Villain Saving System (BL)

3.20 How Dare You

3.20 How Dare You

0Oliver stepped through the hallway to his classroom, feeling too self-conscious of his smell even though nobody really cared about him. Well, it wasn't exactly accurate. After his identity as a prince was exposed, people had started to approach him, get close to him and try to strike one or two conversations with this royalty who came out of nowhere. Of course, Oliver had never paid them any heed. He had lived through years of school just fine without a single friend and he wouldn't need one right now either.      2

The point was, everyone was so busy greeting him that they took no notice of his scent. Oliver certainly didn't wish that anyone would notice—he didn't want to make trouble for Altair—but there was a part of him who wanted everyone to know that such an amazing Alpha had scented him. He wanted the omegas who had swooned over Altair a few days ago to look at him with envy, longing and jealousy.      

Oh, how nice would that be. The fur on Oliver's tail stood up on its end just by imagining it.     

But nothing happened until the end of the class, to his relief and disappointment. Well, the purpose of scenting was to warn Alphas to begin with and surrounded by Omegas all day long, Oliver was under no threat enough to spread his pheromones. He glanced down at his communicator and smiled at Altair's message. The Alpha had been held back by the Principal and he apologized for having to make Oliver wait for him a bit longer. The concise and formal way of his message never failed to amuse Oliver to no end. Not that he minded. All these times, Altair had been the one waiting for him outside the building. Oliver had never known that such a tedious thing could be so... nerve-wracking and comforting when it came to the person he loved.     

Oliver ignored the eyes and hushed whispers around him. He knew perfectly what kind of gossip had been surrounding the royal family especially after the accident that befell him. Rosemane was still grounded and Emperor Father was furious—and for the first time the anger was directed at her. Oliver dared to admit that it pleased him over to the moon to turn the tide on Rosemane. He had Altair in his life, everything was peaceful and he was happy… What more could he ask for?     

The Omega's daydreaming was interrupted abruptly by another's presence and voice. "Um…you are—"     

He turned to find a tall man in a basketball jersey. Toned arms marked with black spots. Bright and enchanting eyes. Wild glossy dark hair. Masculine features. A leopard Alpha, Oliver noted. He would be considered handsome if Oliver hadn't been subjected to the sight of a shirtless Altair cooking in the kitchen with only a black sweatpants this morning, showcasing the sharp blades of his shoulders and the beautiful flex of his biceps. A sheen of sweat covered his bronze skin, making him look like a yummy chocolate bar ready to be devoured.     

Nope, simply couldn't be compared. Oliver showed a bored expression. "Are you talking to me?"     

"Yes, Your Highness." Ryan smiled sheepishly. He only realized lately that the omega in heat he chanced upon was none other than Prince Oliver! If he had known sooner, he would have strived to be the one who rescued Oliver that day. Alas, there's no remedy for regret. Fortunately, he could meet the omega today. He rolled up his sleeves and deliberately showed more of the black spot along his arm—the beastly sign which many omegas had drooled upon. Ryan knew perfectly well that skin was the rarest beast sign and he exploited it fully to his advantage. He had expected this omega to be enchanted but...he didn't even spare Ryan a glance? Ryan's smile faltered for a split second but he recovered soon after. Plastering a more genuine smile, he stepped closer. "Your Highness, do you remember me? Last time—"     

The sweat on Ryan's body evaporated and the wind carried its faint scent to Oliver's nose. In an instant, it was as if bolts of lightning struck his body, rendering him immobile. He couldn't even forget it if he wanted; the despair, fright and helplessness he felt as the unknown Alpha almost pounced on him. If...If Altair didn't take him away from that place, then Oliver would surely be bonded with this Alpha… just thinking of it made his skin crawl.     

His instinct instantly kicked in and when the Alpha blinked, Oliver was already a few distance away. He hissed threateningly. His tail stood tall and fur bristled. "You're that Alpha from last time!"     

