Villain Saving System (BL)

3.51 I Will Treasure You

3.51 I Will Treasure You

3This chapter happened the night after Oliver and Lu Yizhou met Empress Gemma and Emperor Vincent. I need to write this down from LYZ's pov because we saw the intercourse from Oliver's lol. Enjoy the fluff and sweet moments :)      1

Mild warning: there's descriptions of sexual act but not implicit so I decided not to add it to the title     


Lu Yizhou had never let another person into his life before. He thought he didn't need to. He was perfectly capable of being alone. Life had been harsh to him, but he had gotten used to it. Had tasted bitterness more times than he could count. So much that he had almost forgotten how sweetness felt like. That was, until he was pulled into this simulator. Ren Zexi, Theodore, Oliver… Three of them succeeded in making Lu Yizhou feel something he thought he wasn't capable of. It was soft, gooey and made his whole body warm all over. He didn't even realize how frozen his heart had been until it melted.      

'Gentle' wasn't the words that could be associated with him yet it came so easily to him when he's around them. He wanted to protect them, to give them security and shield them from any harm. He wanted to see them smile in a carefree way. He couldn't bear to see them living the life as in the original plot. Hell, he never thought that he could care so much about someone else.     

Lu Yizhou and Oliver returned to the condo after a long talk with the Emperor and Empress of Versatine. Lu Yizhou was still trying to wrap his head around the newly gained fact when the door closed behind him and Oliver swirled around to hug his waist, tight. Dampness seeped into his shirt and Lu Yizhou realized belatedly that the omega was crying. In an instant, pain seized his heart and he returned the hug, gently and loosely, afraid to hurt the fragile creature in his arms. "What's wrong?"     

Oliver shook his head, sniffling. "Nothing, just…" He lifted his head and oh, although there were tear streaks on his face, he was beaming, wide and bright. He was the most beautiful person Lu Yizhou had ever seen. His heart did that weird thing again. It flipped in his chest and sweetness permeated his throat. "Can you believe it? We are a fated pair! The rare couple that can only be found one in ten thousand pairs of Alphas and Omegas!"     

Lu Yizhou could feel the vibrant excitement drumming in the omega's body. He was so exhilarated that it seemed like he was going to jump in place if not for Lu Yizhou holding his waist. The same kind of excitement also coursed through his veins, courtesy to the bond that tied the two of them together for life.      

Oliver paused and looked up at him with the kind of wonder and awe that made his eyes glow in amber. "You're smiling." He whispered with an ever growing grin and stroked the corner of Lu Yizhou's curved lips. "God, you're so gorgeous. You should smile more often. Wait, no." He settled into a frown and pursed his lips. "If you do then more people will notice you. You're already popular enough among omegas."     

  Lu Yizhou soothed the lines between his brows. "There will be no other people. Only you."     

"Ugh." Oliver dropped his forehead to his chest and groaned like he had just been wounded. "How can you say something like that so suddenly? Have mercy on me, okay? My heart is fragile!"     

He snorted. "You're exaggerating."      

The omega burst out into laughter, each sonorous sound echoed deep into his soul. If this was how it was going to be from now on, Lu Yizhou realized that he didn't mind at all. The prospect of being tied to another person for life wasn't so bad if it was Oliver. Sensing the veiled exhaustion hidden beneath his bright eyes, Lu Yizhou took a split second decision and swept Oliver off his feet, literally. The omega let out a yelp, then giggled again as Lu Yizhou carried them to the bathroom to wash up.      

Lu Yizhou lowered him gently onto the marble surface near the sink and caged his arms on both sides of the omega's hips. Their eyes clashed midair. Silver and golden. It was unknown who leaned into whom first, maybe both of them were gravitating toward each other and then they were kissing. Slow, lazy and languid. It was so soft but felt more intimate than anything they had done before. When they broke apart, Oliver was looking at him with such intense adoration and cradled his jaw with his slender fingers that it shook Lu Yizhou down to the core. No one had ever looked at him with such a gaze before. No one…had ever been so happy with his existence.      

Oliver sighed dreamily into his lips. "I must be the luckiest omega in the world. How are you even real?"     

No, Oliver. It was me who's lucky. I have done nothing to deserve this.     

He swallowed thickly, the words caught in his throat. He opted to kiss Oliver instead, this time deeper with a little more force, leaving them both breathless. He trailed kisses to the corner of Oliver's lips down to his jaw, the column of his neck then lower until he reached the unique mark on Oliver's chest. Their mark. The same mark was also imprinted on Lu Yizhou's body, on the side of his abdomen. Oliver's mark settled right on the spot where the star-shaped birthmark on his chest was, reaching outward in a blowing whirlwind, as if painting a melody that belonged only to both of them. His skin was still bearing the hickeys Lu Yizhou made last night and he peppered soft, open-mouthed kisses on them, careful not to hurt the omega further.     

