Villain Saving System (BL)

4.43 Bad Yi-gege [M]

4.43 Bad Yi-gege [M]

1Lu Yizhou sucked in a breath and a growl rumbled deep from his chest. "Lan'er."      0

Heimo shuddered and let out a sigh which would be so mortifying if he wasn't so overwhelmed; by his own unusual condition, by today's scare, by his own guilt, longing and desire. This wasn't the right time, a small voice in the back of his mind warned. He had disappeared for a week, Shijie must have been so worried and he hadn't checked on Ningning's condition yet. There were so many important things to do rather than mingling with a righteous cultivator who could very well kill him one day. But Lu Yizhou had gotten hurt because of him, another voice argued. Even if they were enemies, it would be despicable to leave him to fend for himself. Heimo wasn't such an immoral person and if Ningning had another relapse, Shijie would send him a signal which he hadn't seen all day. So… he could spare some time to treat Lu Yizhou, right? It wouldn't be wrong to repay a favor, right?     

Heimo convinced himself until he could chuck all of the miscellaneous thoughts away to the back of his mind. It would be something the future Heimo had to worry about.     

Whereas the present Heimo…     

"Nuh-uh." He grabbed Lu Yizhou's hand that was creeping close to his ass, preventing him from flipping them over and taking back control. "You're injured, you should sit still otherwise the wound will tear open." At Lu Yizhou's frustrated huff, Heimo chuckled and patted his cheek. "Let me do it for you, okay Yi-gege?"     

Lu Yizhou froze and his pupils dilated. The heartbeat under Heimo's palm quickened even more, it was like butterflies were flapping their wings wildly in there. Heimo blinked and a wicked smile slowly spread across his face, gleeful.  "I knew it. You like it, don't you? You like it when I call you Yi-gege…" He whispered the last two words right into Lu Yizhou's ears, earning him a full body shudder.     

Injected by a surge of courage that came out of nowhere, Heimo slowly tugged on the sash around his waist, letting the robe part on his front. He wasn't donning another layer of inner garment inside and he deliberately slid the robe off his shoulders in a slow, sensuous movement. "Sit still." He ordered with a breathless tone and threw the robe somewhere off the floor. Next he pulled on his ribbon and his hair cascaded around him in a black, silk curtain. Lu Yizhou's fingers twitched as if wanting to reach out for it but he was clearly holding himself back.     

Heimo smiled in satisfaction. "Yi-gege is so good…" Next, his hand returned to Lu Yizhou's chest, leaving trails of lingering touches over his pecs before he landed on his dick that was starting to swell. God, he was huge. Lu Yizhou's body tensed at the sudden touch and he let out a hiss. Heimo used one hand to stroke his shoulder while the other tugged his undergarment down only enough to free his erection. "Yi-gege is listening to me so well." Heimo all but purred. The man's dick was deeper in color, angry veins bulging out of its undersides and the tip was leaking in precum. Heimo's mouth watered at the sight. He wanted to put his mouth there. Not only that, he wanted to take his time to explore the man's body thoroughly, inch by inch. Somehow, the idea of Lu Yizhou having this enticing figure and not being worshipped within an inch of his life was utterly blasphemous.     

"Only you." Lu Yizhou rasped. His pupils were blown wide and the unspoken ferocity within them almost rendered Heimo unhinged. "Will only listen to you."     

Heimo bit back a mewl at the sound of that sentence. It was maddening how much control Lu Yizhou still had in this kind of situation and how much he was letting Heimo take it. Raw strength emanated from the way his biceps flexed as they stilled themselves by his side. Heimo felt… powerful, wanted, adored.      

This was nothing, he tried to tell himself. This was but another form of cultivation. Both of them needed this to heal. He couldn't afford to get sidetracked.     

He grudgingly pulled away to kick his own undergarment off before returning to Lu Yizhou naked as the day he was born, straddling the man's hips boldly. His cock was fully hard, curving up his belly with creamy liquid glistening on the plank of his stomach — he also had abs, although it wasn't as prominent as Lu Yizhou's. He didn't even realize how turned on he was until he looked into Lu Yizhou's impossibly dark eyes, leaving a scorching trail as his eyes raked all over the bare skin of Heimo's body, silently devouring him with his heavy-lidded gaze.      

Breathing through his mouth, Heimo reached down between them to grab Lu Yizhou's erection and rubbed it slowly, experimentally, up and down, marveling at the girth which he couldn't cover with his palm. It was both the same but also very different from his own. He looked down at their cocks that were lined up side by side and oh, it was the sexiest sight he had ever seen. "Yi-gege, you're very well endowed. Look at how small I am compared to you and all this while, I have never even considered myself small." He pouted, fingers gliding down the length to the other's base where he gave a light squeeze. It was completely spontaneous, a move that was spurred by instinct and the effect was pleasantly unexpected. Lu Yizhou grunted and thrust his hips up so harsh that the movement almost startled Heimo off his lap. More precum smeared on the tip of his cock that swelled in response to Heimo's touch. Heimo sent him a disapproving look whilst inwardly rejoicing. He had found Lu Yizhou's sensitive spot. "Bad Yi-gege. I told you to be still."     

Lu Yizhou was breathing raggedly by now, a faint blush rising up his cheekbones. His lips were parted and Heimo's gaze were instantly drawn to it like a moth drawn to the flame. "Lan'er…" The man whispered darkly. Before Heimo knew it, he had bent forward and pressed their lips together.      

Oh fuck, his heart was galloping so hard it was going to burst out of his chest. They had kissed — twice. But everytime, it was Lu Yizhou who initiated it. Heimo had only ever kissed him on the cheek, a chaste and shy touch of his lips. Lu Yizhou parted his lips willingly and Heimo slid his tongue in, licking into his wet, delicious mouth shyly before meeting his tongue halfway. It was always electrifying, zaps of shudders that ran down his spine and weakened his knees. Heimo's entire body melted into him.     

His back arched as a moan slipped out wantonly of his mouth.      

Lu Yizhou let out a shuddering sigh before his palm moved to cup the back of Heimo's neck, holding onto a fistful of hair and pulled — Heimo almost bit down on his tongue from the sheer pleasure that went straight to his cock. He keened, his breathing went haywire as the passion between their lips intensified. It almost reminded Heimo of their previous rough kiss. So intense, so raw, so heartbreakingly beautiful.     

His brain was blissfully blank and his mouth hung open, saliva dripping down his jaw which Lu Yizhou licked up in a stripe before he plundered deep into his mouth again. Kissing was — good, very good, Heimo decided since the first time he kissed Lu Yizhou. He wanted to do it again and again for the rest of his life. But there was no way he could do so, thus he directed all of his ardor, craving and fondness into this one kiss. Heimo failed to realize that his hand had stopped moving on Lu Yizhou's cock, merely holding on loosely until Lu Yizhou placed his broad palm over his and guided him up and down, squeezing—     

"No…!" Heimo tore his lips away from Lu Yizhou and swatted his hand away. He scowled menacingly — which he was sure didn't look as intimidating as how he wanted it to be with his glazed eyes, flushed cheeks and kissed-swollen lips. "I've told you not to move." He tutted. "Bad Yi-gege. Ought to be punished." He summoned a string of spiritual energy and tied it around Lu Yizhou's wrists, pinning it above his head right against the wall. Shock flashed through the man's eyes before his eyes darkened even further, a growl rising up his throat.     

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