Villain Saving System (BL)

7.74 You Know Nothing

7.74 You Know Nothing

3His head was currently cradled in Moshe's arms — and the sounds that echoed in his ears were Moshe's irregular heartbeats that somehow caused the knife to twist deeper into his chest. He tried to get up but Moshe put one palm on his chest to hold him in place.      2

"Stay." His voice was more subdued now, the emotions carefully concealed under the current. The golden eyes that were gazing down at him were fathomless. "Kaede can't detect anything wrong with you so we are going to the hospital now."     

Lu Yizhou gave a slow blink and subconsciously reached out to grab Moshe's hand. Moshe's chest was warm yet his fingers were icy cold. Lu Yizhou frowned at his low temperature. He brought those beautiful and slender fingers to his mouth and puffed out warm air to them.     

"M'kay… no need for hospital," he mumbled. For some reason, his whole body felt sluggish and his limbs heavy. Why did he feel so sleepy?     

[666: Host, it's the same as when a software is going through an upgrade. Your body needs a reboot so it can recover its function.]     

Lu Yizhou hummed and tucked his head into the crook of Moshe's neck instead, breathing in the familiar citrusy scent. It filled his lungs akin to the most potent anesthetic, making him feel weightless and light. He felt so comfortable that his eyelids fluttered shut again. "Just need to…sleep…"     

"No." Moshe's voice was soft and firm. It left no room for arguments. "We are giving you a full body check up."     

There was something in his tone that forced Lu Yizhou to open his eyes again and lift his head. He drank in the swirl of molten gold in those pupils from a close distance. Moshe's eyes were still unreadable, but Lu Yizhou knew him. Had learned Moshe's personality from the short time they spent together. The more he closed off his heart, the more he was feeling right now. And he was trying to block it, preventing himself from getting swept away by the strong current.     

The knowledge landed on Lu Yizhou like a blow straight to his gut and it actually managed to disperse the sleepiness that had been dragging on the back of his mind. "I will explain everything later so…" He reached out to trail his fingertips across Moshe's soft cheek. It was cold. How did he get so cold all of a sudden? "Do not worry. I swear that I will be fine. It's just a dizzy spell."     

"How can I—" Moshe's voice rose but then he clicked his jaws shut, composure cracking to show the frustration underneath. His grip around Lu Yizhou's body tightened, almost bordering on pain. Lu Yizhou's eyelids didn't even twitch.     

Knowing that Moshe was struggling to keep himself afloat amidst the surging emotions, he kept on caressing the man's cheeks, brushing the strands of hair that escaped from his ponytail and pressing his thumb on the pulse point on his neck. His eyes steadily took in the minute shift of Moshe's expression even though drowsiness was dragging on his eyelids.      

Moshe's jaws ticked as he threw his sight out of the window and turmoil was brewing within those mesmerizing eyes of his. In the end though, he merely let out a sigh, the corner of his lips curled into an almost self-deprecating smile. "Oh you know nothing at all, Lu Yizhou…"     

I know, Lu Yizhou wanted to say. I know it very well. He struggled to open his mouth, wishing to offer the slightest comfort he could. However, the tug on his consciousness was too magnetic, too powerful that Lu Yizhou could do nothing against it. Between one blink and the next, Moshe's face had turned into a blur and everything became dark once again.      


A group of doctors had been waiting on standby and as soon as they arrived, Lu Yizhou was immediately hauled into a series of tests, Moshe always hovering nearby. Just like Lu Yizhou had said, they found nothing wrong with him except for a little anemia and then Lu Yizhou was forced to gulp down a box of milk. Then he was ready to go.      

By then, the sun had shifted to the west and evening had descended. Lu Yizhou had already gotten the much needed rest and returned to being as fit as a fiddle.     

"Where has Ezra gone?" He asked after they got into the car. Different from the one they had ridden in before, he noted.      

Kaede adjusted the rearview mirror whilst saying, "Of course, he's being sent back to the basecamp. We have a lot of things to ask him, especially about the Mad Dog, Hector. Oh you have no idea who he is, right?" He showed a disgusted look. "Don't get close to him. You will thank me later for this advice."     

Lu Yizhou didn't expose how he had known everything, more than Kaede could expect. "I heard he will ambush the training center today. And Thirteen… you're leaving him alone to deal with the Mad Dog." Lu Yizhou had never actually seen Hector before but judging from his nickname, it wasn't anything good. Lu Yizhou's mind flashed to the gentle, smiling sly fox. He couldn't help asking, "Can he win?"     

Kaede let out a loud snort. "Our medic is currently trying to save Hector's life, if that can answer your question."     

That smiling fox was that good? Lu Yizhou's surprise must have shown in his face because Kaede chuckled as he drove the car out of the hospital's parking lot. "Do you know why he's called Thirteen? He's not particularly strong, but he's very quick on his mind. He analyzes his enemy's movement down to the last detail and before you know it, he has figured out your weakness. Thirteen seconds, that's all the time he needs."     

Ah, Lu Yizhou nodded in understanding. Judging from his nickname Mad Dog, Hector seemed like a very hot-headed and impulsive man, if the way he decided to act against Moshe when his leader was in a coma was any indication. Making him face an opponent who could map his attack and incapacitate him with strategy rather than strength…      

The corner of Lu Yizhou's lips curled upward. He grabbed Moshe's hand, who had been looking out of the window and acknowledged no one, and kissed his knuckles. "I expect nothing less from my master."     

Moshe gave him a sideways glance, harrumphed and pulled his hand away. But Lu Yizhou could see his lips twitching, almost like he was holding back a smile. "They're just too stupid. As long as they're not too full of themselves, they will be able to think logically for once."     

"Mn, everything Master says is right," Lu Yizhou said indulgently.     

Moshe clearly knew what he was doing hence he merely gave Lu Yizhou a dirty look. The strained atmosphere that had shrouded them since Lu Yizhou woke up thawed a bit by and he could finally let out a relieved sigh. He did not like it when Moshe withdrew into himself again. Even if he had to act silly to make Moshe laugh, Lu Yizhou would do it in a heartbeat.     

Moshe was feeling overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of feelings he thought was out of his grasp with the kind of life he was living, Lu Yizhou understood. He understood it so well because he had stood in Moshe's position once.      

Back then, it was Oliver who had awakened these feelings in him and now, he was going to give it back to Moshe, twice as much as he had gotten.      

When Lu Yizhou reached for Moshe's hand again, he didn't get swatted away this time although Moshe was still unwilling to look at him. Lu Yizhou smiled quietly to himself. "Master will definitely be very busy dealing with the aftermath. I want to help you. Can I?" He asked whilst fiddling with the tip of Moshe's fingers. They weren't cold any longer, he noted with delight.     

Moshe turned sideways to eye him doubtfully. "What do you want to do?"     

Lu Yizhou clicked his tongue. How sharp, he thought fondly. Taking advantage of Moshe's soft state was no use and Lu Yizhou would loathe to see any new developments cropping up because of the bug again, thus he didn't beat around the bush.      

"Let me meet Regius just once."     

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