Villain Saving System (BL)

3.22 Approaching Rut

3.22 Approaching Rut

3Despite Oliver's insistence that Lu Yizhou was okay, he was still hauled to the hospital in the end. Even though Oliver attested that nothing happened to the Alpha, he could still see that there was something different about him. Along the way, Lu Yizhou never let go of him and when someone wanted to peel Oliver off him, he would bare his teeth and prepare to attack, taking them as his mortal enemies. Honestly, his possessive stance was so...endearing. Oliver didn't mind having to stay in his embrace forever.      

Lu Yizhou was still lucid enough to answer the doctor's questions and when the nurse took his blood, he was still docile. Well, he didn't even give her a glance, only focusing on scenting Oliver all over again until the omega's whole body was covered by the Alpha's pheromones. Oliver almost got drunk on it, his cheeks rosy and eyes slightly glazed, leaning atop of the Alpha's chest bonelessly as feather soft caresseses ran down his back. After a string of examination, they were finally left alone and only then could Oliver focus on the matter in hand. He lifted his head only enough to put his chin on Lu Yizhou's chest and cupped his cheek, thumb grazing softly on the barely receding veins under his eyelid. "Are you really okay?"     

Lu Yizhou hummed. His eyes raked all over the omega's features as if trying to imprint every single inch into his memory. "Fine. Just a little bit irritated. I don't like them touching you."     

Oliver bit the insides of his cheek to suppress the giddy smile. "They? Who?"     

Lu Yizhou frowned. "Everyone." He lifted Oliver higher until the slender omega laid directly atop of him with the same eye level. "What did he seek you for?"     

Both of them knew who Lu Yizhou was talking about. Oliver recalled the memory; twice, he had almost gotten into an accident twice because of that shitty Alpha. He tried not to let his feelings show but it was proven futile when the Alpha was staring straight into his eyes—no, Oliver felt the gaze searing deep into his soul. His eyelashes trembled. He knew the Alpha could feel it. His fear and apprehension.     

Anger flashed through Lu Yizhou's eyes and he gnashed his teeth. "I will kill him."     

"What?" Oliver snapped his head up, flabbergasted. "Wait—no! It's okay. He really did nothing to me. Well, he just kinda... approached me and started a conversation out of nowhere?" He glossed over the topic, not really describing the insult Ryan threw at him, otherwise Lu Yizhou would really escape from the hospital to hunt him down. Oliver was sure that he would do just that after the incident with Cathy.     

Lu Yizhou knitted his brows deeper, the mere idea of Ryan hitting Oliver up was enough to make his blood boil.      

A soft touch brushed over the frown between his brows in the next second, gently easing the deep lines there. "Don't frown so often." Oliver said with a smile. "Even though you still look as handsome, it's still not allowed."     

Lu Yizhou scoffed but still relented in the end, closing his eyes and letting the omega's fingers work its wonder around his face. It indeed started with the innocent wish to smooth his frown but then Oliver lost track of his intention, too ensnared with the Alpha's stunning and deep features. Awed, he glided his fingertips softly over his sharp eyebrows, the bent of his eyelids, his long eyelashes then he followed the curve of his high bridge nose until it landed on the sexy dip and lines of his ravishing lips. Oliver felt the burn from his fingertips spread to his entire body, setting his skin aflame as he gingerly pressed down on Lu Yizhou's lower lip teasingly until the Alpha's lips parted willingly. He was clearly so powerful and dangerous but under Oliver's touches, he was well-behaved and docile, letting him do whatever he wanted and the idea caused Oliver's heart to soar like never before. His heartbeats quickened and breath lightened as he gently leaned forward to drop a fleeting kiss on those lips.      

Lu Yizhou parted his lips and Oliver received the message. Shyly, he stuck out his tongue and licked the inside of the Alpha's mouth. It was sweet and very, very hot. He made an embarrassing whine and had just wanted to pull back when Lu Yizhou's tongue came out to hold him. For a while, they were immersed in the lazy, sensual and deep kiss, only rubbing their tongues against each other. There was no lust involved, only tranquil harmony of feeling each other's presence. Nonetheless, the wet obscene sounds and the occasional hum from their interlocked lips made Oliver's heart flip as if it was going to burst out of his ribcage.     

