Villain Saving System (BL)

7.7 How Many People?

7.7 How Many People?

1Lu Yizhou must have fallen asleep at some point because when he opened his eyes again, the sky outside was dark and the room he was in was pitch black. His mind instantly went alert and body tensed as soon as he noticed another person's presence nearby.     3

A low chuckle sounded. "You're awake?"     

So it was Moshe, his lover — no, Moshe was a new fragment of his lover. Similar to Jillian, he wouldn't have any memories of the years they had spent together. It's okay, Lu Yizhou had expected this early on. Slowly, he let his body relax into the mattress and only then did he realize that his hands were… bound to the bed?      

He tried to tug them and metallic clanking noises followed. Nice, he huffed, he was cuffed twice within the span of twenty four hours.      

There was a click and the bedside lamp was turned on, pouring a gentle golden glow around Lu Yizhou and enabled him to take in his lover's appearance for the first time — without a massive headache in his way.      

Moshe was… well, Lu Yizhou had known from the original plot and also had seen it himself how beautiful he was. Breathtakingly gorgeous, even. Not in a feminine way, but dangerous, sharp and powerful… just like a sleek leopard. Natural predator through and through, albeit in Lu Yizhou's eyes he would always be a little kitten.     

Under the dim light, Moshe's lashes looked darker than usual, framing his dark golden eyes and casting shadows over his cheeks. He had his hair in a messy bun atop of his head, strands of it escaping to frame his face. A leisure smile was playing on his lips although his eyes remained unfathomable as he scrutinized Lu Yizhou deeply.      

"How are you doing?" He said almost in a purr.     

The hair on the back of Lu Yizhou's neck stood at its end. Dangerous, his instinct warned. Intensity was buried beneath Moshe's casual pose, masking a strength that could end Lu Yizhou's life in an instant and Lu Yizhou… he was currently helpless. Injured, under the effect of medication and chained to the bed. He sucked in a breath that sounded so damn loud within the empty room.     

He could almost see Moshe's triangular ears perked up above his head. "What's wrong?" He blinked owlishly, albeit Lu Yizhou could make out the dark interest veiled under those golden orbs. Moshe rubbed his chin and tilted his head. "Do I look that scary?"     

He clearly knew the effect he had on others, Lu Yizhou mused. How could he put on such a harmless look and still be so fucking adorable?     

Moshe was the leader of a prominent mafia clan. He was lethal, sharp and deathly. One slip would cause Lu Yizhou's head to go flying. He had to remind himself again and again that his lover didn't remember him. There was no place for mistakes; Lu Yizhou had to tread carefully.      

From now on, they would be strangers and this… was their first official meeting.     

Lu Yizhou let out an exhale and summoned every drop of acting skill he had. "Who are you?" He rasped, trying to make himself sound doubtful for good measure. "What do you want?"     

Moshe's eyes curved. "I've said it before. I want you."     

This would be difficult, Lu Yizhou groaned inwardly. And Moshe's eyes raking all across his body didn't help either. Lu Yizhou knew he still didn't have a shred of clothes on his body and the only thing that shielded his nudity from the whole world was the blanket that covered him waist down.      

"You want me for… what?" He croaked.     

"Hmm…" All of a sudden, Moshe leaned down until their faces were only an inch from each other.     

Those golden eyes were accessing Lu Yizhou with an intensity that knocked the breath out of his lungs. It was as if he was dissecting Lu Yizhou part by part and inspecting every crook and cranny without missing an inch. Lu Yizhou resisted a shudder, feeling the weight of Moshe's gaze on him akin to feathers on his skin. Ticklish. His heart itched… he wanted to…     

The teasing smirk on Moshe's lips didn't falter and he looked as if he had just found an interesting discovery. Lu Yizhou gulped despite himself. Had he been discovered somehow? He had no idea. He couldn't read Moshe's mind at all—     


Didn't he have his new permanent skill?     

Lu Yizhou almost knocked his forehead silly for forgetting that. He stared into Moshe's eyes, murmuring. "Tell me what's in your mind."     

Moshe barked out a brief, mirthless laugh. "Are you giving me an order?"     

