Villain Saving System (BL)

5.40 Look At Me [M]

5.40 Look At Me [M]

0Lu Yizhou was wrong; Terra didn't get flustered.       1

In exchange, it emboldened him instead, confirming that he indeed had Lu Yizhou's permission to do whatever he wanted. Lu Yizhou couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle. Why did he feel as if he had fallen into a trap?     

"What are you laughing at?" Terra whispered into his ear, and Lu Yizhou experienced another full body shiver. At this rate, he might as well release just by having his lover straddling him, treating him as nothing more than a chew toy and a warm pillow to lie on. Lu Yizhou took back his words; this body wasn't any better than Altair's horny one.     

He was aware, so painfully aware of his body, limbs to limbs, fingers to fingers. It was like having someone pressing on his pressure point all the time, just enough to make it hurt past the point of bearable and remind him of every place where they were pressing against each other.     

Terra was looking down at him with those large, golden eyes that seemed to glow brighter and brighter, it was as if he was looking into two pools of molten gold. The dim light was only enough to cast a shadow over the lithe lines of his body, all sinew and alluring with the dip of his waist trailing to his plump behind. The thin layer of sweat made his skin look even more glorious, Lu Yizhou itched to lick it and taste the salt on his tongue.     

If he was allowed, that was. No touching.     

The guide's lips had already become swollen and slick with spit, courtesy to his 'practice' of letting Lu Yizhou get used to his touches, seizing the opportunity to place numerous marks all over Lu Yizhou's body everywhere he pleased. Lu Yizhou couldn't imagine what he looked like right now; eyes half-lidded with dark desire, lips parted, breathing he couldn't seem to control, and if he looked down… he would find every inch of skin on his chest was littered with marks. Terra's marks. He tensed further at the thought, grunting. Terra's cock was pressed between their stomachs, and oh, Lu Yizhou almost couldn't take it. The sticky wetness of sweat and cum on his skin, the squelching sound, the mouth-watering smell…     

Lu Yizhou was breathing heavily and his cock was an angry crimson, the bulbous tip purple, even. He had been brought to the edge again and again, only to be denied pleasure every single time. His nerves were strung tightly and he only needed one push… one last push for him to fall apart. The grinding of Terra's supple bottom against him was torturous, just barely enough to give pleasure but not the stimuli that Lu Yizhou was waiting for. But it seemed like Terra hadn't done teasing him — and didn't look like he would be done anytime soon. Lu Yizhou flexed against the binding on his wrists and felt the silk blanket digging into his skin. Too much. He felt like every single nerve on his body was directly connected to his cock, wired with live electricity on the verge of exploding.     

A muffled groan slipped past his lips as Terra latched on his jugular and sucked. The kind of pain he was willing to go through… Hah! Now he had to reap what he sowed. "Are you done yet?" Lu Yizhou couldn't help but ask even though he knew the answer.     

Just as he expected, Terra tapped his chin with a thoughtful look, making a show of consideration before he shook his head firmly. "Nope, what makes you think I will?"      

After saying that merciless sentence, he continued down Lu Yizhou's body, giving open-mouthed kisses until he arrived at Lu Yizhou's chest, and taking one of Lu Yizhou's nipples into his mouth. Lu Yizhou all but threw his head back against the pillow and gasped when the warm and wet tongue swirled around his hardened bud. Hell, he didn't even know that his nipples could be so sensitive up until this moment! Terra used a bit of teeth to scrape the sensitive bud and Lu Yizhou's soul almost flew out of his body. His cock jerked and spurted out even more cum. He clenched his fists so tight that his nails must have left some marks on his palms, veins flaring out the column of his neck at the sweet torture.     

Terra giggled happily at his reaction before sucking another mark right beside the one he had done earlier.     

Goddamnit… Lu Yizhou stared up at the ceiling blankly. Exactly what kind of deed he had committed to deserve this kind of treatment? He didn't know whether he had just caught a glimpse of Heaven or was he thrown into Hell; the two places seemed the same when it came to his devilish lover. Where did Terra, who trembled when he took off his dress, who paled at the sight of his boner, go?      

"I have always wanted to do this, you know." Terra admitted with his hands gliding across the plane of Lu Yizhou's abs, earning him another bout of shivers and ragged exhale. "It's such a pity that we didn't have the time for it last time. You will allow me to do this, won't you?" He batted his lashes in appeal.     

