Villain Saving System (BL)

5.44 Don't Get Close

5.44 Don't Get Close

1Lu Yizhou took a few seconds to regain his bearings. It wasn't impossible for Terra to hear his conversation with 666. Afterall, a bonded sentinel and pair would be able to sense each other's emotions and thoughts. From the original plot and Doctor Wyatt himself, Lu Yizhou learned that the higher their index of compatibility was, the more compatible their souls and bodies would be. Judging from how high his compatibility with Terra was, it wouldn't be weird if someday they were able to share visions with each other.      3

However, his reasoning was immediately denied by 666, so fiercely to the point that the system almost screamed right beside his ear.     

[666: NOOO!!! T—That is not possible! The simulator itself is equipped with privacy settings that will shield our entire existence from the characters. It's impossible for him to notice our existence, Host! This—This is not logical!]     

Terra tilted his head and gave him a quizzical look. He was so adorable that Lu Yizhou wished to cup his cheeks and nibbled on those oily lips. Alas, he couldn't do so in the presence of others, knowing that his lover wasn't really a fan of PDA.      

Lu Yizhou heaved out a long drawn-out sigh. Nothing was logical about this whole situation. He had known early on that the mere existence of his lover had defied the rule of the simulator. From world to world, he had followed Lu Yizhou without fail and now, he had even regained a fraction of memories from the past. It was clearly an anomaly — or a bug. In the second world, Lu Yizhou had tried to use the system's skill "Devil's Whisper" on Theodore a few times but it wasn't working at all. At first, he had thought that it was merely an error but the longer he knew his lover, the more he realized that there was something about him than what met the eye.     

And that's why, Lu Yizhou didn't even need a minute to accept the fact. He gave Terra a helpless smile and whispered into his ear. "I will explain everything to you later."     

[666: N-ope, Host! That won't be happening! One of the default rules for transmigrator is that their identity should have never been exposed!]     

[Or else?]     

[666: Or—Or else… ugh 666 doesn't know! This kind of thing hasn't happened before! Everyone is always mindful to keep their real identity a secret. Host, you're really an odd one!]     

So in other words, this wasn't an official rule because as far as Lu Yizhou could remember, he was only told three important rules. No OOC, no killing the protagonists, and focus on saving the villain. Lu Yizhou resisted rolling his eyes. Even if that was a rule, did he look like the kind of person who cared about that?     

[666: ....]     

[666: …No, you don't QAQ]     

Why did 666 have to be assigned to this kind of Host? If 666 was a human, it would have definitely gotten a few heart attacks and had a head full of white hair! 666 was so stressed! Well, so be it. The one who had to bear the consequences wasn't 666 anyway! Huffing, it promptly went offline to go rant to the system forum.     

"May I ask," Doctor Wyatt cleared his throat to draw Lu Yizhou's attention. "Lieutenant Yves has been your right hand man for years but you don't seem to like him very much. Why is that so?"     

Lu Yizhou scoffed inwardly. Not liking wasn't adequate to describe what Lu Yizhou felt toward Yves. "Well, he's a capable man, in a few areas." He replied vaguely.     

"You mean, outside of his job, he's an idiot?"     

Trust Doctor Wyatt to say what was meant to be a subtle diss. Beside him, General Ethan coughed into his coffee and gave his partner an exasperated look. Lu Yizhou merely grabbed a tissue to wipe the corner of Terra's mouth gently, trusting that his silence would give the answer Wyatt wanted.      

Terra's eyes flew open and he was looking up at Lu Yizhou with those large, dazed golden eyes, lips subconsciously parted. Lu Yizhou's eyes darkened as soon as he perceived Terra's veiled thoughts through their bond. He was one step away from crashing his lips onto Terra when his ears picked up faint noises.     

He came to his senses with a jerk and tilted his head toward the direction of the sound.     

Opposite him, General Ethan was doing the same thing and then, both of them stood up at the same time.     

Doctor Wyatt and Terra were stunned. "W—What happened?"     

Lu Yizhou's face abruptly darkened when he heard the words 'escape', 'don't wish to leave you', 'help you', that was clearly Yves' voice. He only had the time to squeeze Terra's hand in reassurance and then in a blink of an eye, he was already running down the hallway. His lips pulled back into a snarl as irritation coursed through him. Stupid! Lu Yizhou had hoped that seeing Joshua's true color would be able to awaken Yves from his foolishness but it seemed like he had put too much expectation on him.      

He had no idea where Yves had gotten the key to the room where they locked Joshua in but when Lu Yizhou arrived, it was in time with Yves opening the door. The Lieutenant's eyes widened as he caught sight of Lu Yizhou but Lu Yizhou gave him no time to react as he leapt forward and directed a straight kick toward Yves' side, sending him rolling across the floor.     

The door rattled and slammed open with a loud bang. A disheveled Joshua stumbled out of it, his entire body covered in a layer of green slime. His face twisted into ferocious rage when he saw Lu Yizhou; not even a hint of resemblance to the tenacious guide he had met in Wria Plaza, who had used his own body to shield others, could be seen. Joshua's body was shaking violently and when he opened his mouth, Lu Yizhou's mind instantly flashed to the ultrasonic attack that the King launched.      

"Don't. Move." He hissed, his pupils turning crimson. His permanent skill "Devil's Whisper" was active and coupled with the sentinel's spirit manipulation, he was able to freeze Joshua in place. A hint of struggle appeared in Joshua's eyes at the same time with waves of offensive elements that slammed into the barrier in Lu Yizhou's mind. They didn't create even the slightest scratch. Lu Yizhou would be a damned fool if he let himself be caught off guard for the second time. "I say, don't move." He stressed out each word.     

Joshua's body stiffened in the doorway, tears of frustration gathered in his eyes.     

General Ethan caught up to him in the next second, brows furrowing as he looked at Joshua and Yves back and forth before understanding dawned on him, followed by hot anger. "Lieutenant Yves, we are giving you a very important task to guard a parasite and this is what you do? To set him free?! What the hell are you thinking?!"     

Well said, General Ethan. That was also what Lu Yizhou wanted to ask. What the fuck was going on in Yves' mind? Did he really see nothing but Joshua to the point where he was willing to be tricked into this? Lu Yizhou really couldn't understand. How did such a person pass the criteria of being the world's protagonist? It seemed like the protagonists were getting sillier and sillier with each world.     

Yves scrambled up with a cough, clutching his side where Lu Yizhou's kick landed. The corner of his eyes were tinged with red and he looked utterly unkempt with his messy hair, crumpled clothes and the blood on the side of his lips. "Let Joshua go!" He hollered indignantly. "He's not a parasite. He will not become a parasite! He's Joshua, he has promised to become my guide!" He let out an enraged roar along and released his own spirit manipulation that almost knocked Lu Yizhou off his feet.     

What…? Yves had gotten stronger? How?     

[666: H—H—Host, Host, Host, this is not good!]     

He shared a somber look with General Ethan and was ready to attack at once when Terra appeared at the mouth of the hallway. He took one look at the scene and froze in disbelief. "Wait—" He cried out and rushed to them. "Don't get close to him. He's already infected by the parasite!"     

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