Villain Saving System (BL)

You Are Eternal

You Are Eternal

2Three months later…      2

"I pronounce you husbands for life. You may kiss each other." As soon as the pastor uttered the final sentence, a wedding sonata was played, roses floated down like rain, and Lu Yizhou leaned in to kiss his lover – ah, no, it's his husband now.      

From the corner, someone let out a wolf whistle and the sacred atmosphere dissolved into bursting laughter.     

The two lovebirds were married – for the third time – on a beautiful spring day, on the seaside where they had chosen to build their new home. As if Heaven was rejoicing along with them, the sky was particularly blue, painting a breathtaking yet serene image against the golden sand and clear turquoise sea.     

Their wedding ceremony was extremely simple and the people who attended could be counted with two hands – Dr. Feng, Luan, Dr. Xiao, and a few researchers who had aided Zeke in his recovery plan.      

Bianca wore a mini delicate blue gown on her feline body and clipped a diamond accessory to her right ear. After she finished her mission to be the ring bearing cat, she was joined with a few researchers as they chased and splashed each other on the seaside.     

On the other hand, Lu Yizhou and Zachary donned matching couple outfits. Lu Yizhou's shirt said 'I married the most beautiful man' while Zachary's was 'I am the most beautiful man'. To match it up with the atmosphere, they also wore Hawaii flowery pants and flip flops, looking extremely casual in their own wedding.      

(When asked about it, they said that they had already gone through a formal wedding with suits and gowns, so they wanted to attempt something new this time. Dr. Feng was utterly helpless when he heard that.)     

After toasting wine with the others, the two of them finally made their way to Dr. Feng and Luan who were sitting under the huge beach umbrella. Zachary unceremoniously plopped himself down and groaned, "Ah, this kind of wedding is still the best…" he lifted his wine glass to the other two and asked, "Up for this?"     

Amused, Lu Yizhou took out a few sheets of tissue and helped him wipe his sweat, his expression immensely doting.     

Dr. Feng thought it was inappropriate to refuse the groom on his wedding day. Hence, he reached out toward the wine glass in front of him. But who knew that he would be interjected by Luan halfway? "No, he can't drink for now," Luan told Zachary. "In exchange, let me drink two glasses for you. Congratulations." Before Feng could react, he tipped his head back and downed the wine in one go.     

"Luan!" Dr. Feng hissed at him angrily.     

"What?" Luan raised a brow, challenging. "Got something to say?"     

He's at it again! Dr. Feng could only clamp his mouth shut and fume silently. He knew that it was his fault to take such a great risk without consulting the other man first, but he had received the consequences! Could Luan stop being so mean to him?!     

Three months ago, when Dr. Feng finally extricated himself from Cyrus' memory with Lu Yizhou and 666's help, Luan had fallen to his knees as if his strength had been drained away and buried his face into the crook of Dr. Feng's neck, his broad frame wrecked in trembles. "You don't need… you don't need to go through such lengths to understand me, okay?" he uttered with much difficulty. "I won't force you to give me an answer anymore, but please… please be safe…"     

At that time, Dr. Feng was still a tad disoriented. His mind was replaying Cyrus' memory at high speed, causing his head to throb in pain. He could only weakly raise his hand to mess up Luan's hair, his voice feeble and delicate. "Silly…" he murmured.     

For the first week after that, half of Dr. Feng's body was paralyzed due to the trauma his brain had suffered. And all the time, Luan had stayed by his side and tended to his needs. Every single day, the man would always gaze at him with such a sorrowful look that Dr. Feng couldn't help but feel a bit awkward and frustrated. Unable to hold himself back, he murmured under his breath, "I really didn't expect something like this to happen…"     

As a consequence for his blabbermouth, he ended up receiving Luan's cold shoulders for the rest of the day.     

And true to Luan's words, since then he never brought up the answer to his confession anymore. He merely took care of Dr. Feng's health, watched over his diet and sleeping schedule, limited the amount of work he could do and… that's all. He acted as if his confession did not happen at all. It made Dr. Feng, who was ready to give him a reply, became unsure as to where to start.     

Under Luan's tender care, Dr. Feng's life quality improved exponentially and even his cheeks had become a little chubby. He knew that he had really scared Luan this time, but he could not bring himself to regret what he had done.     

If he had not received Cyrus' memory, if he had not gone through everything, then he wouldn't have been able to know this person's forbearance, his gentleness, his warmth and his restrained love…     

When Lu Yizhou and Zachary were called away by Bianca's shrill yowl, he turned to Luan and asked, "Shall we take a walk too?"     

Luan glanced at his legs, hesitant. "Can you?"     

Dr. Feng rolled his eyes. "Aren't you the one who knows the best whether I can do it or not?" After saying that, he placed his hand on Luan's shoulder to prop himself up. Seeing that he was serious, Luan hastily held his hand and supported him up, his expression serious and attentive. Looking at him like this, Dr. Feng couldn't help but feel amused. Geez… Luan was such a worrywart. It was not like he was crippled. He could walk just fine, but strenuous activity tended to tire him out easily. However, it did not mean that he would collapse just by taking a short walk.     