Oh God, this was clearly not their first kiss but why did Oliver feel so embarrassed? There was just something...something with the way they were both alone in the hospital room without knowing who would peer in and catch sight of the inappropriate things they were doing. The footsteps coming and going and the faint conversation increased the thrill and excitement. Everyone could practically walk in on them at any moment and saw Oliver sprawled above the Alpha's body like a wanton omega, stealing a kiss and possibly more...      

Oliver was swarmed with a sudden mortification that he buried his face into the Alpha's shoulders and screamed internally. He was taken by surprise when Lu Yizhou suddenly sat up and Oliver almost toppled down if not for the Alpha holding his waist securely. His eyes were confused and the blush still hadn't faded from his cheeks yet when Lu Yizhou easily lifted him up and put him behind his wings hidden from sight. In the next second, rapid footsteps approached followed by the sound of the door being slammed open. "Your Highness!"     

Lu Yizhou pinched his brows and directed a glare toward the unwanted visitor.     

Derek's chest was heaving up and down. It took him a while to realize what he had just blurted out and he hastily clamped his mouth shut and glanced around. Fortunately, no one was in the vicinity. He let out a sigh of relief and closed the door behind him and approached in large steps, all the while nagging ceaselessly. "Such a thing happened, why didn't you call me?! Did you know how shocked I am to learn it from another student in your school? And you… what happened to you? Are you sick?! No, no that can't be. You're so healthy that you can't even catch a cold even if you're left alone in a snowstorm—"     

"Stay back." A faint growl emerged from Lu Yizhou's chest as he eyed Derek's distance. "That's as far as you can go."     

Derek was taken aback that he forgot what he was going to say. "What…" He blinked and finally registered Lu Yizhou's position that was like hiding something behind him. Craning his head up, he could finally catch sight of another person whose eyes were peeking out from behind Lu Yizhou's wings. Derek's eyes instantly widened in extreme shock. However, he hadn't said anything yet when Lu Yizhou's words pulled his attention away.     

"Eyes." There was a thick warning in his tone that Derek hadn't seen before and his mouth gaped in disbelief. He looked at Lu Yizhou as if he had grown two more horns atop of his head. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. Alas, Alpha and their possessiveness. However, wasn't this a bit too much? He wasn't even allowed to look?! It wasn't like the omega could lose a strand of hair with him looking, okay?!     

Sighing, Derek opted to distance himself. He put his right palm over his chest and bowed politely. "Your Highness Oliver, please forgive my offending behavior earlier. I have no idea that you're here."      

Oliver pressed his lips together and tried to speak in a tone that didn't betray how embarrassed he was—or proud, in his case it was the latter one. "No, no. It's okay…"     

Derek leaned against the wall with a sigh. "So who can tell me what's happening here?"     

Unfortunately, Oliver and Lu Yizhou were just as clueless and fortunately, the doctor chose that exact time to come in with a report in his hand. He paused when he saw Derek and only relaxed when the Beta had introduced himself as Lu Yizhou's relative. The doctor nodded and instead of approaching Lu Yizhou, he dragged a chair close to the door and sat there. Derek raised his brows in confusion but he knew the answer when tension was released from Lu Yizhou's shoulders even though he was still unwilling to let Oliver be seen. "So, how are you feeling?" The doctor started.     

"Just as usual." Lu Yizhou answered in an impassive tone.     

"How is he, doctor?" Derek fussed noisily. "Is he sick? Does he have to get treated? Is it severe?! Is he going to die soon?!"     

"Calm down." The corner of the doctor's mouth twitched. "He's very healthy, there's no problem at all."     

"So why…"     

The doctor turned to Lu Yizhou instead. "Do you feel any different lately? Like constant hunger, difficulty to concentrate, sweating or severe mood swings?"     

Lu Yizhou raised a brow and shook his head.     

The doctor smiled and put his chin above his crossed fingers. "Then what if I take the omega behind you away?"     

The effect was immediate. Lu Yizhou's pupils dilated and his wings spread wide to hide Oliver fully behind him. He snarled, eyes sharp with murderous intent. "Don't you dare!"     

"Woah!" Derek took a step back by reflex and raised both hands in front of himself. He gestured to Lu Yizhou and turned to the doctor with a gobsmacked expression, too speechless to say anything. "I...have never seen him like this before. Woah…" he repeated once again.     

The doctor nodded in satisfaction. "There's no problem with him. He's very healthy. It's just that his rut is coming soon and his mood is very irritable. He can only calm down in the presence of his omega—or to be exact, the omega he had chosen, in this case."     

Derek choked on his saliva and almost coughed his lungs out.     

