Villain Saving System (BL)

4.44 Don't Underestimate Me! [M]

4.44 Don't Underestimate Me! [M]

3"Oh?" Heimo giggled. "Do you also like that? Then you should stay like that— ah!—until we are done, okay?" He parted his legs further and guided the tip of Lu Yizhou's cock right to his entrance. The blunt surface rubbed against his sensitive part and he almost doubled over in shock. His limbs trembled after catching a glimpse of that unknown ecstasy. How…? He hadn't touched that part of him before, so he hadn't expected that it would feel this… this intense! His head dropped to Lu Yizhou's shoulder as he took in shaky breaths, still reveling in wonder.      0

"Lan'er?" Above came Lu Yizhou's concerned voice. "You can't put it in just like that. You have to loosen up—" He let out a harsh sigh. "Let me help you at least."     

"No!" Heimo straightened up and declared stubbornly. "I can do it! Don't underestimate me!"     

"You will get hurt," the man warned.     

Heimo wanted it to hurt, wanted it to burn so badly that he could feel it for days. He bit the words back and felt determination surged within him. The more Lu Yizhou told him he couldn't, the more Heimo had to prove that he was wrong! Once again, he grabbed Lu Yizhou's cock, squeezing at the base where he knew would draw out a sharp intake from the man and without any further thoughts, sank his hips down. His vision exploded in whites for a moment when the huge cock slid in, and his hips trembled wildly. Damn it, it— hurt! He felt like he was being split open into two! His breathing was quick and harsh and he took a moment to brace himself before looking down and almost fainted when he realized that only an inch of the tip had disappeared beyond his body.      

"Lan'er," Lu Yizhou's voice was rough and Heimo looked up to find him gritting his teeth. He looked like he was on the edge of the precipice, sweat rolling down his forehead in beads. A knot in Heimo's chest loosened, it wasn't only him who felt overwhelmed. It wasn't only him who almost came undone. "Let me… Let me do it. You will get hurt like this."     

He could have broken free if he tried yet he didn't, Heimo mused. He scrambled to find a purchase on Lu Yizhou's shoulder, feeling every flex and ripple of his muscles as he tried to breathe and get used to the thick rod inside him. "I told you…to be still..." Heimo huffed and puffed. He tried to inch down bit by bit and had to stop every time to catch his breath. By then, they were both sweaty and panting and Lu Yizhou was gritting his teeth so hard that Heimo could hear the crack of his jaw. He knew that he was making it harder for the both of them but the desire to have Lu Yizhou under his mercy, to only take what Heimo allowed him to, overpowered everything else.     

A drop of crystalline sweat trailed down Lu Yizhou's neck, catching on the light and before he knew it, he had leaned forward to lick it away. Hmm, tasty, just like how he imagined Lu Yizhou would be. He began to suck and nip on the column of Lu Yizhou's throat, leaving marks after marks on his unblemished skin, relishing in the quiet gasps and muted groans from the man. "I'm sorry," he whispered quietly into Lu Yizhou's skin.     

Lu Yizhou stilled underneath him. "What are you sorry for?"     

"I have been so awful back in the cave. I…" Heimo breathed and felt the muscles on his lower part clench around Lu Yizhou's cock and the man hissed in response. "I shouldn't have said that to you. I know my parents' death isn't your fault. I was just taking it out on you. I don't care how many people you have killed either—"     

"Lan'er." Lu Yizhou spoke with whatever patience he could muster in this kind of situation. Was this the kind of conversation they should have when his cock was buried halfway into Heimo's body? He was simultaneously exasperated and helplessly fond. "Lan'er, look at me."     

Gingerly, Heimo pulled away and glanced up through his eyelashes. "I don't mind." Lu Yizhou calmed his breathing, steadily ignoring the warm pulse and squeezes of Heimo's wall around him. "I have told you before. You can do whatever you want to me and… there's no need for apologies between us."     

Heimo's breath hitched on his throat and his eyes blurred with tears. With a sob, he craned his neck up and the man tilted his head down in response. Their lips came together yet again like it was the most natural thing to do in the world.      

Spiritual energy surged between the two; one was reddish gold and the other blue, swirling around them, in every breath they took, in every move they made, in every touch and caress. Heimo felt the empty part within him — the space he didn't even know existed — being filled steadily, overflowing to the point where he almost burst out into tears.      

His body relaxed, turning pliant and without a warning, he sat down on Lu Yizhou's hips until the man's cock was buried to its hilt inside him. Both of them groaned at the same time. It was at that moment that Lu Yizhou finally snapped, the binding around his wrists broke apart and his arms instantly came around Heimo, palms landing on the swell of his behind. Heimo hadn't gotten the chance to take a breather yet when he was lifted like a ragdoll before gravity dropped him back, hard.     

A scream tore out of his throat and his eyes rolled back. He was baring his neck to Lu Yizhou which the man instantly latched on, teeth catching on the curve of his Adam's apple.      

Everything turned into a blur after that. Heimo was nothing but a ball of oversensitive nerves; he could feel Lu Yizhou everywhere, around him, on him, inside him. He bounced on the man's lap, up and down, again and again, the enormous cock rubbed against the raw, delicious wall of his insides, sending sparks of euphoria behind his eyelids. Heimo could do nothing but hold onto the man's neck for purchase, bearing the storm of tumultuous desire that wrecked him whole. His legs were shaking but he wrapped them insistently around the man's waist, instinctively avoiding his wound. "More! More…!" He screeched, unabashed. "Oh, Yi-gege, you're so big, so good. Have sensed it since day one when I woke up in your arms but—ah! No, I am going crazy! Yi-gege, it… it's too much!" He was aware that he was babbling nonsense, yet not even a word registered in his mind.      

Lu Yizhou growled into his ear and bit on his earlobe, demanding. "Come for me."     

Heimo threw his head back, his mouth opened in a silent scream. His back arched sharply as he released spurt after spurt, a long stream of release that exploded all at once. His body shook with bliss and through the haze of his vision, he saw the spiritual energy around them merged into one, becoming a pure white color. The golden core within him that had been corrupted due to the demonic cultivation was enveloped inside the glaring light, protected and cradled gently. He was broken, cleansed inside and out, dismantled and pieced together. He was turning anew. He must have lost consciousness at some point of time because when he came to, his back was laying flat on the bed, Lu Yizhou looming above him and crowding his every sense. "Y—Yi-gege…" he slurred, his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. To be exact, he couldn't even feel his limbs. He was floating in a dreamy, safe place, his mind blanked with bliss.      



A/N: Thank you so muchh ThisPrince, ArcaneMag, Luz_CB98 and many others for giving VSS 200 golden tickets! It will goes to bonus chapter next month!      

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