Villain Saving System (BL)

5.38 Who Are You?

5.38 Who Are You?

3Hearing his own words thrown back at him, Lu Yizhou looked positively amused, if the deepening curl on the corner of his lips and the twinkle in his eyes could be judged as the sign. He let out a quiet huff of laughter and a knot in Terra's stomach loosened at the sound. He didn't even realize how nervous he was, too angry at Lu Yizhou's misperception of his own feelings.      

"Right." Lu Yizhou said and deliberately tilted his head back, baring the sinuous column of his throat like a willing prey. "Do whatever you want, then."     

Rude. Terra's teeth itched to bite down on the man's jugular, to let him know that Terra was the person who could deliver just the pain he was searching for. But this wasn't the time for that, Terra could still sense the discomfort from him. Lu Yizhou seemed unaware of the crack on his mind barriers but there was no way Terra was going to call him out on it. His discomfort intensified when Terra kneeled with his thighs bracketing Lu Yizhou's waist, meaning that he was pressing his weight on the silk blanket covering Lu Yizhou's body. "Oh." He turned sideways and tugged on the blanket, asking for permission. "May I…?"     

Without a word, Lu Yizhou tossed the blanket away and Terra promptly sucked in a breath as his peripheral vision caught sight of the lengthy member he had been drooling for the past ten minutes. He instantly averted his gaze away and focused on Lu Yizhou's eyes, but the awareness that they were both naked, that there was nothing left between them, that if Terra sat down he could feel Lu Yizhou on his most private part, that Lu Yizhou could clearly see how hard he was if he looked down, cut off his train of thoughts and he could only stare at Lu Yizhou dumbly. W—What was he going to do again?     

Fortunately, Lu Yizhou mercifully rescued him from his predicament. "How much do you know about the sentinel and guide's union?"     

Terra was quickly distracted by the question and scrunched up his nose in thought. "Spiritual and physical."     

"And then…?"     

Terra cleared his throat. "We are going to do both."     

Lu Yizhou replied, amused. "Well, I will assume that you already know what physical union entails, judging from how long you spend outside watching—"     

"Lu Yizhou!" Terra exclaimed, scandalized. Goodness, what he was fearing for had come true. Lu Yizhou indeed knew what he was up to outside! Could everything get any more embarrassing than this?!      

"Alright, alright," Lu Yizhou put up both hands in resignation even though the mirth in his eyes didn't recede a bit. He was such a tease, Terra groaned inwardly. "I won't talk about it anymore. But on a serious note, Terra, I only want to know that you are fully aware of what you're getting yourself into. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He said the last sentence with such a deep sincerity that it almost made Terra swoon.     

Devious in one second and then considerate in the next, Terra huffed. Didn't he get tired of being so perfect all the time? Terra harrumphed, eyes darting everywhere but the man beneath him. "I know… so don't worry."     

"Good." Lu Yizhou rewarded him with another devastating smile of his. "What about spiritual union?"     

"It's…" Terra furrowed his brows and repeated what Doctor Wyatt had told him earlier. "The fusion of a sentinel and guide's spiritual element. In order to do that, we need to have a clear mind, willingness to bond and a hundred percent trust in our partner."     

"Because we need to tear down every layer of shield around us and let each other in." Lu Yizhou finished. "After that, you will officially become my guide. You will be able to sense my emotions fully, read my thoughts at random times, be responsible for my mental state and vice versa. Terra," He looked absolutely serious now. "Are you ready for that? This will be a bond that lasts a lifetime. There will be no takebacks."     

"No takebacks." Terra echoed. Did the sentinel even realize what he was talking about? Why did he say it as if he was scared that Terra would regret it? On the contrary, it was Terra who had hit a jackpot in his life. He had no proper education, came from a dubious background, with possibly criminal records that could land him in jail for years. Exactly how could he manage to snag such a high caliber sentinel? Well, this was their destiny and Terra wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth when the sentinel was clearly offering himself. He repeated once again, firmer. A declaration. "No takebacks."     

Lu Yizhou smiled and opened his arms. "Come here."     

Terra hesitated. Would he—     

"No, you won't hurt me, my love. We need to stay close to perform spiritual union, remember?"     

