Villain Saving System (BL)

3.3 Who Are You?

3.3 Who Are You?

3W—What should he do? He was scared...     

Oliver hadn't experienced such a thing throughout his life and he didn't know what to do. From the physical education lesson, he knew that Omegas would go through their first heat upon reaching adulthood but he had never expected that he would experience it now, at this time when the school had just ended and people were pouring out of the building.     

He curled up in the corner of the dark storage room and hugged himself, a sob escaped his lips. It was so painful. His whole body felt so sensitive to the slightest touch that even lying down on the hard, cold surface was taking a toll out of him. The Omega instinct within him roared awake, releasing the sweet scent of pheromones like a ripe fruit that was ready to be picked. He longed for someone to hold him close, to assure him that everything was okay, to fill the void in both his heart and body. Right...he wanted an Alpha. Only an Alpha was able to relieve him now.     

Oliver's mind was getting muddled by each second and licentious moans and gasps erupted from his throat. His muscles clenched in the part he had never known before and he was filled with so much desire that he was going insane. However, he couldn't muster even a bit of strength to move. Laying there helplessly, Oliver sniffled sadly. Why...Why wouldn't anyone come and save him?     

The door to the storage room suddenly swung open followed by a shock exclamation. "Ugh, w—what's with this smell?! Pheromones…?!"     

Oliver cracked his eyes open and could barely make out the features of the person in front of him. He had no idea who it was nor could he afford to care. The most important thing was...Alpha—that person was an Alpha...     

He propped himself up by elbows and reached out, his voice containing allure and tremble he didn't even notice. "It...It hurts..."     

"Fuck!" Ryan covered his mouth and nose and tried his hardest not to breathe in the scent. He had just wanted to grab a basketball from the storage room when he chanced upon this scene. The clueless Alpha had no idea how strong of an enticement the pheromones of an Omega in heat held. Just one sniff was enough to make him intoxicated. His heart thumped irregularly and his breaths turned harsh and heavy. He knew that he should have gone as far away as possible from the Omega, he should have gone to get the teachers but...he couldn't move. His feet were nailed in place and his eyes took in the lascivious scene in front of him.     

A slender Omega with his skin suffused with blush. Glazed eyes that were filled with yearning and plead, parted lips and sweet, hurried breaths…     

Ryan took a step forward against his will. The Omega was so...frail and exquisite. His teeth suddenly itched and he wanted to take a bite to see if the Omega's taste was as sweet as the pheromones he exuded…     

"No... don't come closer..." Oliver gasped and bit his lips until it bled to maintain his sanity but it was proven to be an arduous task especially with another Alpha's presence so close to him. The source of pheromones which could cure his thirst was right in front of him. He was terrified yet his body longed for an Alpha. Logic and instinct battled furiously and in the end, his instinct won. He knew that he shouldn't stay here… he should have screamed—anything. He should tell the Alpha to get as far away from him as possible. Being with an Alpha during his heat was dangerous, so very dangerous. Oliver was aware of that fact because the teachers had stressed the importance to them again and again.     

If...If he was marked now… No, he couldn't let that happen. But he couldn't bear the emptiness anymore… Frustrated, a few huge droplets of tears dripped down the corner of his eyes, resembling a broken string of pearls and making him look even more pitiful and alluring. The scent of the sweet pheromones got stronger and stronger, so thick that it almost saturated in the cramped room.     

Ryan's head buzzed and he swallowed, his throat so dry that it hurt. Goosebumps erupted along his arms and his instinct clearly told him: he wanted this Omega. He wanted to mark him. Ryan pounced forward and—     


A hole formed on the ceiling and a dark shadow crashed in. Violent burst of dust and small debris flew around, slightly dissipating the intense smell of the Omega's pheromone. Ryan snapped out of his stupor and hastily scrambled backward. His breaths came out harsh and sweat drenched his whole body. Disbelief shook through him. W—What had he just done? Did he almost violate and mate Omega he didn't even know?!     

He barely recovered his senses a moment later and through the hazy sight in front of him, he could make out a pair of...flapping wings?! His eyes flew open in extreme shock. There was a beastman with wings in his school?! No—no, it couldn't be. If there was, then that person would surely be famous, not only in school and across the kingdom but even throughout the whole world. Even in history textbooks, wings were very rare! He only heard the rumor that the Emperor of another kingdom faraway had a pair of beautiful wings but how could that Emperor possibly be here?!     

The dust gradually settled and Ryan could finally catch a clear sight of the beastman. In an instant, his breath got caught in his throat. Dark, huge wings and pointed spiral horns… His Alpha instinct kicked in and he intuitively let out his pheromones in an attempt to suppress the other but he was promptly defeated by the overwhelming pressure the other beastman exuded to the point where his knees weakened.     

A pair of piercing silver eyes stared coldly at him, so striking that it could kill. Ryan trembled despite himself. Run! Run away from him! His instinct roared at him. "W—Who are you...?"     

Instead of answering, the beastman glanced down at the crying Omega and brought him into his arms gently. The Omega's hazy eyes searched around and he urgently buried his head in the beastman's neck, nuzzling and licking in an attempt to seduce. His pheromones blared out even more strongly but before it could reach Ryan, it was held back by another Alpha's pheromones, tangled intimately. The beastman patted the Omega's back and whispered something into his ears only both of them could hear. As if it was a magic spell, the Omega calmed down in an instant and his eyes fluttered shut, still with tears hanging on his eyelashes.     

Without a word, the beastman opened his wings, intending to leave but Ryan blurted out without realizing. "W—Wait! Where are you going?! You... You're an Alpha, aren't you? That Omega is in heat! You're dangerous for him!"     

The winged beastman sneered, his voice deeply magnetic and vividly powerful. "Wherever it is, it's safer than being here with you." After leaving that sentence, he flew up through the hole in the ceiling and left, leaving Ryan coughing a mouthful of dust, dumbfounded.     

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