But it seemed like the omega wasn't satisfied with just that. He tugged on Lu Yizhou's hair, one hand scrambling to find purchase on his shoulder, fisting on his shirt. "Altair…" Lu Yizhou lifted his eyelids to catch his flushed cheeks, hazy eyes and deliciously kissed lips, parting with quick sighs. "Come…Come here, I need you—" Lu Yizhou needed not to be told twice. He surged upward and held Oliver flushed against him, feeling the omega's growing hardness on his stomach. His own cock twitched in response. He licked at the biting wound on the omega's neck, an automatic act to confirm that Oliver was indeed his.      

Oliver bloomed beautifully in his embrace, soft moans falling from his lips.     

"Oliver…" His voice was rough, gravelly. "I will treasure you. Until the day you leave this world, I will."     

Still disoriented, Oliver blinked as if trying to register the words — the vow — in his mind. And once he did, tears welled up in his eyes, his eyes glossing with emotions so intense that it almost burst out of his thin body. "Oh you…" He hugged Lu Yizhou so tightly, the words tumbling out and he couldn't stop it. "I love you. I love you so much…"     

They made sweet, sweet love under the shower. Lu Yizhou was as gentle as he was rough the previous night, as if he wished to make up for it the same. He held Oliver securely through the ride, taking him apart with large, gentle hands and offering all the tenderness he could muster in his long dead heart. When everything was done, Oliver had gone pliant and boneless. It left Lu Yizhou to take care of the mess. He skillfully drained the hot water from the tub, cleaned Oliver's body and wrapped him in a soft, large fluffy towel before he brought him to the bed. The previous wreck in the bedroom had been cleaned up. The dirty sheets had been changed and the ventilator worked to filter the heavy air of sex and pheromones. Everything was spotless, but Lu Yizhou couldn't help but feel that something had changed permanently. It was Oliver's scent. Oliver's presence. The omega had left a trace of himself behind and it wouldn't be the same again without him.     

Oliver yawned and rolled into the mattress, eyes thick with drowsiness and satisfaction. Lu Yizhou dropped a kiss on his forehead. "I will return soon."     

He went to wash himself and spent a few moments in front of the mirror to trace the mark on his body. He exited the bathroom clad only in a simple black robe which he took off before he climbed into the bed. Oliver was struggling to keep his eyes open, adamantly insisting on waiting until Lu Yizhou returned. When Lu Yizhou lay down, he automatically rolled over until he was sprawled atop of the Alpha's chest, head tucked securely into the juncture between his neck and shoulder. "You know…" He absentmindedly traced the solid lines of Lu Yizhou's abs. "I really want to learn, lick and run my fingers on every curve of your gorgeous body. But everytime I do, you make me too tired to do so." He huffed with a complaining tone.     

"You can do it next time."     

"Next time?"     

"Hmm." Lu Yizhou fiddled the omega's ear with his fingers and it twitched adorably.     

"You will lie down and let me do whatever I want?"     

"Yes," he said, mirthful. "Whatever you want."     

Oliver snuggled closer with a content sigh. "I really love you, you know?"     

Lu Yizhou hummed, fingers gently carding through Oliver's hair and the omega fell asleep in no time at all. His breathing soft and deep, still with the ghost of a smile lingering on his sweet lips. On the other hand, Lu Yizhou laid wide awake, counting the rhythm of Oliver's heartbeat. Such a soothing thing to do.      

Sleep still eluded him on most nights. He had long resigned to the fate that peaceful sleep was one thing he could never own. He had no way to erase his past, to erase the sins he had committed with his own hands. He had no way to deny that he was a ruthless, hard-hearted man who would do whatever to achieve his goal.      

He was not a good person, but for Oliver, he wished to be one.      

What was love, he wondered? How did people realize that they're in love? Was it the same feeling as when he wanted to cherish the other, to place him as a priority and guard him safe? Was it the sweet and painful ache in his chest whenever Oliver smiled at him? Was it another sin to desire this kind of peace in his life?     

Lu Yizhou closed his eyes. [Am I allowed to have this?]     

For the first time ever, 666's tone was completely serious, devoid of the usual playfulness it usually displayed.      

[666: Of course, Host. Of course.]     




Mini theater     

Of course Lu Yizhou should have known that there's no way 666 could remain serious. Five minutes later, the system suddenly exclaimed, its tone giddy and excited.     

[666: Do you wish to learn about love? Admin God's library has a looot of romance novels you can read, Host! As much as you want! There's also these books: "Question 101: How Much Do You Love Your Partner?" "10 Steps To Build A Perfect Family" "Guide To Enlightenment For The Dense And Dumbo" Which one do you want??? Oh my God, 666 can finally boast in the system forum that true love indeed exists!]     

[666: Host…?]     

[666: Alright 666 won't talk nonsense anymoreee.]     

[666: …QAQ]     

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