Villain Saving System (BL)

5.35 Crash Course

5.35 Crash Course

3The next few hours were purely chaos. The patients were transferred into the nearest hospital per batch, ambulance blaring sirens reverberated through the air. The buzz of complaints, especially from those particularly impatient family members who clamoured that they wanted to sue the hospital for their lousy security, was the worst. Fortunately, the imposing presence of soldiers as well as their menacing firearms managed to keep more or less a semblance of order. Not only did they have to hunt down the remaining parasites hiding inside, they also had to clean up the corpses and disinfect the place.      0

It was nearly midnight when the hospital was finally sealed from public, and the very fact that Doctor Wyatt was the unofficial director of the hospital made it easy for him to remain behind, occupying the private ward — thankfully untouched by the parasites — whilst hiding the most wanted person in the entire country, General Kai, who seemed to have built an affinity to hovering between the edge of life and death.     

When Doctor Wyatt exited the emergency room at 2 in the morning, he was utterly exhausted and ready to crash to the nearest surface available. Alas, he was instantly swarmed by two very anxious people who instantly crowded him to the corner. Terra was staring at him with those large golden eyes that could topple down cities and bring everyone down to their knees, whilst Lieutenant Yves inquired fretfully, "How is he doing, Doctor?!"     

Doctor Wyatt raised a hand and pinched his brows with the other. "His condition is stable for now." It didn't seem to assuage their concern, so Doctor Wyatt mercifully added. "He will get through this, I guarantee."     

Yves quietly let out a sigh of relief and nodded, exhausted from the emotional roller coaster he had gone through today.     

Doctor Wyatt startled when Terra quietly tugged on his sleeves. He still couldn't get used to the guide initiating contact, much less when he spoke, albeit the voice was so quiet and small that the doctor almost missed it. "Can I see him?" Doctor Wyatt observed the guide in front of him. He had cleaned and changed into another outfit, but nothing could hide the haggardness and anxiety, and the dark circles beneath his eyes. Overall, he was doing much better than yesterday when Lu Yizhou returned in blood and Doctor Wyatt nodded inwardly in satisfaction.     

What he didn't know was that Terra was a nervous wreck inside. He had always been, especially when Lu Yizhou was out of his sight. But this time, he had Monroe, Lu Yizhou's spirit animal, with him. The horned eagle had been a constant companion, snuggling against his chest and chirping whilst Lu Yizhou was undergoing treatment inside. As soon as his mind spiraled down into unwanted territory, the horned eagle would always let Terra nuzzle against his fluffy wings.      

Even the independant and haughty Blackie allowed itself to be comforted for once, cuddling close to Monroe's soft belly. Terra was mildly amused to see the two spirit animals getting along when he was so used to seeing them being in a love-hate relationship — truthfully, it was Blackie who always got all defensive and bared its teeth toward Monroe whilst the eagle silently resigned itself to being the victim of sharp claws and gnawing teeth.     

It was as if the sentinel had never left his side. I am here, the presence of the eagle said, everything will be okay.     

Doctor Wyatt gave him a look in response to his question and Terra sensibly kept his mouth shut until Yves finally took the hint and excused himself.      

They passed through the door into a sterilization room where Terra ought to change out of his clothes into... He lifted the flimsy dress and scrutinized it with befuddlement as if it was going to change form into the sterile scrub that Doctor Wyatt was wearing but no, the dress remained a dress. It was soft blue, and it even had paw prints on it. Let alone wearing, Terra had never even seen such a… thin clothing before. He directed a totally confused look at Doctor Wyatt.     

"Look." The doctor groaned, looking as if he'd better do anything other than this. "He's currently very unstable. Sensitive. And I am not only talking about his mental state. Do you know that General Kai already has four senses with this? Do you know what that means?"     

Terra nodded, jittery. Doctor Wyatt snatched the silk clothing away from him before he could crumple it in his fists. "Good. Then you should already guess that forming a bond is the most important thing to do, right? To be honest, I would like to start this with spiritual union and perform a few tests on you two because your very high compatibility index, but with the state General is in, it's better if you two form a bond through physical union too. He can't stand any fabric right now and it took us an ample amount of time to let him get used to silk. Any other materials are too rough for his newly developed sense and if you're going to touch him, then you need to change into this." Hesitation flashed through Doctor Wyatt's face and he let out another tired sigh. "I'm sorry that this nightgown is the only one we can find right now, in our situation. If you give me a few more hours, I can go to the nearest boutique that opens 24 hours to search for—"     

"No." Terra cut him off and gingerly took the thin dress back. "I will wear it."      

