Villain Saving System (BL)

5.5 Sentinel And Guide

5.5 Sentinel And Guide

0His consciousness was drifting in and out and faintly he could hear voices.      0

"...move him as soon as possible to..."     

"...dark sentinel with three senses…"     

"...the government will not agree with this…"     

"Lieutenant Yves… sustained great injuries also… his taste-sense is expanding…"     

There was a piercing ray of light shining right into his pupils and he could feel his reflex kicked in as he snarled at the unknown stranger, his body lurching up only to be held back by the binding belts around his body. That person jerked back and shouted something like going feral, and the sound was too loud for his injured ears that he couldn't help thrashing. Pain, it's so painful!     

[666: H—H—Host, are you okay?! 666 has already shielded 50% of the pain for you!]     

Then you should make it 100%! He growled and promptly, something cold was injected into his veins. Danger, his instinct screamed, not allowing him to surrender himself to the darkness. He saw red and struggled so hard to the point he could feel the belt around him snapping. Someone exclaimed, the voice different from the previous one. "It's no use, he's too cautious of us. We have to force him awake!"      

"It's fully charged, Doctor Wyatt!"     

Electricity shot through Lu Yizhou's body and his back arched. One second he was floating and the next second, he was slamming back to the ground. There were too many sounds around him, too many scents and the light was too blinding, he couldn't — it was excruciating. His nerves were frayed like hundreds of fireworks were lit up at the same time and if he could move his hands, he was sure that he would claw his skin and flesh open, just to drain himself of blood and end the agony. Every single emotion he felt was intensified tenfold; the pain, rage, irritation and impatience. He was stripped to the barest survival instinct, treating his surroundings like an enemy.     

[666: Uwaaa, Host please hold on! You can't die now! You're a man with missions! Host, you can't give up just like this!]     

Can't give up…     

Right, he couldn't give up.      

…But why couldn't he?     

"Mrrmph." A black cat snuggled against his blood stained neck, purring. For a split second, Lu Yizhou thought he had already died and got a peek of Heaven before he would be thrown straight into Hell, otherwise how could he find this presence so calming when the only pet that had offered him the same feelings had long since breathed its last? But then… what color was his cat's fur again? Was it black or white? He wasn't sure… In fact, he had difficulty recalling everything. His mind was a jumbled mess and everytime he thought of swimming to the surface, something would always drag him back down, choking his esophagus and depriving him of logic.     

A soothing, cool sensation traveled through his skin from the place where the cat's head was butting against and Lu Yizhou almost groaned from the relief it brought. He was like a dying man, only being offered gulps of water when he was tethering on the brink of death.     

The electricity came again and this time, Lu Yizhou's eyes snapped open, gasping. His vision was blurry and above him was a piercing beam of light. He shut his eyes and turned his head away, choosing to bury his nose into the cat's velvety fur instead. It smelled good, better than anything Lu Yizhou had smelled ever since he arrived in this body. It was sweet, rich and heady, tinged with the faintest hint of tangerine and every inhale was akin to spring water that gushes over the fire in his body.      

But… a frown appeared between his brows and he let out a complaining grunt. So faint, the scent was so faint and no matter how many times he inhaled, he couldn't get more. A dissatisfied growl erupted from his throat and he found himself parting his lips by reflex, tongue peeking out as if wanting to taste it directly.      

In response, the cat merely snuggled closer, purred and licked into his mouth. Lu Yizhou jerked at the coolness it brought. He could vividly feel the vibration of the cat's body on his skin and if this body could purr, he would definitely do that. Lu Yizhou blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to wash away the haze. He wanted to see the cat and wanted to bury his hands in its soft fur. The desperation came so sudden and intense that he found himself thrashing against the belt binding his body again.     

The next second, someone lightly touched his knuckle, and Lu Yizhou almost bristled from how wrong it felt. It's not the person he was looking for, it's not his— "Go away!" He hollered with an impossibly dry throat and gravelly voice.     

"Good, he has already come to!" The voice spoke again and Lu Yizhou snapped his eyes open just to give the other a glare. Fortunately, the light had already been brought away and Lu Yizhou could finally make out a faint silhouette of a man in white coat, even when his right eye was throbbing immensely. The man carried with him the thick scent of antiseptic, artificial fragrance in soaps and cleaners, bitter medicines and hidden underneath them all… was a wisp of scent that was on the black cat.      

The man came closer and spoke in a hushed tone. "General Kai, can you hear me?"     

Whilst he spoke, his fingers probed on his eyelids, the pulse point on his neck, his chest and Lu Yizhou gave a grunt, enduring simply because of the sweet scent that was clinging to him.      

"Good, you're truly awake now." He turned to the other — Lu Yizhou barely realized the presence of others. He grimaced. His condition must have been quite severe — in similar white coats, standing a little further away. "Don't hesitate anymore. The patient's mental state has stabilized for now and there are no signs that his senses are expanding! Every second you waste being scared and hesitant meant the closer he was to death! "     

His admonishment received a flurry of responses and two people inched closer only for Lu Yizhou to bare his teeth and snarl. He could clearly smell their fear even from miles away and it provoked him even more.     

