Villain Saving System (BL)

5.12 Fire Element

5.12 Fire Element

2Music recommendation: Warriors - Imagine Dragon     


Rank A sentinels, Lu Yizhou noted after observing the speed they were approaching. There were five of them. Of course, the President wouldn't allow any possibility of failure. But did he really think that five rank A sentinels would be able to take him down? Otherwise, did they have any other cards up their sleeves? This plan had to work or else the General might become suspicious as to who was trying to dispose of him. Failure wasn't an option.     

The intruders moved with agility and speed like fishes in water, as if this wasn't a private hospital but their own domain instead. It further proved Lu Yizhou's theory that someone on Doctor Wyatt's side must have been selling information to the other side.     

Earlier, Lu Yizhou had given Doctor Wyatt a vague warning to watch his back but he had no idea whether the doctor thought it was a threat or he truly understood where Lu Yizhou was coming from. He could only pray that Doctor Wyatt would be cautious enough so as to not fall victim to those he wasn't even wary of.      

[666: Host, they are parting! One of them is going in the direction of the Doctor's office whilst the other four are coming this way!]      

Lu Yizhou snorted. Could one rank A sentinel defeat Doctor Wyatt, an rank S guide? Lu Yizhou had no idea how they did it but it should work, judging from the original plot. It seemed like Lu Yizhou had to take care of the pests on his side first and checked on Doctor Wyatt after that. As soon as the four rank A sentinels reached the ward where he was treated, Lu Yizhou directly punched on the fire alarm. The gate to the ward would automatically be locked to prevent the fire from spreading, only leaving the emergency stairs to use. And if the sentinels really came with the intent to eliminate, Lu Yizhou could effectively trapped them in this area.     

In the next second, a piercing siren broke the tranquility of the night apart and instantly awakened every single person in the entire hospital. The water sprinkler above his head burst out water, drenching his clothes in no time. Lu Yizhou could hear the shouts of inquiry from the distance as well as the horde of approaching footsteps, stealthy and light. There was no way the sentinels would back off before they managed to kill him even if it rained or stormed and certainly, a little fire wouldn't be able to stop them either. But that wasn't Lu Yizhou's goal.     

[System notification: Ding! You have purchased a temporary skill "Fire Element". In the next five minutes, you will be able to breathe and shoot fire like a dragon! Countdown until the skill cools down: 4 minutes 55 seconds. The remaining points you have is 518. Thank you for the patronage!]     

In the next second, Lu Yizhou's body abruptly burst out into flames from head to toe. His exhale came in the form of billowing smoke. The thing nearest to him — the bedsheets — instantly caught on fire that spread to the mattress below. Lu Yizhou moved from spot to spot to set fire to the entire room; the wooden nightstand, the curtain, the alcohol in the bathroom's cabinet. And when the four sentinels finally arrived in front of his room, what they found was merely a room engulfed in flame so severely that even the floorboards were scorched black.     

What the fuck?! They gaped in shock. Did another group just overtake them in eliminating the General?!     

"T—There! Look over there!" One of them exclaimed. They were stunned when they found a figure standing amidst the sea of fire. A towering man, engulfed by flowers of flame from head to toe that only his silver eyes could be seen. Staring right at them coldly. They froze, chills running down their spines.     

"C—Could it be… awakened abilities?! This… This is not in the report!"     

Lu Yizhou seized the split second when they were caught off guard to throw a knockout bomb right in front of their faces. One by one, their bodies grew slack and slumped down the ground. Lu Yizhou dragged them inside and tied them to the metal bedpost that was still crackling and shining in an angry gold glow. Surely they could handle a little burn, right? Lu Yizhou blew a thread of fire to their clothes and stripped them of weapons, leaving them to fend for themselves as he left. With his body still aflame, Lu Yizhou bulldozered his way straight to the doctor's office in time to catch Doctor Wyatt in a perilous situation, his face turning blue with the sentinel's grip around his neck. If he had just arrived a few seconds later, Doctor Wyatt's neck would have been snapped cleanly.     


The sentinel stiffened and looked down to the hole in his chest, bewildered; Doctor Wyatt mirrored the same expression, his eyes clouded with a tinge of hazy confusion. The choke around his neck loosened as the sentinel's body crashed to the ground and finally the doctor looked up and eyes landed on Lu Yizhou. Somehow, his face grew even paler, aghast. Leaning against the wall, he choked and coughed hard from the smoke or surprise, or maybe both. "G—General Kai?!"     

Lu Yizhou threw the melting gun off to the side and gave Doctor Wyatt one last glance to ensure his safety before he moved to his ultimate goal: Terra.     

His footsteps left a trail of fire on his wake and every single thing he touched instantly got on fire. The sprinkler actively doused him in cold icy water and put off the fire around him except his body because it couldn't be extinguished until the time was up.     

A black cat was perching on the empty nurse station, blinking when it caught sight of him. "Mroow?"     

"Lead the way." Lu Yizhou rasped.     

His heart sped up the closer he was to his lover's room. The fire hadn't reached here so the entire area was still intact and unharmed, just the thick grey smoke filling the air. The hallway was devoid of people save for his own footsteps and the light flickered above his head. The temporary skill's cool down reached its last ten seconds and the fire dissipated, starting from his feet up. Lu Yizhou turned into the last corner and halted in his tracks.     

A thin figure was standing at the end of the hallway. The black cat brushed past Lu Yizhou to jump into the man's shoulder, making himself comfortable there. Lu Yizhou's spirit guide, Monroe, had appeared at some point and flew around the man's head, circling restlessly.      

With every step Lu Yizhou took, the fire melted from his body; his calves, torso, arms and shoulders. Until the end when he arrived in front of Terra, the last bit of fire faded away from his cheekbones and the tip of his hair. Lu Yizhou held his breath as he took in his lover's appearance for the first time. He was thin, so thin that it seemed like he was going to snap with a single touch. His long hair was tied in a high ponytail, even then the end of it almost touched his thigh. His complexion was pale, with heavy eyebags around his eyes that made him look bleak. A pair of luminous golden eyes stared up at Lu Yizhou unblinkingly and for a while, Lu Yizhou was lost in those whirlpools of gold. The lid on his heart shattered and all those days spent in yearning and worrying surged out in waves.     

Lu Yizhou's fingers twitched by his side. He wanted — to touch, to cup his cheeks with both palms, to look closer into those eyes and trace every curl of his eyelash. He wanted to kiss those chapped lips, to press the man's body against him, to feel complete again. But he clenched his fists and stood still. Too fast, Lu Yizhou told himself. He didn't want to scare his lover. Lu Yizhou had to recount every single hardship Terra had gone through up to this day so that the undying fire in his chest could be subdued into warm, shimmering passion.      

This time, Lu Yizhou dismantled his mind barrier and let the guide's emotions flow into him; apprehension, hesitation, confusion, fear, and longing. In return, Lu Yizhou let his own feelings be seen, baring it in all its ugliness and raw honesty. The two of them stood in the darkness, exchanging every single emotion too deep to be conveyed into words.     

A crystalline tear slid down Terra's cheek and the guide blinked, baffled. He brought his hand up to wipe his cheek and stared at the dampness on it with a look as if he was looking at the universe's wonder.     

Lu Yizhou slowly, very very slowly let out the breath he was holding, afraid that the slightest sound would chase the guide away. "Terra…" He murmured, unable to hide the longing back from his tone.     

Terra's expression crumbled in an instant.     



A/N: Let us welcome *drum roll* Lu - Ghost Rider without motorcycle and no skeleton - Yizhou!     

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