Villain Saving System (BL)

3.24 Delicious [M]

3.24 Delicious [M]

1Lu Yizhou abruptly ceased breathing.      1

Oliver tugged down the band of his trousers enough for it to slip down to his thigh. Then his breath hitched as the tight boxer brief came to sight. It was pure black, simple and so fucking hot. From his position, Oliver could glimpse upon the Alpha's sharp mermaid lines and tuft of hair that trailed down his navel to the hidden part below. Lu Yizhou's erection strained heavily against the fabric and a wet stain formed on a certain area on the tip.     

Oliver knew that the Alpha was well endowed judging from his towering physique and he had even seen it before but not this… close. Not when he was 100% sober and definitely not at such a close distance. He gulped and inhaled the scent of musk and faint arousal into his lungs and kept it safe in his stomach.      

"Oliver," There was a thick warning in his tone, one that sent Oliver's mind spiraling everywhere. "Stop it now otherwise—" He instantly choked on his breath when the omega ignored him and leaned closer to press open-mouthed kisses along his length through the fabric. His cheeks flushed brightly and eyes watery. Within them, Lu Yizhou could see nothing but pooling desire and a hint of desperation. Lu Yizhou clawed on the wall, his fingers creating a dent on it as Oliver finally tugged his boxer down to let the erection spring free.      

His eyes widened in wonder at the massive length and how it almost slapped him right on the face. It… It was so beautiful, much more beautiful than anything Oliver could ever imagine; dark red in color with angry veins trailing over the side, looking as if it was going to burst anytime soon. Oliver's mouth watered and he couldn't help but imagine how good it would feel to have the length buried deep inside him when he was in heat. Oh no, snap out of it Oliver! Now isn't the time to let your imagination roam free! This is to help Altair. Yes, this is to help him sleep better, Oliver convinced himself over and over again.     

"Otherwise what...?" Oliver challenged as he reached for the base of the erection and he felt the Alpha's body stiffen even more. It was so huge that he couldn't wrap his hand around the girth. He lifted his gaze to look straight into Lu Yizhou's eyes as he used both hands to squeeze the base of the erection. A drop of precum beaded on its top. Oliver's eyes zeroed on it and he gave a tentative, hesitant and shy lick. Shudders ran down his spine at the scent of thick pheromones filling his entire body. It was hot, scorching, leaving trails of flame on its wake. Oliver sweated under the chilly weather and his breaths came out light and shallow. Before the Alpha could say anything, he took the length into his mouth and moaned at the fullness that strained his lips and made his cheeks bulge.     

"Fuck." A hoarse curse slipped out of Lu Yizhou's mouth. God, it was sexier than anything Oliver had ever heard and his own cock gave a twitch inside his pajama trousers. He had just taken the Alpha into his mouth but he was already so aroused and hard that he felt he could come at any moment.      

The cock swelled even harder inside his mouth and Oliver groaned in pleasure. He was the one who caused this, he was the one who elicited such a reaction. The mere knowledge sent his mind into delirium and his eyes inadvertently landed on Lu Yizhou's nails which were buried into the wall from how hard he was restraining himself in place. He pulled himself away only enough to tease and lick the bulbous head all the while pulling the Alpha's hand and placed it in his head. Under Lu Yizhou's intense stare, he stammered. "Y—You can put your hands into my hair and move me…however you want…" He blushed and stroked the length experimentally like how he would pleasure himself. "This is the first time I have done this… I hope you'll like it." Then he dipped his head low and pressed kisses all over its length from the balls underneath up until the head and took the leaking precum into his mouth, sucking greedily.     

Another curse slipped out of the Alpha's mouth and Oliver hummed. The vibration almost sent the Alpha to the edge, judging from how he slotted his fingers into the Omega's hair and held his head in place. The short prick of pain sent deep pleasure drumming across Oliver's veins. Oh, he liked it so much when Lu Yizhou cursed and he liked it even more when he was manhandled roughly, treated as a toy for the Alpha to play with to his heart's content. The scent of arousal spiked up. Rose mingled with sweet nectar. The temperature shot up around them, it was sweltering.     

When Oliver's canines grazed against the surface, Lu Yizhou gave a hiss and tugged the omega's head back. Oliver's eyes were wide in confusion and he let out a whine of protest. He was panting and his lips were almost swollen, glistening with precum and saliva. It was exceedingly obscene and his eyes were telling that all he wanted was for Lu Yizhou to shove his dick back into his mouth.     

Lu Yizhou screwed his eyes shut and cursed under his breath.      

"W—What's wrong?" Oliver asked in a fearful and nervous tone. "Did I do it wrong?"      

"No." Lu Yizhou answered in a beat. He was helpless against that kind of gaze. Damn it. Just fuck it all. His hand left Oliver's hair and trailed down his chin to scratch the soft surface lightly, making the omega purr and lean closer into his touch. "You did great. Just need a little practice. Now, open your mouth wide."      


Oh. That kind of commanding tone again.      

Oliver's eyes lit up as he eagerly parted his lips, waiting. The Alpha took him by surprise when he stroked the length himself until he was fully hard whereas the other hand pressed on the back of Oliver's head to push him closer. Oliver accepted the cock again into his mouth, almost crying in relief.      

"Pull back your teeth." Lu Yizhou breathed, his voice raspy. "Open your mouth wider and hollow your cheeks."     