Terra gave him an uncertain look. He didn't remember ever hearing that rule. It was obvious that two people needed to be close in order to merge their spiritual element but Terra was sure that it didn't mean laying on the bed together, naked as the day they were born. He merely heaved a sigh and rolled to the side so he wouldn't drop his weight on Lu Yizhou. The man actually let out a regretful sigh and pulled him closer until their sides were flushed together and once again, Terra willed himself to ignore their apparent nudity and focused on pressing their palms together.     

"First thing first, dismantle our barrier." Lu Yizhou whispered. "Ready?"     

Terra nodded and closed his eyes, mentally picturing the shield around him. It was difficult to tear the fortress down as he had gotten used to relying on it for years to survive but as soon as he recalled that he was doing it to let Lu Yizhou in, the motion became easier and easier. His chaotic spiritual element erupted in the air and he gasped, curling on his side with sweat dotted his forehead. He felt awfully exposed, his skin was tingling and he couldn't help but imagine that the danger was drawing near, waiting for the time when he lowered his guard to pounce on him and tear him to pieces. He started to tremble, but before he could cower and hide again, a wave of blue spiritual elements entered his radar.      

Something within him stirred, roused from its deep slumber. He knew this presence, deep down in his subconsciousness, had held it dear to his heart, had been intimately close to it for years, and had lived with a part of it inside himself. Not in this lifetime… but before. In another life. Another version of him and Lu Yizhou.     

No matter what appearance you take, a voice resounded in his mind, no matter what kind of identity you have, I will find you and return to your side.     

Terra gasped and his eyes snapped open, meeting Lu Yizhou's silver ones. In an instant, lights exploded behind his eyelids and his head was struck with a force of years and years of memories. He was flying, floating and sinking. Falling, falling and falling… then someone caught him before he could land and break apart, cradling him within their warm embrace and loving him with all of their heart. Terra didn't even realize he was crying until a sob escaped his lips. By then, his face had already gotten wet.      

Blue and gold spiritual elements tangled in the air, creating a brand new fortress with the might of thousands. The light inside the room grew increasingly brighter from the fusion of the two. Terra reached out to touch Lu Yizhou's cheek, another sob wrenched out of his chest. He was unable to utter anything except the man's name, again and again. "Lu Yizhou… Lu Yizhou…"      

"I'm sorry…" Lu Yizhou grasped the palm on his cheek and dropped a kiss on it. "I'm sorry that I left you behind so many times, Zexi, Theo, Lan'er…"     

With every name he murmured, Terra shook his head harder. "You make me happy. You're the reason why I am alive." He leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. "I love you and I will never hate you for it. It's not your fault. Be it Uncle Lu, Raphael, Altair or Jingxue-Jun, I love every version of you. There's no need for sorrys between us, remember?"     

Lu Yizhou didn't even blink, staring at him in muted awe as if it was the first time he had seen him. "How can I ever deserve you?" He whispered after a long time.     

Terra let out a wet laugh. His first genuine laugh in this world. His face muscle was tight and cramping, unused to such a movement. Happiness bubbled in his chest and every fibre in his body seemed to contain sparks and fireworks. "What a coincidence." He replied, breathless. "I am also thinking of the same thing."     

Lu Yizhou raked his gaze all over Terra's features, too mesmerized by his lover's gorgeous smile. He tucked his hair behind his ear and wiped the tears on his cheek. "Who are you exactly…?" He couldn't help asking. Both of them instantly knew what he was talking about.     

Terra frowned before shaking his head. "I… don't really remember anything before my life as Ren Zexi." His memory was a jumbled mess and he got a headache everytime he tried to recall anything.     

"Don't force yourself." Lu Yizhou quickly said after detecting the distress in his face. "It's okay, I have other ways to find out the truth."     

Terra gasped inaudibly."...Z."      


"Z." His breath quickly turned irregular, eyes wild in distraught and exhilaration. "I remember something just now. It should be my name. Z. But—But I can't remember anything more than that." He sighed and tugged on his hair, shrugging in resignation. "Guess we have to stick with Terra for now."     

"Z." Lu Yizhou called out softly, bringing Terra's hand to his lips and kissed every single one of his knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time. I am Lu Yizhou, or Kai in this world, at your service."     

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