Villain Saving System (BL)

4.55 No More Regrets

4.55 No More Regrets

0Song recommendation: Ghost - Justin Bieber      0

Heimo cracked his eyes open and gazed at the Kunlun Mirror that was floating in midair, not budging a bit from Heimo's tremendous effort to activate it. His meridian was straining from the overwork and his chest felt so hot as if it was going to burn. Heimo knew, if he were to fail one more time, the backlash would be harsh enough to render him unable to try again for a long period of time. Desperation bled through his heart and his eyes glazed over as he began to sink into the past, replaying memories he had visited everyday for the past ten years without fail.     

"This is not a poison. You should drink this if you want to get well soon, okay?"     

"There's no need to be so formal. You can just call me 'Lu Yizhou'."     

"It's a very good name, Lan'er…"     

"I like it when you do whatever you like to me."     

"Don't disappear on me… please."     

"There is nobody I need in this world except you."     

"Forgive me."     

"This is not over, my love. We are not over. Will you trust me if I say that?"     

"No matter what appearance you take, no matter what kind of identity you have, I will find you and return to your side."     

"I love you…"     

A choked sound escaped Heimo's lips as tears slid down his cheeks. "I love you too. I love you so much…" He sucked in a sharp breath, trying to alleviate the pain in his chest. The blue spiritual energy in him was swirling closer to his chest, offering a cool and comforting sensation that broke Heimo apart. Even in such a situation, even when he had been gone for a decade, his presence had always been close to Heimo. All Lu Yizhou ever did was to beg Heimo to stay, to accept the help which the man gladly offered, yet time and time again, Heimo always pushed him away.     

He knew he said to Luqiu Ning to look forward to the future, but he couldn't help but wonder, if he had just taken Lu Yizhou's hand back then, if he had just stayed and trusted the man a bit, would everything be different? Would he still be here, by Heimo's side?     

Regret, love and longing filled his heart to the seam and he clutched his chest, gasping at the pain that set his entire body alight. He felt like he was going to drown from the sheer yearning that had grown too large for his body; except this time, the person who would catch him was no longer here. In spite of that, Heimo embraced the pain and let himself fall. "Please…" His chapped lips muttered, teeth chattering. "I want to find him. I have to find him. This time, I will not push him away. This time, there will be no more regrets. Please…"     

Within the tranquil space, Heimo's forlorn whispers echoed loud and clear, intertwined in between the floating mists and rustling trees.      

And then, right in front of his eyes, the ancient mirror which reflected nothing suddenly flashed. Heimo gasped and his eyes opened wide in shock. The Kunlun Mirror… had finally responded to his sincere wish! The stillness around seemed to be broken by that one subtle movement, the ground shook beneath his feet and the wind gale howled harshly. Heimo planted his feet firmly to the ground and trekked closer to the mirror, reaching out…     


Thunder struck the ground right beside him, leaving the air crackling with electricity. Heimo looked up sharply at the sky that had suddenly become tumultuous and hissed. "Heavenly lightning? Even Heaven wishes to stand in my way?!"      

In response to his inquiry, more lightning hammered down between Heimo and the mirror that was now shaking violently. Fury colored Heimo's eyes and his hair flew up wildly amidst the violent storm. He gathered the spiritual energy around the mountain to himself, taking in as much as he could to the point where blood trickled down his eardrums and nose. His body trembled, both from the overwhelming sensation, blazing anger and steel determination.     

"GET LOST!!!" With a roar, he shot an attack straight above, depleting every little drop of spiritual energy inside him to counter the heavenly lightning. The two different powers clashed midair and the force was enough to turn Heaven and Earth upside down, pluck the trees off its root and raze everything to the ground. Heimo gritted his teeth and pounced toward the Kunlun mirror as a blinding white light pierced through his eyelids, followed by a massive, deafening explosion that sent his head ringing. The tip of his fingers grazed against a solid, cold surface and Heimo clutched onto it for dear life, bringing it close to his chest as the mountain split into two and swallowed him inside.     


Heimo felt like floating.     