How sneaky, Lu Yizhou thought helplessly. If he worded it like that, how could Lu Yizhou ever bring himself to refuse? He would even climb the sky to pluck a star for him, let alone enduring this kind of maddening torture. Still… "Haven't you learned your lesson from last time? It will hurt if you put it in just like this."     

Terra blinked owlishly. Oh no, that wouldn't mean anything good. Then, like the irresistible temptation he was, he slithered downward until he was settled between Lu Yizhou's legs, both arms pressing down on Lu Yizhou's thigh as he took Lu Yizhou's cock into his hands. He licked his lips, murmuring. "I want to blow you."     

Not even giving him any time to react — Lu Yizhou had learned in a hard way that his lover didn't need permission when it came to the things he desired — he leaned down and took Lu Yizhou into his mouth; his sweet, sweet mouth encasing his girth like he was made just for this. This time Lu Yizhou let out an unabashed groan, louder than any sound he had ever made before as Terra opened his jaws wider, taking him deeper and deeper until the tip of Lu Yizhou's cock bumped against his throat. He had both palms circling around the base of Lu Yizhou's girth, covering where his mouth couldn't reach.     

Tears gathered in his eyes as he blinked up at Lu Yizhou, maintaining eye contact as he proceeded to dismantle every single logic in Lu Yizhou's mind and filled it with nothing but the wet cavern of his mouth. His cheeks hollowed, red lips strained lasciviously around the length as he pulled out to the tip to swirl his tongue around it. Lu Yizhou's jaws grinded and he jerked upward, shoving his length deep into his lover's inviting mouth. The gag reflex didn't seem to deter him as he went lower and lower until he could finally nose on the messy pubic on his roots, humming happily as he did so. The vibration traveled from his mouth straight to Lu Yizhou's cock, sending another medium scale earthquake that shook his body.     

But it wasn't the thing that sealed Lu Yizhou's fate. It was when he inadvertently glanced down only to see Terra's hips lifted in the air, back arched and one of his hands went behind his cock as he fingered himself. Lu Yizhou might have developed a fetish for that; to see his lover so boldly and beautifully chasing his own pleasure as he sucked Lu Yizhou's brain out of his dick…     

"Terra—" He only managed to give that one warning before he came, harder than he had ever done in his life. He came so hard that he almost threw Terra off himself, thighs thrusting upward in spontaneous reflex. He came so hard that he saw stars behind his eyelids. He came so hard that he couldn't stop trembling as he rode through the orgasm, spurt after spurt of cum dripping all over Terra's mouth down to his chin and staining the silk sheet.      

Terra was stunned as he tried to gather Lu Yizhou's spend with his hands to no avail. "There's so much…" He murmured hoarsely then licked the cum hanging on his lips, smiling happily with his cheeks flushed red. "I have almost forgotten what you tasted like."     

"Terra…" Lu Yizhou breathed.     

"Sssh, it's okay." Terra drew circles on his thigh. "This time, let me take care of you."      

Reassurance and comfort washed through Lu Yizhou's entire body, ceasing his trembling and allowing him to pick up his scattered mind. Lu Yizhou miraculously calmed down despite barely hanging on to the thread of his sanity. His head was fuzzy and he felt like his head was stuffed with cotton. Even though he had already come once, the flame burning inside his veins hadn't diminished and in no time at all, he felt himself twitching again.      

He turned to the pillow to muffle his vexed groan. How could this body's refractory period be so short? It was like he had consumed an aphrodisiac himself. But it could be counted so, if he were to point out the saturated smell of sweat and musk in the room, flooded with the sweet scent of his lover's desire, so heavy that he could feel it on the tip of his tongue. Sweat dripped to his eyelids and Lu Yizhou blinked it away, comforted by his lover's spiritual element that cradled him like a cocoon.     

"Terra…" he called again.     

"I know." Terra sat up over his hips and scooped a blob of cum with his two fingers, biting his alluring, plump lips as he smeared the slick on his fingers. He stared at Lu Yizhou through his dense lashes, demanding with all seriousness. "Look at me, Lu Yizhou. Do not ever avert your gaze from me."     

As if Lu Yizhou could ever resist the gravity of his charm; as if Lu Yizhou hadn't been looking at him all these while; as if he had another choice but to do so. Still, he nodded to give his word and promptly sucked in a breath when in the next second, Terra used the cum — Lu Yizhou's cum — as lube as he shoved the fingers into himself, crying out as he did.      

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