Villain Saving System (BL)

5.10 Idiotic Plot

5.10 Idiotic Plot

1HAPPY 200TH CHAPTER EVERYONE!!! *dance*  thank you very much for your support ><      3


Lu Yizhou was rendered speechless as he discovered the fact. The President, who had dispatched Kai into the mission and almost got him killed in the process, was actually someone who had become the parasite's vessel early on.     

If he put it like that, then it was no wonder that the President wished to get rid of him. Afterall, Kai was a dark sentinel whose mind barrier was impeccable. He was a ticking time bomb, a horrible threat to the parasite. Not only was Kai a genius in his job, he was also sharp and intelligent. It was only a matter of time until he picked up the strangeness on the President, and if he were to become suspicious then—     

[Wait. So if the king of the parasites dies, then the other will…]     

[666: Yep! Not that they will drop dead in an instant, but they will lose coordination and give away the fact that they are parasites, making it easy to get rid of them. You know, Host, the parasites are actually one large chassis! If we put a metaphor on our body, then the King will be the brain. Without the brain, then the whole body will instantly become useless even if it's still alive!]     

Lu Yizhou hummed. [Interesting.]     

[666: Hehehe so Host, are you planning on staging a coup and eliminating the President? Like… whoosh, slash, stab! Hiyaaah —DIE!!!]     

Lu Yizhou ignored the system who got too deep in role playing and continued reading.      

A few days after General Kai was hospitalized, his condition suddenly deteriorated and he developed his fourth and fifth sense at once. Immediately, the order to execute him was handed from the higher-ups and it took four dark A sentinels to restrain him before he was finally beheaded. His body was then burned until not even the bones remained.     

Now, now. Something fishy was going on here. Lu Yizhou could tell even with his eyes closed. General Kai had been fine when he was brought to the hospital. How could his condition suddenly deteriorate, even after he was under the observation of a rank S guide such as Doctor Wyatt? Something must have happened in between, but not important enough to be elaborated in the original plot. The most important point was that General Kai had been a canon fodder character who didn't last for two pages and his death was even justified by law; no one would even question it as he had no close friends or family. That's it. Lu Yizhou heaved a sigh. Well, the only way to find out was to wait until the event happened, he supposed.      

When Yves finally regained consciousness after a week, he was shocked by the fact that so much had happened in the span of time he had been dead to the world. His superior, Kai, had died and automatically, he rose as the next General in line. He grieved but he told himself to get over it. The government was just and fair. A berserk sentinel was dangerous and it was better for them to be disposed of before they could cause a disaster. Of course, he was confident that he wouldn't go through that kind of thing because he had found his own guide, his other half who would accompany him through life, Joshua.     

It had been love at first sight for Yves.     

But he had no idea that since the bombing incident where Joshua was drenched in Edin's body fluid, another parasite had wormed its way to Joshua's brain. The parasite had always infected sentinels because their body was powerful and resilient but it didn't mean that they couldn't do the same to guides. Alas, as the world's main protagonist who had an enormous golden finger, Joshua somehow managed to fight off the parasite's influence and regained his own consciousness, making him an unique and first existence who had co-existed with the parasite inside his own body. As a result, his rank rose from B directly to S rank and he became one of the most powerful guides ever existed.      

He had more and more private meetings with the President and all everyone knew was that they were discussing ways to get rid of the parasites. Nobody knew that behind the closed door, there happened a significant exchange. The king of parasites deemed Joshua the most suitable vessel and planted his way to the guide's brain.     

Yves, this idiot, had no idea at all.      

He had been feeling way too ecstatic ever since Joshua appeared in his life. He had a perfect, wonderful guide and his life was complete!      

That was, if Terra didn't exist.     

Nobody knew where this guide had come from but from the start, he had been accusing Joshua, saying that he had colluded with the parasites and had become one of their own. The obnoxious guide had found every single way to get rid of Joshua, claiming that he was saving the entire world and everyone would be grateful to him in the end. Hah! Nonsense! There was no way his kind, perfect and beautiful guide had anything to do with the parasite. The possibility hadn't even crossed Yves' mind. Terra must have been jealous of Joshua because the latter was better than him in every aspect, Yves mused.     

One time when Terra managed to wound Joshua enough to danger his life, Yves had been so enraged that he finally snapped and killed the guide right then and there. The peak rush of adrenaline and an emotional night spent with Joshua writhing underneath him as he renewed their physical bond again and again, caused Yves to rise to S rank. In the end, General Yves became one of the most envied sentinels throughout the world. He managed to evolve successfully with the help of his guide and they were both talented and skilled in their field. A power couple, or so everyone called them.     

