Villain Saving System (BL)

7.13 Are You Jealous?

7.13 Are You Jealous?

3The way he carried himself was different, his gaze, the curl of his lips, the raise of his brows… different. His build was more slender, willowy even with more softness rather than muscles. But still, that face… it was like Lu Yizhou was looking at a distorted mirror. Discomfort crawled up his spine and his scalp exploded in numbness.      2

What the fuck was this…?     

He had gone through six worlds but none of the characters was similar to one another, especially not in appearance. But this man… with a face so alike to Regius and staying by Moshe's side as his fuckboy, could it be a mere coincidence?     

"Hey," The longer he stared, the redder the man's face was. He patted his cheek in obvious bashfulness. "Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?" He sashayed closer to Lu Yizhou, making sure to jiggle his hips for good measure. His height only reached Lu Yizhou's chest and somehow, it made him look even shyer. He batted his long lashes, fingers reaching out to trace the line along Lu Yizhou's jaws. "I am asking you a question, handsome boy."     

Goosebumps erupted along Lu Yizhou's skin from head to toe and he actually felt his teeth hurt. He stepped backward as if burned. "Who… are you?"     

The man didn't look offended in the slightest. "Me?" His lips curled seductively, still red and slightly swollen. "My name is Regius, remember that."     

Even the name was the same, Lu Yizhou thought with a ringing echo to his head. [What is this, 666?]     

[666: This… This… wait a moment! 666 will activate the virus scanner from the main server.]     

Lu Yizhou was too deep in thought that he jolted when a pair of arms slid up his chest as Regius — fuck it was really weird to associate the name he has with another — went on tiptoe to kiss Lu Yizhou right on his lips, just the slightest peck, a brush of lips against lips yet it felt like thunder had struck Lu Yizhou right on his head. Before he could react, Regius pulled away with a victorious smirk.     

Lu Yizhou was so shocked that he could only stare wide-eyed, dumbstruck. What. The. Fuck.     

"Don't tell Boss but actually, you're more like my type." He squeezed Lu Yizhou's shoulders then deftly slipped a card into Lu Yizhou's back pocket. In an instant, Lu Yizhou's instinct kicked in again after the slight malfunction earlier. With a leap, Lu Yizhou distanced himself before Regius could feel his ass up… which he knew the man would do. Regius merely giggled at his reaction. "My contract with Boss is coming to an end. If you want…" He showed a gesture of 'call me' and to Lu Yizho's surprise, raised his voice to address another person. "It's okay, right Boss?"     

Lu Yizhou snapped his eyes up to see Moshe leaning against the door frame. Since when had he gotten there?!     

The sight of Regius in front of him was so perplexing that it actually managed to make Lu Yizhou's mind sluggish, like an overworked computer that's gotten lagged. Or could it be that he was still under the effect of medication?      

Moshe was staring at them with an indecipherable gaze. His appearance was impeccable as always. With a crimson dress shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbow and straight khaki pants, he was the picture of elegance. He didn't look like someone who had just fucked. Well, maybe except his long hair that had been let loose.     

"He's my pet." He said with his eyes boring holes into Lu Yizhou, enunciating each word clearly. "And a pet can only lick his owner's boots, no matter who is generous enough to give him treats."     

Regius grumbled under his breath. "Stingy. Alright I won't touch him but at least…" With a movement so quick, he bounced toward Lu Yizhou and dropped another resounding kiss on his lips. His eyes twinkled in mischief. "I can give your pet a kiss because he's too cute, right? Bye-bye, handsome boy! Bye-bye, Boss!"     

[666: H—Host!!! *cough cough cough* indeed! He's a bug!]     

Lu Yizhou's body moved without thinking to catch Regius' wrist. Somehow, he had the feeling that he wouldn't see this man again after this. Regius' eyes widened in astonishment.      

"Wait—" Lu Yizhou started.     

[What should I do to erase the bug? Should I kill him? What will happen if I let him go now?]     

