The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

I see you remember...

I see you remember...

1With determination, Tyra spoke, "Maybe I failed to kill you once. But let's see if I will fail again—"     

"Once?" Amber mocked. "I told you you'd tried to kill me three times. And you've admitted you have killed me a million times in your head because that is as far as you can go."     

"Do. Not. Say. That.!" Tyra said before pointing the sharp end of the hairpin at Amber with both hands.     

"If there is anyone capable of killing anyone in this room, it is I. But you know why I won't?" Amber asked her as she took the very first step towards Tyra, making her recoil backwards in fear while still pointing the hairpin at Amber.      

"It is because you seem like the type that would ruin your own kingdom." She sighed as she added, "If I desire to see the ruin of this kingdom, then it means everyone in your family has to die. Sadly, I cannot kill Prince Harold myself... but you can. You have tried it before. If you decide not to be a weakling, you can try it again and maybe succeed this time. And when it works... I can finally kill you myself."     


"Really? I thought we'd gone past the stage where we had to pretend to each other. Should I tell you about the first time you tried to kill me?" Amber asked her.     

She took another step towards Tyra, and the latter frightfully withdrew backwards again.      


"Didn't you have some men try to get rid of Prince Harold on the way to his wedding?" Amber quietly asked.     

Tyra let out a startled shout, and her shaking hands dropped the hairpin.     

She looked at Amber with wide eyes.      


"I see you remember now. You sent people after me, and I ended up drowning." Amber almost laughed in disbelief. She could not believe that the one who had caused it all was standing right in front of her. And she was also the daughter of the king and granddaughter of Lord Zealot.      

She looked at Tyra, who was looking everywhere else but at her, as her shaking hand went to her mouth, where she bit her finger. Her eyes snapped wide as she remembered that day, and she looked at Amber in fear.      

"How... how did you.... how did you know that?" Tyra breathed out in fear before she realized she was asking the wrong question. "Have you... have you always known and pretended you didn't? Did you... did you tell Prince Harold?"     

"IS THAT WHY HE HAS BEEN DISTANT WITH ME? YOU LIED TO HIM ABOUT ME!!!" Tyra yelled at her in fear.     

"Lied?" Amber scoffed. "You are the only one who lied to him. He always treated you well, yet you tried to kill him."     

"I DIDN'T! I DIDN'T!" Tyra screamed and used both hands to cover her ears so she would not hear those words.      


"Really?" Amber asked quietly. "Was that why you also tried to kill me during the full moon night? To give him a little 'push'?"     

Amber took another step towards Tyra, who also moved backwards until her back was against the wall.      

"Do you remember?" Amber asked in a soft voice before narrating in a hushed tone as she continued to move closer, "It was dark. It was hot. Everywhere felt dry. There was blood everywhere. And you. You tried to stab me."     

Amber stopped walking.     

"That... is im-p-possible." Tyra closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief. "How... how can you... remember that night?"     

Fear gripped Tyra. She looked into Amber's eyes and shook in fear. "You... who are you? You aren't Amber. You aren't her! You aren't her!!" Tyra cried and suddenly grabbed her chest as she found it hard to breathe, remembering how Amber had wickedly punched her in the chest when she tried to stab her that night.      

The pain had almost wrecked her. It was so bad that she spat out blood and fell to the floor.      

Amber then fell to the floor and tried to reach for the dagger she had knocked out of Tyra's hand when she saw Tyra reaching for it.      

Amber groaned and wailed in pain from the effects of the drug and crawled over Beth's blood to reach for the dagger.     

Unfortunately, Tyra painfully grabbed it first, but it was too late to do anything since she was in severe pain and already felt like passing out, so she couldn't even approach Amber at that moment. Also, voices had gotten closer, letting her know that the maid had brought people to the scene.      

All she could do was brace up and stab herself lightly. Despite the pain, she was able to throw the dagger to where an unconscious Amber was. She knew it was too late to harm Amber. But then, there were many other ways to get rid of her.     

But she had underestimated Amber and overestimated herself.     

"I see you remember," Amber said to her.      

Tyra looked up at her with burning fury in her eyes. "I... have underestimated you." She said it in a cold voice.      

"Because of you... Prince Harold no longer treats me like he used to. It doesn't matter if he suspects me later. It doesn't matter if he knows all that I have done. If you are gone, he will eventually forget about you. I will be the only family he has left. He won't be able to hurt me."     

"You have lost your mind." Amber shook her head pitifully at her, just as she began to hear voices in her head.      

Amber waved her off, saying, "Go. I... won't hurt you. I'm sure you have a kingdom to ruin." Amber managed to speak to her and quickly turned away from her and headed toward the window, hoping the fresh air would keep her sane, but it was not working. The voices in her head kept echoing.      

"I am the most important person to Harold. Only I can help him ascend the throne. I know him better than anyone." Tyra said with confidence before she picked up the hairpin again, aiming it at Amber's back.     

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