The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

Alicia's real face

Alicia's real face

3After she was done crying so much, she sat down and just stared blankly without saying a word, while Harold just stared at her, not sure what he was supposed to do.      3

"Would... you... like some bread?" He asked, offering one.      

Alicia turned to look at him. If this weren't such a big issue, she would have laughed at his lame attempt to console her. But she didn't have it in her to laugh right now.      


"How could I do that?" She asked quietly, making him frown in confusion.      


"You don't want to eat the bread?"      


"No. I mean... I can't... I don't... I don't even know how to use a sword or a dagger," Alicia said in confusion, returning to that topic.     


She had been thinking about it for a while, and it just didn't make sense.      

"You stabbed me before with a dagger." He reminded her as he returned the bread to the box.      


"But I don't know—"     


"Amber knows how to," Harold said matter-of-factly, and Alicia's eyes widened as understanding dawned on her.     

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