"What?!" Oliver pushed Lu Yizhou's fluffy wings away from his beet red face, eyes wide in shock. "H—He's in rut?!" Lu Yizhou wasn't any less surprised. Surprisingly he was able to accept it soon. So that's why his emotions were all over the place. So that's why he had been acting unlike himself. Otherwise he didn't know how to explain these indescribable feelings coiling in his chest, one which was so intense that it was impossible for it to come from Lu Yizhou himself. Finally, he was able to let out a sigh of relief at the reasonable explanation.     

"Not now. Soon. At most two months later." The doctor elaborated. "He's a very dominant Alpha, that's why he's showing the signs so soon. One of them is extreme protectiveness toward his omega. It's not exaggerating to say that he will easily lose control if something happens to you, Mr. Oliver." Oliver blushed profusely. "I have written a few prescriptions that can be taken orally. It will help to stabilize his mental state until his rut arrives, so make sure to eat it daily."     

"Now, the most important thing is," The doctor looked at Oliver and Lu Yizhou back and forth. "Are you going to accompany him through his rut, Mr. Oliver? I must warn you that a dominant Alpha's rut will be very, very violent and it will be difficult on yourself if you're not in heat and even more, you aren't his mate either. If you choose to let him go through it himself, then I will advise you two to be separated as soon as possible before he loses his senses."     

Oliver's mouth gaped open. His face was so red that it was steaming but upon hearing the latter half of the doctor's sentence, he fell silent. Accompany Altair through his rut? That… That would be fantastic, there wasn't even a bit of rejection from himself. Instead, he could feel the growing thrill and excitement and he couldn't wait until the moment when the Alpha would take him—roughly, please—fucked him out of his brain again and again until both of them were reduced into a jumbled mass of lust and instinct. Shudders ran down his spine and he was ready to give his answer when the Alpha beat him to it.     

"No." He said in such determination that Oliver whipped his head around to look at him, incredulous. However, Lu Yizhou's eyes were transfixed on the doctor and all Oliver could see was his clenching jaws. Lu Yizhou inhaled deeply and forced the words out of gritted teeth no matter how his instinct yearned for Oliver's presence by his side. "I won't get him involved. I will go through my rut alone."     



Mini theater     

Oliver barged into the doctor's office and slammed his fists on the table, taking the doctor off guard. With his face flushed crimson, he stuttered. "Is...Is there a way for me to go into heat sooner?"     

The doctor blinked. "You are…"     

"I am Oliver!" The omega added, the flush in his cheeks ripening. "Altair's omega-to-be."     

"Oh, Mr. Oliver." The doctor finally recognized him but Oliver's heart abruptly sank when the other asked. "I have been meaning to inquire. Aren't you the one who was sent here because you're allergic to the pheromones perfume?"     

Oliver pressed his lips together, fists clenching.     

The doctor sighed. "Then there's no way. I understand that you want to accompany your Alpha but it's risky to do it when your health is already quite fragile to begin with. Do you know how violent a dominant Alpha's rut can be? Let me give you an example. An ordinary Alpha's rut will last three to five days at most but a dominant Alpha will stretch until one week at most. During those times, he won't recognize who you are. He will move on instinct and his entire purpose is only one: to breed you again and again until he succeeds."     

He didn't care! Oliver wanted to say. He couldn't care less whether Altair would be rough or whether he would be hurt. But Oliver knew it was such a selfish thing to say. He knew that all the Alpha wanted was to keep him from harm but sometimes Oliver wished that Altair would put himself first and be a little more selfish with him. Just like how Altair always cherished him, he also wanted to do something to soothe the Alpha's suffering.     

The doctor pushed his glasses up and took in the changes in Oliver's expression. He let out another sigh and finally relented. "This." He handed a small vial filled with transparent liquid to Oliver. The omega's hands shook when he received it and the eyes that were staring at the doctor were so bright and hopeful. "This is the upgraded version of the pheromones perfume. It is taken orally and please note that no beastman has ever tested it yet."     

The doctor stressed with a solemn face. "Use it as a last and desperate measure. Well, I'd prefer it if you don't. Remember, there's quite a large possibility where you'll show the same symptoms like last time. You can even die." Oliver's pupils trembled. The coldness of the vial in his hand seeped into his skin and his hair stood on its end. "So make sure not to use it unless you're determined to receive the consequences."     


A/N: Important announcement below. Please give it a read ><     

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