Together, they walked along the seaside and let the waves gently caress their feet. Dr. Feng took a deep inhale and felt himself smiling, "Zachary has chosen a perfect place. He and Lu Yizhou will definitely be happy…" he glanced at Luan in time to see the man staring at him with such a soft and fond look. Dr. Feng's heart skipped a beat and he instantly forgot what he was going to say.     

His throat bobbed as he swallowed, "Luan…"     


It's okay, Feng. Just say it! Why the heck are you so nervous? "About the answer I owe you—"     

"It's okay," Luan cut him off, surprising him. He snapped his gaze up to find Luan smiling down softly at him. "It's okay… I don't need it anymore."     

Dr. Feng was rendered speechless and he almost laughed out loud in anger. He had painstakingly gone through the pain to understand what it meant to 'love' someone, how could this person suddenly turn around and say that he did not need it anymore?! Alas, putting the anger aside, he also felt his heart ache immensely for this gentle and loving man.      

"Luan…" All his nervousness melted away under the torrent of tenderness bubbling out of his chest, and he gave Luan's hand a squeeze. "Listen to me, okay? I am going to get angry if you interrupt me again."     

Luan pursed his lips. "...Mn."     

Dr. Feng was satisfied. "Good." Then he put on a solemn look and licked his lips out of nervousness. "I… have never confessed to anyone before, so I have no idea where to start… Pfft, why are you looking so surprised?" Before he knew it, he had reached out to pinch Luan's cheeks, marveling at the soft and squishy sensation of the artificial skin. Luan stayed frozen under his assault, his eyes wide in disbelief. Dr. Feng teased him in an amused tone, "What? Do you think I am incapable of love?"     

That sentence snapped Luan out of his reverie. He grabbed Dr. Feng's hands and held it tightly in his grip. Dr. Feng had no idea whose palms were currently clammy with sweat, or perhaps it was both of them. "No, I… I was just…"     

This might be the first time he had seen Luan at such a loss of words. A small chuckle slipped off his mouth as he gazed at the man softly. "Luan, let's be together, okay?"     

Luan sucked in a sharp breath.     

Dr. Feng did not wait for his reply as he continued, "I realized a lot of things after I digested Cyrus' memory. At first, I was often confused. There were a few nights when I needed to read the notes I have written because I am unsure of who I really am — sshh, let me finish first, okay?" He placed his finger on Luan's lips when he noticed Luan opening his mouth to say something.      

After making eye contact for two seconds, he withdrew his sneaky hand and cleared his throat awkwardly, "I just want to say… after that incident, I feel like I have gone through a lot of lifetimes, I have assumed a lot of identities and I have met a lot of people as well. However, in those ever changing worlds, only one thing has remained constant…" he flashed a bright smile, the corner of his eyes glistening with tears. "It's you. Only you, Luan, are eternal."     

"I think you know it already, Luan, but I am a career man. In the future, I might become busier than I am now. But if… if you want me, then I'd like to dedicate all of my free time to—oof!"     

He was not even given the chance to finish his sentence before Luan abruptly yanked him into a tight embrace. "Yes…" the man breathed out against his hair, shaky with emotions. "Yes, I want you. I have only wanted you alone. I… I don't need you to dedicate your time to me. As long as I can stay by your side…"     

Dr. Feng's eyes reddened. "Silly…" he reached out to wrap his arms around Luan's broad back. "You silly, silly man…" How could he be so gentle and lovely? With this person, Dr. Feng realized that he, too, wanted what Zachary and Lu Yizhou had. The love that spanned across lifetimes, everlasting and eternal.     

They basked in each other's embrace for a while. From afar, there was a cacophony of wolf whistles that sounded awfully like Zachary, Dr. Xiao and Bianca, but none of them could afford to care. "Ah, that's right…" Dr. Feng was suddenly reminded of something. "I haven't told you my name, have I?"     

He smiled, went on his tiptoes and whispered into Luan's ear. From now on, it would be the name that could only be uttered by Luan's lips.     




VSS Side Story — The End     

A/N: this is the end of Feng x Luan's story QAQ thank you so much everyone who has stayed with me until the end. Can't imagine what I would be like without you <3<3     

From today on, this story will be marked as completed. I still have a few chapters of side stories I'd like to publish (including special AU Lu Yizhou x Zeke 'what if all of the tragedies never happened' and a short story about 666's next Host!) However, because side stories have to be published all at once, I need a longer time to prepare for that.      

Stay tuned for more information from my IG delanasiwarka ;)     

You can also follow my reading list 'Delana's books' and you will receive notification everytime I publish a new story!      

This is not the end of my journey because I still have a lot of BL to write >< and I hope I can see all of you again next time! (ps: please show your support to my new book 'Captured By The Cold Detective')     

Thank you muah! xoxo, Delana     

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