Villain Saving System (BL)

4.38 Dragon

4.38 Dragon

2Lu Yizhou closed his eyes, unable to look into Heimo's twisted expression any longer. Every word the latter said cut through him like the sharpest spear and he knew that was true, thus he didn't bother to deny Heimo's words. Lu Yizhou had no idea why Heimo suddenly turned his sharp edges on him. How did he want Lu Yizhou to react? Did he wish that Lu Yizhou would be offended? That he would lose control of his emotions and kill him? That was impossible. There was no power in this realm that could make Lu Yizhou turn his back on Heimo.     

But the problem was, Lu Yizhou didn't know how to convince him.     

[What should I do?] For the first time, Lu Yizhou turned to 666, this useless system, proving that he himself was getting helpless over the current situation. How could he save someone who couldn't put an ounce of trust in him? What should he do so that Heimo could understand him? Did he need to carve out his heart and present it to Heimo so that the man would know that Lu Yizhou could put down his life just to keep him safe?     

[666: Sorry, Host. 666 doesn't know either QAQ 666 isn't equipped to deal with such an emotional situation. More importantly, Host, your back—]     

[Forget about my back.] Lu Yizhou let out a harsh sigh, feeling so drained all of a sudden. [Tell me about the current situation.]     

[666: Oh! 666 can do that! The dragon has returned to its nest with the egg. It thought that you two had been burned by the lava. Whereas the two protagonists… hmm, they are currently on their way out, crying. Host… it seems like they also thought that you and Heimo had died without an intact corpse! Ling Chuwei has sent a message to her father.]     

Lu Yizhou hummed thoughtfully. He had no idea whether it was good or bad news. Being considered dead wasn't a bad thing if it meant he could act freely from now on but… how would it affect Heimo?     

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Heimo laughed in a shrill tone. His eyes were still glowing bright red. "You don't even bother to deny me anymore, Lu Yizhou?"     

The purification Lu Yizhou did earlier was interrupted when Heimo suddenly pushed him away and Lu Yizhou had been feeling the backlash for a while like an invisible stab wound to his chest. Every miniscule move he did tug on his wound and he could feel the blood soaking the ground beneath him. Fortunately, Heimo was a distance away and the lightning was inadequate for him to see what was going on. Nevertheless, Lu Yizhou couldn't let him stay here any longer. This place wasn't good for Heimo's mind and he could already see what kind of effect the demonic energy had on the man in the short time they were here. He didn't want Heimo to say or do anything he would regret later.     

"It's true." Lu Yizhou said quietly. "I have sinned greatly. I have slaughtered many innocent people and what awaits me in the afterlife is eternal punishment." With every word he spoke, Lu Yizhou inched closer. He bit back the groan that threatened to escape from his throat. It was sheer agony. Pain shot up his spine and the rustle of garment against his burnt skin further aggravated the wound. Yet he still moved closer; seizing the time when Heimo was stunned by the unexpected answer, Lu Yizhou grabbed hold of his wrist and sent out waves of spiritual energy into the other's body. Blood gurgled up his throat and he turned to the side to spit it out, heaving.     

"W—What are you doing?!" Heimo hissed sharply but before he could struggle, Lu Yizhou decisively tapped on his acupuncture points, locking his movement. Shock flashed through his eyes when his body tilted sideways only to fall into Lu Yizhou's embrace. "Lu Yizhou!" He growled out, body lax and pliant in Lu Yizhou's hold, contrary to the raw fury in his eyes. "Let me go! How dare you do this to me?!"     

"I will—" He coughed again. "Later. First, we need to get out of this place."     

In his normal condition, Lu Yizhou would have no problem carrying five adult men for Jingxue-Jun's cultivation was very high but now, he staggered even when he tried to stand. Heimo looked faintly alarmed but Lu Yizhou pretended he noticed nothing as he hoisted the man up into his arms and summoned Hexue. The spiritual weapon had cracked on its edges to block half of the dragon's attack and its pure glow had dimmed into a murky blue color. The damage to a spiritual weapon was equal to the damage on its wielder. Heimo's eyes widened in aghast but he couldn't even turn to look at Lu Yizhou.     

Lu Yizhou had placed Heimo's head to the crook of his neck so he couldn't see what was going on around him but unfortunately, he could still notice the prominent difference in Lu Yizhou's sword aura! His voice was muffled when he let out a string of curses. "Your sword—damn it! You said you aren't injured!"     

"Not that bad." Hexue moved to cut down the boulder to pieces and Lu Yizhou kicked his feet off the ground to bring them landing on the base of the cave. The ground was sizzling hot and the air was so scorching that they were covered in sweat in no time at all. Blisters formed on Lu Yizhou's foot and the salt on his skin got to his wound. He doubted whether 666 really shielded 50% of his pain, otherwise how could it be this unpleasant? "Sssh." Lu Yizhou hushed softly when he sensed Heimo's lips moving against his skin. "Don't make any sound. The dragon is coming."     

Heimo locked his jaw shut with an audible click. He resisted the urge to plant a kiss on the man's temple and focused on searching inside his meridian to block the pain perception. Almost spontaneously, he felt better and took in the much needed air into his lungs. The pain hadn't faded at all but at least, it had turned into a dull numbness he could shove to the back of his mind. His movement became faster and sharper as he spun on his heel to hide behind the pillar as soon as the dragon showed up.      

Lu Yizhou cursed inwardly. Fuck, that was extremely huge. He had a faint impression of how large its head was when he was dodging its fire beam earlier but he hadn't expected its body to be so lengthy. Lu Yizhou suspected that he wouldn't be able to see the dragon's tail without it crowding the space inside the cave. Even now it had only half of its body out of its nest, the rest of it was still circling around the precious egg.      

Amber scales rippled against the light as the dragon crawled, whiskers twitching as it scanned the surroundings. Large, serpentine golden eyes flicked around in wariness. It noticed the destroyed boulder on the ground and stretched its long, long neck up, looming above the air as it reached out one gigantic claw to nudge on the rock side to side, examining it for a while. Then it looked around again and huffed. If Lu Yizhou hadn't prepared himself, he would have been blown away by the sheer strength under that light huff.     

Lu Yizhou felt cold sweat dripping down his back. No matter how confident he was in himself, he wasn't so cocky to think that he would be able to defeat such an intelligent creature.      

How did Heimo manage to KO the dragon and get its egg in the original plot again?     

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