They flinched. "D—Doctor Wyatt!"     

Doctor Wyatt sighed in resignation and waved them away. "Just go and inform the President that I will be taking over him. I will bring him to the hospital myself."     


"Or do you want to come and treat him instead?" Doctor Wyatt glared.     

They needed not to be told twice. There was nothing more dangerous than approaching a delirious and wounded dark sentinel who hadn't formed a bond with a guide, a three-sense at that! Even if they would receive the President's ire on behalf of Doctor Wyatt, it was ten times better than risking their lives! Nodding, they bowed toward the doctor and excused themselves, running away like their lives depended on it.     

Lu Yizhou barely registered his surroundings, having the anesthetic injected in his system. His vision was swimming and it was through sheer willpower that he hadn't passed out yet. As soon as those two left, his knuckles loosened a bit even though his whole body was still tense and ready to fight.      

Doctor Wyatt slightly leaned down and spoke bluntly, making sure that Lu Yizhou heard him loud and clear. "General, I am Doctor Wyatt and I will be your attending doctor starting from now. You have been rescued but your condition is honestly not very good. Your vital organs have received severe trauma despite your healing abilities. I will be taking you to a hospital and perform a surgery on you. You have to remain lucid until then. And if there are signs that your senses are expanding, you have to tell me immediately. Are we clear about that?"     

Lu Yizhou's head was buzzing from the onslaught of words and it took him a moment to grunt in acknowledgement, despite not understanding what it meant to have his senses expand. Whatever it was, he knew that the doctor was going to take him to where the source of the sweet scent was. He was willing to die if he could get a taste of that smell again.      

It took around an hour and during that time, 666 maintained a steady stream of chatter into his ears, moving from reading spicy romance novels with exaggerated oohs and aahs to passionate commentary of its favorite TV shows. Each time he was slipping out, he would either be slapped awake by Doctor Wyatt or get a mouthful of cat hair in his mouth which had taken the liberty to drape itself over his face. It was purely frustrating but somehow, they succeeded in distracting him from the discomfort in his body. He could faintly perceive the vehicle rumbling to a stop and then he was carried into a room that smelled so heavy of synthetic alcohol, plastic and metal that he was going to gag.      

Fortunately, Doctor Wyatt finally showed him mercy. He stepped away for a minute or two only to return in scrub and gloves. "Alright, good job, General Kai. You may rest now. Leave everything to me."     

Lu Yizhou let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. It took no time for him to sink into a deep slumber and the last thing he saw was the black cat that dissipated into thin air.     


When his consciousness gradually surfaced, the first thing that registered in his mind was how his body felt numb all over. Then one by one, his senses started to kick in, starting from his ears. He could hear the whirr of the ventilator above him, the steady drip of water by his head, the rustle of plastic somewhere, a couple of footsteps and faint conversations that were too messy for him to comprehend. He blocked his ears and nose again by reflex and felt his body slowly relaxing, taking in a deep deep breath and letting himself get used to the discomfort. He was in a hospital, he could tell from the heavy scent of medicine and disinfectant.      

[666: HOST, ARE YOU AWAKE?!!]     

Lu Yizhou winced.     

[666: Oops, sorry, 666 will just whisper okay? Host, are you awake?]     

Lu Yizhou wasn't ready to open his eyes yet lest his headache got even worse and he definitely wasn't interested in entertaining a certain system either. [The plot.]     

[666: QAQ A—Alright, here it is!]     

He hadn't become Superman, to his immense relief. In fact, it was worse because in this world, there were two special entities namely sentinel and guide aside from ordinary people. Sentinels had heightened senses and awakened abilities and were thus the most powerful fighting force of the army. However, it all came with a fatal disadvantage; sentinels were prone to losing their minds. They were a hidden threat, a ticking time bomb that everyone was wary of.     

A sentinel would awaken from a young age with the expansion of their senses. Usually — but not universal — a young sentinel would awaken with sight, allowing them to see clearer and further, even in the dark, a trait that ordinary civilians wouldn't be able to achieve their whole life. And then the other senses would follow as well such as hearing, smell, taste and touch. On the other hand, guides were often deemed as a weaker entity. However, their presence was crucial for calming the sentinel's emotions and protecting their senses.      

With more awakened senses, sentinels became much more unstable and their body would gradually become overwhelmed to process the sensory overload. That's why, the government had established two main rules regarding sentinels.     

First, sentinels who had awakened three senses ought to bond with a guide. They could either find their own guide or they could ask for the Guides Association's help to match them with a guide with high compatibility.     

Second, if an unbonded three-sense sentinel were to expand their senses into four, then they had to either be forced to bond with a guide or be put down immediately.     



A/N: I have to separate the mass release into two days because I haven't got enough chapters *cough* anyway these 3 chapters (and tomorrow's) are dedicated to ThisPrince, I am now living comfortably in the magic castle you gave me heheh~     

Here is also the debut of Doctor Wyatt, thank you for giving him a name and relieving me of one burden *cry*     

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