Oliver obeyed with no hesitation and gazed up at the Alpha with wide, glassy eyes that contained stars in it. Knowing what he wanted, Lu Yizhou cooed. "Good, you're doing a very good job." Then he returned to grabbing a fistful of Oliver's hair and in that instant, Oliver knew. It was coming. It was finally coming. His spine trembled in anticipation and he grabbed Lu Yizhou's toned thigh to anchor himself.     

The Alpha suddenly leaned down to stare into his eyes. Oliver was spellbound by the intense darkness swirling in them, so mesmerized that it felt like he was going to faint. "You're the one who is asking for this." The words came out almost in a growl, impatient. "So don't cry and beg me to stop later."     

Oh damn it yes! Yes! He had wanted this since day one. There was nothing he wanted more than having the Alpha fuck his mouth. He nodded again and again and gave a hum in approval because his mouth was stuffed full. Despite the Alpha's rough warning, he started slow and gentle. He rocked his hips forward and pushed himself into Oliver's mouth but not deep enough to gag him. He wasn't even halfway in, Oliver noted. Being the good boy he was, Oliver remembered Lu Yizhou's words earlier.     

Open his mouth wider. Hollow his cheeks. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he strained himself and started to suck. Instinct guided him to twirl his tongue on the surface, dragging the wetness again and again. He screwed his eyes shut and sucked deeper and harder like it was the most delectable lollipop in the world. Lu Yizhou's movement faltered as he cursed out loud. From then on, everything went downhill—no uphill, whatever. Oliver's mind wasn't thinking straight anymore.      

He buried his nails into the Alpha's thigh as the movement intensified, in and out, each time Lu Yizhou's cock went deeper and deeper to the point where it almost touched his throat. The foreign sensation almost made Oliver gag but he firmly held himself back. Taking in a deep breath, he relaxed himself to accommodate the Alpha's length and concentrated on licking and sucking the leaking precum. Did he do it right? Did his Alpha like it? Oliver brought his gaze up to peer at Lu Yizhou and saw him leaning fully against the wall, eyes fixing on Oliver with a deep frown on his face. He was gritting his teeth, sharp canines poking out and the harsh breathing he let out almost bordered on feral. Sweat trickled down his jaws ceaselessly and the look in his eyes… Oliver shuddered despite himself. There was no doubt about it. Lu Yizhou was enjoying this. He was enjoying what Oliver's mouth did to him.     

"Damn it…!" The Alpha cursed and tugged on Oliver's hair to pull him away but Oliver held on tightly with a whine of protest. Oliver knew that the Alpha was coming soon and all the more reason for him to keep the member in his mouth. Their eyes met midair; one was defiant while the other apprehensive. Come in my mouth, Oliver sent the message through his eyes. Lu Yizhou sucked in cold air, his pupils blown wide as he gave the last few jerks, thrusting deep into Oliver's mouth until it hit the back of his throat and the omega accepted everything willingly. "Oliver—!" Nothing could prepare Oliver for the thick, viscous liquid that shot down his throat, again and again, so much that his mouth was full and it trickled down his jaw.     

Hot. It was too hot. Oliver's hold weakened and fell on his butt, tears streaming down his face. He clamped his mouth shut and swallowed everything down, laughing at Lu Yizhou's dumbstruck face. "Ha...haha…" He licked his lips, humming. His body sang jubilantly at the Alpha's semen. It sent his head spiralling into pure bliss. "It's delicious... it's so delicious…" He brought his legs together and only then did he realize that he had come himself. Just like that, without even needing to be touched. His trousers were soaked and coldness started to seep down his thigh.     

He stared up at Lu Yizhou with the most alluring gaze he could muster. "How is it? Did I do well…?"     

Lu Yizhou snapped out of his stupor and covered his eyes with one palm for a few seconds. After that, he put the softening cock back into his boxer and pulled up his trousers, once again returning to the prim and proper Lu Yizhou. Then he went to Oliver and slid one hand on his back, the other went under his knees to lift him up. Oliver snuggled into the Alpha's neck, still reveling in the aftermath of the indulgence. The walk back to Oliver's room was filled with silence until Lu Yizhou got them into the bathroom and placed Oliver down gently on the corner of the bathtub.      

"Sorry," he said without meeting Oliver's eyes. He gently took off the omega's pants and underwear until his lower body was stripped bare. Oliver had no idea how he did it but Lu Yizhou's hands almost didn't touch him at all. His movements were hesitant, polite and courteous.      

In a spur of anger, Oliver stomped his feet on the Alpha's thigh but still, he received none of the reaction he was after. Instead, Lu Yizhou readily went down on one knee and turned the hot water on, adjusting the temperature before carefully washing Oliver's sticky legs. He didn't even care that the water splashed all over him and drenching his clothes.     

Huffing his cheeks up, Oliver grabbed Lu Yizhou's chin almost roughly and forced the Alpha to meet his gaze. He asked once again through gritted teeth. "Did I do well?" He might not realize it but there was a slight tremble in his tone, nervous, scared yet hopeful at the same time.     

Lu Yizhou swallowed the words he was going to say. His lashes quivered as he dipped his head low to kiss Oliver's thin calf. Oliver didn't see it coming and his eyes widened comically at the stimulating sight. A gasp escaped his lips when a sharp pain stabbed the place where Lu Yizhou's mouth was. The Alpha pulled away and in his place was a little hickey, the dark color looked particularly conspicuous against the milky skin. "You did well." He said softly. "You did very, very well."     


A/N: important announcement below. Please give it a read ><     

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