Villain Saving System (BL)

5.45 Kill?

5.45 Kill?

0The atmosphere abruptly stilled; it was as if someone had just pushed the pause button. What did Terra just say…? Who was the one infected by the parasite? Except for him, General Ethan and Joshua, the only other possibility was—      2

[666: QAQ Host, 666 is trying to tell you this! It seems like when you were… ehem… bonding with your guide, the parasite inside Joshua has reached stage 2 and started to multiply and then… and then, one of them ended up getting stuck on Yves.]     

[Why didn't you fucking tell me sooner?!] Lu Yizhou gnashed his teeth angrily.     

[666: Huwaaa, 666 has been trying to tell Host as soon as 666 found out!!! QAQ]     

"Halt." Lu Yizhou used his skill "Devil's Whisper" to give a command. Yves' body paused midair before he promptly crashed to the ground like a mannequin, his limbs were still posed in mid-attack.     

Panicked, Yves cried out. "W—What is happening to me?!" W—Why couldn't he move?! Even if that was spirit manipulation, he and General Kai had the same A rank! He might only be a little stronger than Yves, there was no way he could overpower Yves like this! And what did that guide say? He… He was infected by the parasite?! That wasn't possible!     

Lu Yizhou snapped sharply. "Don't speak either. You and Joshua, don't even think to get one word out of your mouth."     

From the corner of his eyes, he could see General Ethan looked at him with his jaws hanging and eyes shimmering in awe. Lu Yizhou pinched his brows, feeling an oncoming headache. General Ethan opened his mouth to say something but before he could, Terra had run up to them and promptly dragged Lu Yizhou behind him, baring his teeth to the immobilized Joshua. "He's dangerous, don't get close to him! He can affect you too!"     

Well shit, Lu Yizhou didn't want his body to be taken over by the parasite either. He pulled Terra further to increase the distance between them and Joshua, the shitty parasite carrier.      

General Ethan tilted his head slightly, seemingly listening to something before he turned to Lu Yizhou and Terra. "Wyatt is securing the King to a safer place. He will join us soon."      

Upon hearing his words, Joshua's face twisted even more, struggling against the binding that froze his body. Eventually he managed to force out the words, muffled through the corner of his lips. "Give… the King… to me…"     

Terra sneered and in the next second, Joshua flew back into the room as if pushed by an invisible force. Terra froze when all eyes turned to him, then he crossed his arms and let out a harrumph. "What? He's annoying."     

Lu Yizhou had to resist a smile at how badass he was.     

They didn't need to wait long for Doctor Wyatt to arrive. It was obvious that he had heard bits and pieces of the event through his bond with Ethan because he appeared wearing full protective gear and carrying a flamethrower and disinfectant spray. "Sorry for the wait." He handed the spare protective gear to them and then his gaze fell on Yves whose limbs were still stuck in an odd position. "What happened to him?"     

General Ethan smiled as he put on the mask. "It's General Kai who did it. Your control is very impeccable, General. Even I don't dare to claim that I can restrain an A rank sentinel for such a long period of time. It's reassuring to know that such a capable soldier exists in this country."      

Lu Yizhou merely inclined his head in acknowledgement and continued to help his lover into the suit whilst Terra lifted his head proudly, basking in the praise as if he was the one who received it.     

Doctor Wyatt looked intrigued but then he finally decided to focus on the matter in hand first. He peered into the windowless room where Joshua was detained and his expression turned disgusted as he took in the sight. Lu Yizhou had only taken a glimpse but that was enough to make his goosebumps rise. The four walls were covered in thin, slimy substance, even the ceiling wasn't spared. One could only imagine what Joshua had been doing inside to cause such a thing. He swayed the flamethrower in his hands and offered. "Kill?"     

Somehow the word provoked Yves so much that the sentinel resisted against the system skill enough to give a protest. Truly, his golden finger was truly impeccable. "NO! Please!" He struggled even more when the attention turned to him. "Joshua is still a human. He's not a parasite yet!"     

Doctor Wyatt let out a huff. "He's already like this," he gestured toward Joshua who was sprawled on the floor, unconscious from Terra's attack. Even then, his body continued to produce the greenish liquid, creating a small pool around his body. "And you say he still isn't a parasite?" He suddenly turned to Lu Yizhou with a sympathetic look. "Now I know why you react like that, General Kai. I apologize for being blind and entrusted him with such an important task."     

General Ethan took the flamethrower from Doctor Wyatt, directing it toward the room. "We should kill all parasites on sight."     

Yves' eyes turned red as he thrashed around with all his beings. "NO—!"     

"Wait." Doctor Wyatt and Lu Yizhou said in unison and then looked at each other in brief surprise. Doctor Wyatt had his grip around General Ethan's wrist, preventing him from moving. General Ethan looked at them back and forth, confused. Why did they hold him back? And Wyatt, wasn't he the one who offered to kill the parasite in the first place?     

Lu Yizhou nodded toward Doctor Wyatt, telling him to go first.      

The doctor shrugged. "Three reasons. First, I am sure that Lieutenant Yves isn't a Lieutenant for no reason so I'd like to hear why he insists that Joshua isn't a parasite. Second, Joshua is the first guide who has ever been infected by the parasite. It makes me a bit curious why he's chosen among all. Third, he's clearly in stage 2, the phase where the parasite is the most vulnerable but Terra has just attacked him yet his body remained intact. If we go through the logic, Joshua's body should be torn in pieces by now. So what's so different about him than the other infectees?"     

"What?" Doctor Wyatt grumbled at Ethan even though the General hadn't spoken yet. "He's a precious experiment subject! Anyway, you can kill him after I am done with him, can't you?" He gave no chance for Ethan to answer before turning to Lu Yizhou. "What do you think, General Kai?"     

Lu Yizhou nodded. "I agree with you." As much as Lu Yizhou wanted to kill Joshua, there was something he needed to know more. "He should have been infected for more than two weeks but then, there are signs that he has been fighting against the parasite's influence. I'd like to know how he did it." He could feel Terra's confusion and apprehension through the bond. The guide wasn't happy with his decision to spare Joshua. Later, he would tell Terra later when they were left on their own devices. Otherwise he feared that Terra would freak out right here and now.     

"Well," General Ethan grumbled, reluctance written clear on his frown. "Your choice."     

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