He had almost forgotten about Terra's repeated accusations, lulled by his blissful life until one day, he caught Joshua talking to himself. Feeling weird, he slowly crept closer all the while straining his ears.     

"No…" The guide looked like he was in pain, clutching his head with a deep frown between his brows. "No, I don't want to! You can stay in my body! I will let you use me however you please but don't touch Yves! Don't you ever touch him!"     

Yves was frozen in shock, colors draining from his face. What… What was Joshua talking about? To whom was he talking? It was then that Terra's words reverberated in his ears, almost as if the ghost of the guide had screamed it into his ears. "That bastard should be killed before he becomes the destroyer of humankind! He has been infected by the parasite! Stupid sentinel, you will perish without even knowing what kills you!" The guide had kept repeating the same thing again and again, even to the last second before he breathed his last, eyes bloodshot and filled with hatred and contempt for the world. Yves dismissed his words, of course, because at that time, Joshua had clearly proved his innocence by cutting his own arm, showing that his blood was still crimson and not greenish. He hadn't shown any symptoms like how an infected had either.     

Yves battled with his own dilemma for a short moment before he finally decided to tackle the problem head on! He barged into the room and went straight to the point. "Joshua, you… who are you talking to?"      

Joshua's face had gone deathly pale but under Yves' gentle persuasion, he finally confessed the whole truth. Yves gasped, he couldn't believe that his lover had suffered for so long without anyone knowing! How could this be? How could he hate Joshua? It wasn't his fault in the first place. Even in such a situation, he hadn't failed to put Yves as his first priority. How could Yves not love him more after knowing the truth?      

"It's okay." He said, grasping Joshua's hands and staring into his eyes with all the love he could muster. "It's okay Joshua, I will help you. We will work this out together."     

"R—Really?" Joshua rasped tearfully.     

"Really my ass." Lu Yizhou sneered. His eyes — eye, to be exact. He always forgot that he only had one working eye now — was nearly traumatized after reading this idiotic plot. How could such a foolish and double standard man like Yves become the General? The world had given him way too much leeway. He didn't even know that the man who had been sleeping by his side for the past few years was a half-parasite. Seriously, could he get any more stupid? Just like the villain had said, he might not even realize it if he was killed one day in his sleep.     

The conclusion went as Lu Yizhou pictured it to be. The union of S rank sentinel and S rank guide gave birth to an unprecedented power that managed to incapacitate the king of parasites in Joshua's brain. The guide ought to be operated so that they could take the parasite out but in the end, everything went well and they were hailed as the savior of humankind yada yada…     

Lu Yizhou couldn't help sneering once again.     

What about Terra? He had been trying every time to prevent the disaster only to die a meaningless death. A villain, they said? So he was supposed to be the villain when all he wanted was to save the world? What kind of shitty plot was this?     

[666: *gulp* Host… sorry but everyone that goes against the protagonists and prevents them from reaching their goal is considered a villain. Hehe no—no need to take it seriously. You will be able to save the villain again this time, right…?]     

Damn right. Lu Yizhou almost tore his blanket from the force he used to clench his fists. His lips curled into a chilling smile. He would do whatever it took to prevent Terra's demise and the first step was… to go through the incident that caused General Kai's condition to worsen in the original plot.      

Lu Yizhou narrowed his eyes. After living in the wild for more than a decade, Terra had always been someone with a strong self-preservation and vigilance, cultivated through years to keep himself away from harm. He had lived the majority of his life alone, surviving only with his own skill and wits. For him to be so insistent in killing Joshua, to put himself again and again in the eye of the storm, that was indeed particularly unusual, especially coming from him. But Lu Yizhou thought he knew the reason why.     

[666: Huh? W—Why??] How did Host know but 666 didn't? Were they still reading the same plot???     

[Just a few days more…] Lu Yizhou sighed. [...Doctor Wyatt will die.]     

If the doctor died, no one would be strong and capable enough to haul General Kai back from the edge of madness. Doctor Wyatt would die and the person who cared the most about Terra's wellbeing would disappear forever. It was no wonder that Terra would change so much, it was no wonder that he would practically give his life away to bring the parasite down. Despite his tough exterior, he had actually been fond of the doctor, hadn't he? Lu Yizhou thought with a helpless sigh.     

Well, that meant one thing. Doctor Wyatt wasn't allowed to die. Not on his watch.     

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