[666: Well, that—]     

Before Lu Yizhou could finish the sentence, an arm wrapped around his neck from behind, dragging him backward in a strong chokehold. Lu Yizhou instinctively took on a defensive stance only to recall who should be holding him now. If he fought back, Moshe would get injured.      

Hence he only grabbed onto Moshe's arm to lighten the pressure, letting himself be pulled into the private room under Regius' shocked eyes. Lu Yizhou was shoved against the door, causing it to close behind him with a loud bam. Moshe was on him in between one breath and the next.     

"'Wait' what?" Moshe smiled sweetly. He deliberately glided his palm along Lu Yizhou's side, filled with tease and dangerous intent before he moved to Lu Yizhou's ass and did the thing Regius didn't earlier— squeezed. Lu Yizhou startled when Moshe's hand came up with the card Regius had slipped to him earlier. "What are you going to say to him huh?" He waved the card around as if it was bait. "What are you going to do holding him back? Do you want him? Are you interested in his offer?"     

Lu Yizhou's brows knitted deeply. "Are you… jealous?" Moshe's nostrils flared in anger and his mouth opened to say something but Lu Yizhou beat him to it. "Because he's supposed to be yours? Are you angry because I touched what's yours?"     

[666: Host… *facepalm* you dense dumbo… sigh, 666 will just go offline. Ciao.]     

Lu Yizhou blinked at Moshe's dumbfounded look. Was he wrong? What was he supposed to think? Moshe had just fucked that man and then when Lu Yizhou touched him, Moshe bristled like a cat whose tail was being stepped on. Regius was someone he fucked and Lu Yizhou… well, he was only a 'pet'. He didn't even know what a pet should do. Wag his tail and sing praises to Moshe? Or just like what Moshe had said earlier… lick his boots?     

"You…" Whatever emotion was raging in Moshe's face instantly cooled down and he was back to being his inscrutable, placid self. "You're angry," he pointed out, almost gleefully.     

Lu Yizhou scoffed. What? He wasn't supposed to feel terrible after he had just caught his lover's fornication with others? Not to mention this room… with its soundproof walls, privacy screen, dim suggestive lightning… everything was built to offer the most comfortable experience; it clearly told the signs of Moshe's exciting sex life very well. How many he had had aside from Regius?      

Virginity was a social construct. Lu Yizhou had never thought himself to be those rigid, narrow minded idealists. He knew that it couldn't be helped. Moshe had spent his first 26 years without Lu Yizhou afterall. But still, it was kinda upsetting to see this kind of thing in person. And what? He wasn't supposed to get angry?      

Oh right he was just a pet, Lu Yizhou thought mirthlessly.     

"You're angry," Moshe asserted once again. "Why?"     

"You tell me why." Lu Yizhou deadpanned.     

"You kissed him."     

Lu Yizhou frowned. From which angle did Moshe see him kissing Regius? "He kissed me," he corrected.     

Moshe rolled his eyes. "It's the same. You two kissed. Your lips touched." Lu Yizhou bit his tongue to prevent him from blurting out how Moshe had done even more than that. "That makes three."     

"...Three what?"     

"People who have kissed you."     

"Two." Lu Yizhou corrected once again. He was annoyed now that Moshe kept bringing this matter up. If Lu Yizhou hadn't been stunned silly, Regius wouldn't be able to catch him off guard and kiss him.      

Not to mention Regius was a bug — the same bug that had hurt Izher and caused him to fall into a coma. Lu Yizhou would rather get rid of any potential source of problems than getting into this ridiculous argument with Moshe.     

Lu Yizhou wanted to go somewhere to cool his head down. This was but a misunderstanding, he was aware. But both of them were upset. Lu Yizhou didn't want to say something he would regret in this kind of situation.      

Moshe barked out a short laugh that didn't reach his eyes. "What? Am I not counted? Before me, you have kissed one person and with Regius, it's two. Where am I supposed to be, Aiden?" Moshe punched the door beside Lu Yizhou's head, golden eyes blazing in rage. "Where?!"     

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