Villain Saving System (BL)

4.51 We Are Not Over

4.51 We Are Not Over

2"What?" Heimo was clearly panicking. He didn't even register Luqiu Hong's pleading request for Uncle Luqiu to stay nor the fact that he was going to lose his father figure, twice. Instead, he grasped onto Lu Yizhou's sleeves so tightly that it was becoming unclear who was leaning against whom, staring up at him with such a fearful yet hopeful look that it broke Lu Yizhou's heart to pieces. "What… What is Uncle Luqiu talking about, Lu Yizhou? He can't be talking about you, right…?"      3

Lu Yizhou closed his eyes and sighed. [How much time do I have left?]     

[666: You have approximately six months left in this world, Host, if you want to… stay with him.]      

Lu Yizhou swept his eyes from Heimo to the crowd of cultivators far around which he was sure was waiting for the right opportunity to ambush them. Even now, he could sense their numbers growing. He had practically performed such a forbidden array in front of everyone and there was no doubt that he would be hunted down as soon as everything was over. Six months. Although he had six months left, would he be willing to stay by Heimo's side in exchange of putting the man in danger's way over and over again, possibly for the rest of his life or would he choose to bring everyone down with him so as to give Heimo a peaceful life?      

From the start, there had been no choice. Even if Lu Yizhou were to do everything from the beginning, his purpose had always been one and only.     

Whatever Heimo saw in his face had made the man panic even more. "No, no…" Fear infused in his voice as he grabbed onto Lu Yizhou so tight like his life depended on it. "You're not allowed to leave me. I—I still have so many things I haven't told you yet. You can't…" A sob escaped his lips and the fearsome Black Demon had never looked as fragile as now, as if he could shatter if Lu Yizhou pushed him away. "You can't leave. Please… don't leave me…"     

Lu Yizhou gritted his teeth so hard that his jaws cracked and turned to the demon, saying. "I have a favor to ask."     

This time, a genuine smile appeared on Uncle Luqiu's face, apparently having been reassured that Lu Yizhou meant no harm to his family. There might even be fondness in between, much to Lu Yizhou's consternation. "What is it, young man?"     

Lu Yizhou eyed the two protagonists who were still dead to the world. With a swing from Hexue, he shattered Shan Duoyin and Ling Chuwei's golden cores, turning them into ordinary people who were unable to cultivate ever again. That was the most Lu Yizhou could do without killing them. He couldn't risk Shan Duoyin awakening his bloodline and becoming a threat to Heimo, nor would he allow Ling Chuwei to mess things up. Then he gestured to Heimo who was still clinging on to him, resolutely ignoring the man's pleading and teary eyes. "Take them away to a safe place." He added tentatively. "...Please."     

"LU YIZHOU!" Heimo roared in fury as he grasped Lu Yizhou's collar. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME OR NOT? I AM NOT LEAVING YOU! I WON'T LEAVE YOU EVEN IF YOU KILL ME!" He turned to Uncle Luqiu and begged, his shoulders shrinking to himself, so pitiful and brittle. "Please, please Uncle, do something. I can't…"     

Uncle Luqiu looked at them back and forth with a conflicted look. In the end, he sighed and brought his two daughters and the protagonists away, leaving Lu Yizhou and Heimo alone. "I will give you two some time alone."     

Tears streamed down Heimo's face as he let out a distressed cry, trying to burrow himself as deep as he could into Lu Yizhou's embrace. The cold liquid dripped into Lu Yizhou's skin like lava and his heart grieved for the tears his lover shed as if cradled the man's head up. "Hey, look at me." He rubbed his thumb on Heimo's sharp jaw, soothing. "Don't cry, Lan'er."     

But Heimo kept pleading and his tears were unstoppable. "Don't go… I know I am a vile man. I know I deserve punishment for my sins but not this. Not you. I can't… fuck! Lu Yizhou, I can't forsake you! Why? Why do you have to leave? Why do you have to bear everything for me?!"      

For a second, Lu Yizhou had the thought to fuck everything up. There was no way he could leave Heimo like this. The system and mission be damned. But Lu Yizhou had always been a man with insight. He was prepared to fight a long battle, even if he had to sacrifice a few things in between. He was willing to do anything as long as he could achieve his goal… even if it meant breaking Heimo's heart.      

His end goal wasn't here. Lu Yizhou was a greedy man, he admitted. What he wanted was his lover's whole, not these… pieces of him, who always forgot everything, who always had to suffer the fate that the simulator forced onto him. If, by chance, his lover could regain his memory and hate him for it, Lu Yizhou was prepared.      

"I love you." Lu Yizhou dropped a tender kiss on his forehead, which effectively stopped Heimo's rambling as the man stared at him blankly at the sudden confession. Lu Yizhou wiped the tears on his cheek and offered him a bitter smile. "This is not over, my love. We are not over. Will you believe me if I say that?"     

"What… What are you—"     

"I have promised myself that I won't leave anymore before you do." Regret seeped into Lu Yizhou's tone. "But I'm sorry, it seems like I have to break my promise this time. It's okay. I understand if you're angry. I understand if you hate me for it."     

Heimo had no idea what the other was talking about. Nonetheless, when he heard those words Lu Yizhou said, the wall within him shattered and everything that he had been avoiding — the love, affection and yearning — burst out of him so agonizingly violent that he could feel the air vibrate with it. He couldn't understand but somehow, deep inside him, he could. He sobbed and shook his head, trembling. "No, you're wrong… I will never hate you. No matter what you do, no matter what you say, hating you is the last thing I will ever do. I love you, Lu Yizhou. I fucking love you! I love you… I love you…" Again and again, the words of love spilled forth his lips. It was so easy to admit it and as soon as he did, something slotted into an empty space inside him. Confessing his love had never felt so right. Stupid! Why couldn't he do this earlier on? Why did he have to be such a coward?!     

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