  "What happened?  Are you bored?"     

"It's not like that but I want to sleep."      

"You can sleep here."     

"But How?" He made her more comfortable and placed her head on his chest.  He folded his arm and took his overcoat, which was placed on the headrest of his chair.  He wrapped the coat around her body.  He rubbed her face and kissed her on the head.      

"Sleep, my love." He whispered in her ear. After a while, her eyes became heavy and she surrendered herself to darkness.      


Alex was still typing on the laptop and Avery was sleeping in his arms with her hand on his chest.  He was working but was paying attention to her from time to time.  After some time, suddenly the sound of mobile ringing.  That voice was coming from Avery's bag.  Alex stopped typing on the keyboard and took her college bag.  He put his hand inside to pull out the mobile.  He pulled out her mobile but at the same time, his eyes went to the juice bottle given to her by Lucas.  He also took the bottle out of her bag and placed it on the table.  When he looked at the screen of mobile, the name 'Mom' was on the screen.  He quickly received the call and held it close to his ear.      

"Hello, Ave!"  Avery's mother said.     

"It's not Ave.  It's me your son in law."     

"Where is Ave." Her mother asked from another side.     

"She is sleeping.  Do you have any urgent work?"     

"No. Just tell her when she will wake up that I called her." Hearing this he was about to cut the call suddenly he heard a soft moan. Alex looked down at his wife who was half asleep and crawling like a little kitten in his arms.     

"Mrs. Miller wait.  Do not cut the call." Alex was still not used to calling her mother as a mom.  Whenever he was in a hurry, Mrs. Miller would come out of his mouth.      

"Love." He started patting her cheeks.      

"Hmm." She opened her eyes fully but sleep was still on her head.     

"What?" She said rubbing her eyes with her fists.      

"Your mother is on the line.  Do you want to talk to her?"  She blinked several times before answering.  "Hmm." And with that, he handed her the mobile and started typing again.     

She held the mobile to her ear and put her head on his chest again.  "Hello, Mom", She said in her sweet voice.     

"Where are you?"     

"I'm in his office with Alex."     

"But he was saying that you are asleep." Her mother said.     

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