Villain Saving System (BL)

3.66 Bring Him To Me

3.66 Bring Him To Me

3Lu Yizhou blinked. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.      3

Innocent Oliver, kind and naive Oliver, he might still have a long way to go until he could fully understand Lu Yizhou. If he had the slightest idea of what length Lu Yizhou could go through just to keep him safe, maybe he would be disgusted with him right now. Terrified, even.     

He wasn't willing to burst Oliver's bubble so he only hugged him tighter and placed his palm on the omega's belly. Oliver almost immediately melted in his arms. A blissful sigh escaped his lips as he snuggled closer. Lu Yizhou rubbed his thumb along the bulging surface. He knew that Oliver loved it when he did this.     

It was at that moment that Lu Yizhou's communicator beeped. Derek was on the other side of the line. "Your Highnesses." The Beta blatantly ignored the suggestive position that the two beastmen were in. Well, he had seen worse before.     

"Is there something wrong?" Lu Yizhou asked, not having the slightest intention to move. Oliver purred into his neck, tail swishing back and forth, satisfied with his decision. Unfortunately, Lu Yizhou wasn't pleased that his time with Oliver was interrupted. Derek clearly knew that fact and him choosing this exact time to contact Lu Yizhou meant that something important had happened.      

"I apologize for intruding on your private time. I have urgent news to report." Upon receiving Lu Yizhou's nod, Derek continued. "The evidence to convict Rosemane and Ryan of their crimes have been verified by the court. The judge will decide on Princess Rosemane's punishment soon and we can now officially request for an arrest warrant to hunt Ryan down." After the bombing incident, Ryan had managed to slip away and vanish without a trace. The Elite Guards at that time had suffered some serious consequences for going against Peter and their number had dwindled down. On the other hand, it was difficult for Versatine's soldiers to act as it wasn't their place to interfere lest they could cause some serious breach of authority. With the official statement from the court, Lu Yizhou could finally order his men to move.     

"Bring him to me." Lu Yizhou commanded. "Alive."     

Derek saluted. "Aye, Your Highness!"     

It took another month for Ryan to be caught and at the same time, the punishment for Princess Rosemane's crime was pronounced: she would receive the death punishment by execution, just like Oliver did in the original plot. The time was set to be a month later.     

Apparently, Ryan hadn't succeeded in escaping unscathed from the bomb either. He managed to pull through solely by relying on survival instinct and burst of luck. There was no way he could remain in Alaze and he originally thought of taking shelter with the rebellion group only to hear from the news that they were being hunted down by Versatine's soldiers. He was quite lucky as the media was focused on Princess Rosemane now instead of him, this nameless commoner. But he knew that it was only a matter of time until the attention shifted and by then, everything would be too late.      

He had a sliver of doubt that Princess Rosemane was bluffing, that there was no way she could hold evidence over him. As much as Ryan wanted to insist on his innocence, it was too risky. If Rosemane indeed brought the evidence out, Ryan would be utterly doomed. He couldn't bear the consequences if it happened!     

Fuck fuck fuck, Ryan could already see his demise. He regretted it, regretted it so deeply. Why did he agree to join Peter and Princess Rosemane in the first place?! He should have deleted the message when Peter reached out to him, he shouldn't have agreed to meet them, he shouldn't have been consumed by his own greediness to see Altair crumble! He was an idiot, he shouldn't have bitten more than he could chew. It was only now that he could see the situation clearly. Altair didn't even consider him as an opponent, it was only him who was too enamored with defeating the winged beastman. It was his own pride, his own stupidity that had destroyed him.     

Shouldn't have, shouldn't have, there were so many things he shouldn't have done — the regret swirled in Ryan's mind as he was on the run.     

Left with no choice, he lived off the street, moved from one place to another — he had no money to rent even a room in the shadiest inn thus he could only live in abandoned houses, in the middle of the forest etc — worst, he didn't even have time to treat his wound properly. When Derek and Versatine's soldiers found him, he was already half alive with festering wounds on his body, mind delirious with a very high fever.     

"He's alive." Derek reported after the team had secured Ryan. "We are administering the first emergency treatment on him. After that, we will bring him back."     

Lu Yizhou nodded in satisfaction. "Good job."     

It was at that second that the system's long lost notification rang in his mind.      

[System notification: Congratulations! You have successfully completed your mission in this world! Please wait for further notice from the main system server regarding the exit portal!]     




Mini theater     

666's Host was busy with his lover doing naughty things in the bedroom. The first day, 666 squealed and shrieked until its data bounced off everywhere. Finally, after three worlds, it could see some real romance. Banzai! Banzai! It was like a dream come true for the system! The second day, 666 was still excited and went to the system's forum.     

[You all definitely can't guess what my Host is doing right now! Let me give you the hints: bedroom, closed door, ah uh ah uh!]     

Replies came in second because apparently, systems were this gossipy.     

[What nonsense is 666 spouting again, lol.]     

[Ah uh ah uh, what language is that? Speak system language!]     

[It can't be… 'that'?]     

[That? What's 'that'?]     

[Oh. Oh! OH!]     

Excited, 666 replied. [You're right! It's 'that'! Oh my God, my Host is currently doing adult things in the bedroom with the villain! Can you imagine it happening?! You must envy 666 very much! After all, it is only 666's Host who managed to pull off such a feat!]     

[Gasp! Your Host…is really…doing…with the target?!]     

[Is that even allowed?!]     

[Kyaaaa, I really want to see some romance in my Host's life! Sadly she's just a depressed, emo woman QAQ]     

[666, share some pics!]     

[Yeah, we all want to see it!]     

Ah, this felt so good. 666 had always wanted to become a role model for all systems. Now that it had come true, it couldn't suppress the satisfaction and smugness in his data. Feeling generous, it sent a few pictures of Lu Yizhou and Oliver in a few photogenic shots that 666 had hoarded secretly (lest Host got mad at it). The picture of Lu Yizhou hugging Oliver, Lu Yizhou getting down on one knee to present the flower crown, Lu Yizhou when he almost kissed Oliver (system was family friendly thus the kissing scene is promptly mosaicked, fortunately 666 had the wits and agility to snap a few shots before its screen turned dark!), Lu Yizhou flying with Oliver, etc.     


For the next few days, 666 became a celebrity in the forum as it posted the chronology of its Host's romantic journey and garnered thousands of likes.     

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