[System notification: Ding! Permanent skill 'Mind Reading' is active! For the next five minutes, you will be able to read this person's mind! Cooldown time 59 minutes 58 seconds.]     

'Interesting. He's even more interesting when he's awake. Exactly how can a person still look so good in this kind of situation? His eyes oh his eyes… I want to gouge them out and display them proudly in my room. They will be so beautiful...'     

Lu Yizhou blinked. O-kay… that was quite a thought.     

'And his voice... I can't even begin with it. He has the most lilting, deep and husky voice I have ever heard. How can everything he does just seem so aesthetically pleasing? He's not even my type but I have just spent fucking hours sitting here and waiting for him to wake up. I even ditched my second most favorite toy for him.'     

Hmm, Lu Yizhou pondered, eyes narrowed. Second most favorite toy, huh…?     

'This is ridiculous. I can look into those eyes forever.'     

Lu Yizhou startled lightly when cold fingers traced along his jaw before gripping his chin tightly. "Until when will you keep staring at me, huh?" Lu Yizhou sucked in a breath as Moshe had just pressed on his bruise point, hard. "I am asking you a question." The smile dropped from his face and his eyes turned dark, demanding.     

'Look at how helpless he is. Is he scared of me yet? Why doesn't he look scared?'     

"I want to keep staring at you because…" Lu Yizhou breathed. "'re the most beautiful man I have ever seen."     

Before he could so much as to blink, Moshe yanked his chin forward and crushed their lips together. Lu Yizhou gasped into the kiss. The reflex came to him almost immediately as he tilted ever so slightly to deepen the kiss and caught Moshe's bottom lip in between his teeth.      

Moshe groaned into his mouth and pressed closer. Lu Yizhou's hands twitched. He wished he could free himself to hold his lover close but as it was now, all he could do was to accept whatever Moshe had given him.      

Lu Yizhou traced his tongue along the seam of Moshe's lips, earning him an alluring gasp in response which he swallowed eagerly into his stomach for keepsake. Their tongues slid together; dancing, swirling and teasing and the heat in the air spiked so high that Lu Yizhou could feel it pooling on top of their Cupid's bows.     

Lu Yizhou sucked Moshe's tongue into his mouth with relish, earning him another moan that shot straight to his dick.     

It was Moshe who pulled away with a jerk, a silvery trail hung between their lips before breaking off. His breathing was rough, light and rapid. Lips bruised and glistening with saliva. Lu Yizhou stared at them hungrily.      

His skill must have worn off at some point during their kiss because he couldn't hear Moshe's mind any longer. Such a pity.     

Moshe growled low in his chest and his hand lowered to clamp around Lu Yizhou's throat. Lu Yizhou's pupils dilated in surprise and his pulse kicked in, speeding up at being held in such a vulnerable state.      

"You're such an excellent kisser," Moshe drawled, eyes hooded and threatening. "How many people have you kissed for you to be so good, hmm?"     

Lu Yizhou was honest. "One." He had only ever kissed his lover alone.     

"One…?" Moshe didn't seem to believe him.      

"How about you?" Lu Yizhou returned the question to him. "How many people have you kissed to be so good at it?"     




Mini theater     

Sneak peek into Moshe's mind:     

Moshe stared deep into Aiden's eyes, trying to find the slightest hint of a lie but found none. One…? He had only kissed one person? Exactly how skillful that person was to have instilled such an exemplary skill? The technique, the finesse and strength… as if the kiss was personally tailored to Moshe's liking…      

Moshe had never been kissed like that before — not even by his most favorite toy — as if Aiden was using not only his lips but also his entire body and soul, as if whom Aiden was kissing wasn't a stranger… but a lover whom he loved and cherished with his whole heart…     

The storm clouded his heart once again before quickly morphing into a full-blown hurricane. The previous irritation, which had disappeared at some point when he stared at Aiden's sleeping face, returned again a hundred folds.      

He wanted to kill that one person who had kissed Aiden before him. The murderous urge was so strong that it surprised even himself.      

Why didn't Kaede's report state anything about Aiden's previous lover — or worse, were they still in a relationship now?! Moshe fumed when he recalled it. Kaede must be slacking off again! The report wasn't comprehensive enough!     

(The innocent Kaede: *sneeze* Who's talking bad about me?)     

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