Villain Saving System (BL)

6.10 Power Of Prayer

6.10 Power Of Prayer

0"What is that in General's arms?"      2

"Huh… a doll? General is carrying a doll?"     

"Yikes, it's like looking at a real person. How can that doll be so realistic and creepy?"     

"Aren't you focusing on the wrong thing? The most important question we have to address is, why is the General bringing a doll here?!"     

The hushed whispers ceased when Jillian climbed to the podium where he would usually give important announcements or make an encouraging speech right before they departed for the battlefield. But this time, he did neither. The soldiers gathered and watched confusedly as a servant trailed behind Jillian carrying a… a mini throne which he placed reverently on the podium stand. Then General Jillian waved the servant off impatiently before he very very gently lowered the doll to the throne and straightened his white robe.      

Eyes flew open in shock and mouths agape as everyone heard Jillian speak to the doll. "Regius, this is the training ground exclusive to the Duchy's soldiers. This is also where I train two hours a day before I depart for work." Then Jillian suddenly turned to the soldiers and swept his gaze around solemnly. "We have trained the best troops in the country. Not only their skill, but their attitude is also commendable. Right, everyone?"      

He straightened up and gestured to the doll. "This is Regius, an esteemed guest of mine."     

The underlying meaning behind his words and his heavy gaze was clear: be polite or else! The soldiers gulped nervously, not daring to entertain further down the idea of 'or else'. Left with no choice, they could only perform a formal salute even though their heart was clamouring with confusion.     

Exactly who was this person in front of them and what had he done to the General?!     

On the furthest corner, a man with chestnut brown hair and a lighter shade of eyes furrowed his brows in contemplation. The man was none other than Hayden, the male protagonist of the world.     

After Jillian stepped down carrying the doll away with him, satisfied that he could finally introduce Regius to the whole world, the atmosphere instantly exploded into an uproar. Of course, all of them were talking about the General's unusual behavior. "Do you think that's our General's twin?"     

"Hush, what are you implying? Do you think that there can be someone else in this world with the exact same face as the General?"     

"So why is he acting so unusual like… like a wholly different person?!"     

Majority of the soldiers were still trying to catch up with the previous event but there were a small few who responded with mockery and derision. "Hah, bringing a doll to the training ground? Do you think the General has finally gone…" He pointed at his temple, lips curling into a jeering sneer.      

Unfortunately, Hayden was standing quite close to them and heard clearly what the soldier said. Hearing the hushed whispers, Hayden instantly saw red. He tossed the wooden sword to the ground and marched to the group, catching the man who had just insulted the General by his collar. His expression was nearly murderous. The aforementioned soldier sputtered in surprise. "What the—"     

Hayden raised his fist, seething. "I dare you to repeat that sentence once again."      

How dare he… General Jillian was the most amazing, exceptional and brilliant person he had ever had the honor of knowing. How dare this good-for-nothing speak of him with such a tone?!     

"What the fuck is your problem, man?!"     


Plan B was: no plan at all.      

Lu Yizhou helplessly lay in Jillian's arms as they returned to the manor where Jillian had ordered the craftsman to make a small bed and a sofa seat by the window in his room so that Lu Yizhou could bask in the sun whilst enjoying the scenery. Jillian put him down on the mini sofa and instead of taking a seat himself, he chose to cross his legs and directly sit on the floor right beside Lu Yizhou. After that, he stared at Lu Yizhou with such an intense gaze… as if waiting for him to blink — anything.     

"I'm sorry, are you annoyed with me?" Jillian scratched his nose sheepishly. "I just want to introduce you to everyone. You're just so good and beautiful, you know…" He trailed off and for a split second, his expression turned melancholic.      

Lu Yizhou's heart ached at the sight. He badly wanted to ask what Jillian was thinking about, what could have made him look so sad and what could he do to wipe the sadness away. Frustration coursed through him because of course, there was no way Jillian would be able to hear him. Now he had no idea which irked him more, to be totally ignored or unable to reach his lover even though they were merely a few inches apart.      

Outside the sky abruptly darkened and Jillian lifted his head up with a frown. "Ugh, the weather is getting worse nowadays. Are you cold, Regius?" He got up to throw firewoods into the hearth, making the air grow warmer by each second. "There." Satisfied, he returned to Lu Yizhou and crouched down in front of him. His golden eyes were searing where they reflected the fire, framed by thick lashes that casted shadows over his cheek and oh, his gaze was ever so imploring and captivating... Lu Yizhou had never felt an urge stronger than to be able to caress Jillian's cheek right now. "I hate to leave you by yourself but today, I have a very important meeting with the King and his ministers. Don't worry, I will come back as soon as I can."     

Despite his words, he made no move to stand up. Lu Yizhou had no complaints if it meant he could stare at his lover longer but seconds ticked by and he was growing confused. Did Jillian need something else from him?      

If Lu Yizhou could breathe, he would definitely choke in surprise when Jillian suddenly leaned forward and pecked him on his cheek.      

When he pulled away a split second later, his entire face was flushed crimson like a bashful maiden. "Um… I will return soon. See you later, Regius." After that, Jillian stood up and briskly walked out of the room, almost slamming the door behind him.     

Lu Yizhou was stunned where he was sitting, unable to do anything but stare outside the window where the dark clouds miraculously parted to allow a stream of warm sunlight in. He could feel a warm current running beneath his veins and his doll body felt strangely warm. This… This was…     

[666: *gasp* Host, this is the power of prayer! How—How can you…? Is it because of the kiss from Jillian?!]     

A kiss… was equal to one prayer?      

So it meant if… if in the future, Jillian were to do it again or possibly more, Lu Yizhou would still be able to get stronger and stronger? Ha… he suddenly got the urge to laugh. He had adamantly tried to avoid this path but in the end, Jillian was steadily bringing him back. Helpless yet fond at the same time, the corner of Lu Yizhou's doll lips curled up slightly. If Jillian were here to witness it, he would definitely be ecstatic.      

Well, if this was Jillian's wish, then Lu Yizhou would gladly comply. Afterall, how could he resist a kiss from his lover?     




Mini theater     

Jillian was walking to the carriage when a soldier came to report to him, frantic. "G—General, there's a fight breaking out in the training grounds."     

Jillian didn't even pause as he asked. "Did someone die?"     

"H—Huh?" Flabbergasted, the soldier shook his head vehemently. "N—No, nothing of the sort. Just a few broken bones and bleeding nose but—"     

"Then don't bother me. Fights happen all the time, everywhere. Just give out proper punishment to teach them a lesson. If they are a repeat offender, give them a warning that they will be kicked out if it happens again in the future." Without giving the soldier any chance to react, Jillian climbed up the carriage and pulled the door shut. The coachman gave him a sympathetic smile before he drove the carriage away, leaving the gaping soldier with a mouthful of snow and dust.     

Sighing, he shook his head. Poor Hayden, he was defending the General's honor so desperately but the man in question didn't even have the slightest idea of it!      

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