Doctor Wyatt's eyes narrowed and he suddenly dropped a bomb out of nowhere. "Sorry for my bluntness but I have to ask, have you two engaged in any carnal act before?"     

Terra blinked and blinked, then his face promptly burst into flames. C—Carnal act? Was he talking about the thing that only intimate couples did? Everything he knew stemmed from the images he had peeked through the ajar door when his mother brought her boyfriends home. After more than a decade, the dusty memory resurfaced and suddenly, Terra felt as if he was transported into that time again. He was a small child, standing frozen outside the crack of the door, unable to take his eyes off the two people that were entangled in between the sheets. The wide expanse of skin, the breathy moans and groans, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. He could faintly remember his mother crying out again and again. He had been terrified at first and it took him months to realize that they weren't hurting his mother; that his mother wasn't crying out of pain.     

But at that time, he still didn't really understand it. Neither did he now. He only knew that kissing Lu Yizhou felt good.      

More and more memories popped up in his mind. Flash of images, to be exact. This time it was him who was laying on the mattress with Lu Yizhou looming above him. His silver eyes glinted in unadulterated hunger, growl rising out of his throat. Terra recalled nothing of the detail, but he knew that the… throes of passion had left them both sated in a way that they could taste deep in their souls.     


Terra snapped his eyes up and blinked the haze of the memories away. Flushing, he nodded then quickly shook his head again.     

A frown appeared between Doctor Wyatt's brows and he waved dismissively. "Whatever, I realize that I don't really want to know." He beckoned Terra over to the long table where documents and an open laptop were. Doctor Wyatt clicked on the space bar and the screen came to life. In an instant, Terra's eyes flew open in shock and his entire body felt as if he was going to combust! W—What did Doctor Wyatt mean by showing him that?!     

"Don't worry, I am going to leave you alone after this." Doctor Wyatt said in a matter-of-fact tone as if he wasn't showing Terra a porn website. "Just treat this as a… crash course. You will be able to find the most comfortable way to make your touch-sense sentinel has the best intercourse in his life." He clicked his tongue, head shaking in exasperation. "Really, people are really into roleplay these days. Either way, this will be a very good lesson for you." Doctor Wyatt patted his shoulders in encouragement and that mere touch was enough to make Terra jump. He looked at the doctor and the laptop back and forth, his eyes wild in bewilderment.      

Doctor Wyatt looked faintly amused and might be a bit sympathetic too. "There's nothing to be ashamed of with wanting to make your partner feel good, Terra. You don't want to accidentally hurt him, do you?"     

The mere idea of Lu Yizhou getting hurt further because of him was enough to make Terra push the embarrassment to the back of his mind and nodded solemnly. "T—Thank you."     

"Goodness, I can't do this any longer." Doctor Wyatt groaned again and this time, he let out a huge yawn. "The room inside is soundproof and it's completely safe. You are free to do whatever you want but if something goes wrong, don't hesitate to push the emergency button under the bed. I will be taking a nap in my office."     

Doctor Wyatt left as swift as a whirlwind, leaving Terra alone with the laptop that was still showing the thumbnails of two people in… various positions. He spent a minute wailing soundlessly into his palms, taking a deep breath then decisively stripped himself of clothes and hesitated when he came to the underwear. He was wearing a comfy, plain cotton boxer that wasn't sexy at all. No, he didn't actually own any sexy underwear. Should he take it off too? Biting his lips, Terra came to a split second decision and took it off altogether before he slipped on the nightgown. Like Doctor Wyatt had said, he didn't want to accidentally hurt Lu Yizhou.     

The nightgown was very smooth and velvety against his skin and just running his hands across his own hips was enough to make him shudder. He felt very bare below and he twisted his legs awkwardly. Never had Terra imagined that his… his union with Lu Yizhou would proceed in this way. He inhaled deeply and went to sit on the chair.     

His eyes drifted to the door on the other side of the room. Lu Yizhou was beyond that door, the knowledge made him nervous again. He hugged Blackie to himself and desperately pushed Monroe away. Terra had no idea whether Monroe and Lu Yizhou shared the same vision but he didn't want to risk it. This— was so embarrassing! Eventually, Monroe understood that Terra needed space for himself then promptly disappeared, presumably going back to its owner. Terra stamped the guilt down and buried his face into Blackie's fur.     

"Mroow." Blackie licked his palm in comfort.      

He gnawed on Blackie's ear just to keep himself grounded. Then, taking a deep breath, he clicked on the video.     

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