He was cradled within something soft and warm, it reminded him of being in his mother's womb somehow. Warm, snug and safe. He opened his eyes to utter darkness, blinking a few times to shake away the drowsiness. He had succeeded, a smile slowly formed on his lips as he pulled out a mirror from his inner robes. He had done it!      

Scraping together a measly amount of spiritual energy into the mirror, Heimo felt the ancient relic responding to him. Its voice was unlike anything he had heard before. It was neither man nor woman, neither old nor young. Gentle, benign yet merciless and cold; asking for what he wanted to know.     

"Lu Yizhou, my beloved." Heimo answered. "I want to find him."     

He felt the surroundings shift as soon as the sentence fell. The darkness around him gradually dissipated as if shedding its outer shell, replacing it with myriads of twinkling lights as the truth of the world unraveled in front of his eyes. He saw millions of universes larger than anything he had seen before. Something — a buzzing thin rope — was flowing in midair far above his head, connecting one universe to another. Heimo squinted his eyes to realize that those were numbers. 0 and 1, forming a chain of codes so long and complex, one he couldn't understand. Was this Heaven? Or was this place something higher than Heaven itself?     

The enlightenment came to him so sudden, like opening his eyes to see the light for the first time. He was Heimo, but he was also not. He was but a small fragment, a piece of an incomplete puzzle, belonging to a part greater than himself.      

He walked through the streams of 0 and 1 to follow where the Kunlun Mirror told him to go and stopped in front of a sphere of light, a glowing white orb that throbbed with life and vibrant. Heimo was awed and confused at the same time at the marvelous sight that resembled a mini sun. Even from such a distance, he could feel an overwhelming power emanating from the orb and if he concentrated harder, he could feel someone calling out to him.      

A boy. Wounded, afraid and anxious.     

It was him, but it also wasn't him.     

The person you're searching for is here, the mirror told him.     

Heimo blinked and gingerly reached his hand out to the glowing orb. In an instant, the vibrant light exploded and sucked him in. Before Heimo could react, his entire body flooded with overwhelming pain, it was unlike anything Heimo had ever experienced before. It was like being torn apart in all directions whilst maintaining a clear mind to see his own body fading away; witnessing his flesh and soul be separated into two entities before merging together again. The agony almost drove Heimo insane. His vision blurred amidst the turbulent journey and when he managed to get through whatever was trying to eliminate him, the relief he felt was so devastating that he wanted to cry.     

He was fusing into another part of him, Heimo could tell.      

And the last thing he sensed before everything turned dark was his beloved's presence in this universe. The corner of his lips curled up as he rested his drained spirit.     

Lu Yizhou, I am here.     




Arc 4 — The End     

A/N: Shan Duoyin and Ling Chuwei were saved and woke up as ordinary people, no longer were they able to cultivate. Ling Chuwei grieved for her father's death but the news that Jingxue-Jun had died in return made her feel complicated. In truth, she didn't really like being the heiress of top sect nor did she diligent in cultivating. She's simply content to be by her loves ones' side. It was Shan Duoyin who was unreconciled; he lived on with lingering pain for the loss of both his golden core and Jingxue-Jun. He and Ling Chuwei relied heavily on each other from there on. Slowly they learned to let go and forget, washed their hands clean of the cultivation world and got married. Maybe... an ordinary life suit them the best.     

In case you don't get it, Heaven - Heavenly Law - Heavenly Lightning, these terms I often use are actually referring to Admin God, the simulator and the restriction/rules. This world is A level and powerful enough to challenge the simulator itself hence the existence of Kunlun Mirror.     

Can you guess who Kunlun Mirror, the one who guides Heimo out of the simulator, is? *smirk*     

Anyway, I feel like I don't live up to the term yandere in this arc because Heimo is such a soft baby (I swear I want to write a more violent and destructive Heimo but I can't because he's too pure???) so I will bringing it up to the next level in Arc 5 lol, be prepared for a truly dangerous, volatile and yandere villain     

And hence begin our ML's journey as a power bottom. Au revoir~     

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