Ryan was startled. He didn't expect that the omega would react like this. Around them, people started to give them a few more curious and inquiring glances. Ryan's face darkened but he soon put on a courteous smile. If the person in front of him hadn't been a prince, Ryan wouldn't have spent his time dealing with this nonsense. "Yes, I am. Actually, I have been wanting to ask how Your Highness has been doing. I am extremely grateful that Your Highness still remembers me." His eyes trailed to Oliver's neck and widened in surprise when he saw the gland patch there. He blurted out without thinking. "Y—You're still unbonded?! After… After that time…" Ryan blinked rapidly a few times. How could that be possible?     

Oliver scowled. He couldn't believe that the Alpha still dared to come up to him and asked this kind of question after what he had almost done! "What?" He jeered mockingly. "Do you think it's weird that an Alpha could resist his instinct to mark a random omega in heat? Unlike you?"     

The sarcasm in his tone was so dripping that Ryan couldn't even pretend he didn't hear it. His face blushed in shame and anger. Gone was the politeness and patience. "What's your problem?! It's in our instinct to do so!" He had been so kind as to reach out to the omega but this was what he got?! Ryan sneered. "You're the one who shamelessly hid in the storage room during your heat. It's a wonder how you haven't been marked yet!"     

Oliver stared at him in disbelief. He was so angry that he laughed. His fur bristled even more and he bared his fangs, showing not even an ounce of fear when the angry Alpha's pheromones started rolling off through the air. "It's all because of sexist bastards like you that our kingdom's omegas have to wear gland patches, dumbass!"     

Ryan growled. He knew that he had to step down, this was a prince he was facing after all but he couldn't help himself. Growing up, he had always been taught that Alphas were the top of the pyramid while omegas were none other than breeding machines. What use did they have other than giving birth, giving birth and giving birth? They were absolute whores, sluts whose bodies were created just to be impregnated. This lowly omega… how dare he talk back to him like that?! Who gave him such a huge gut?! Furious, Ryan let his pheromones loose, intending to subdue and teach the omega who had the upper hand when his scent was blocked halfway and in exchange, a familiar chill crawled up his spine, causing him to take a step back and the source was… Ryan's eyes bulged out in incredulity. The omega in front of him?!      

H—How could this omega exude such terrifying pheromones?! Ryan was sure that there was only one person who succeeded in brushing him off easily just like that…     

Oliver's face paled and his knees trembled. Ryan's pheromones were sharp, obtrusive and filled with commanding aura that demanded submission. The only thing that prevented him from bowing his head was the whiff of winter and rose that encased him, firmly protecting him from harm. Cold yet comforting. Deadly yet gentle. It was Altair's scent. Altair, his Alpha. The rims of Oliver's eyes reddened but he refused to cry. He gritted his teeth, sweat beaded on his forehead as he resisted the other's malevolent grasp. Like hell he would submit to this kind of shitty Alpha! "Take back your pheromones, you bastard!" He spat out angrily.     

All around them, students were panicking. Omegas ran into the building to hide from the violent pheromones while the Alphas were trying to hold Ryan back. The Alpha was still snarling at Oliver, his pheromones on the loose. Sharp screams seeking help filled the air.     

"What did you say?!" Ryan tore himself off the restraint around him and lunged forward, snarling. Oliver's pupils dilated. It was as if the scene from that day was repeated all over again. The dread, fear and helplessness…     

...then hope, assurance and relief.     

There was a sound of glass breaking and more people screaming then a winged beastman hurtled down from the sky, landing directly on Ryan who was only a few inches away from Oliver. His broad palm pressed the Alpha's head to the ground as he loomed over him with his wings spread wide. The strength of his pheromones sent wind gales around the school yard; displeased, irritated, vexed. His silver pupils dilated as he took in Ryan's miserable situation; a speck of blood blooming on his forehead with the shock and fear fleeting in his eyes.      

If he were to tighten his grip then...he was sure he could break this skull to smithereens. So easy. So fragile. Seemingly perceiving his murderous intent, Ryan's eyes flew open in horror as he thrashed and squirmed around. His lips pulled back into a menacing snarl. "L—Let go!"     

Lu Yizhou exerted a bit of strength.     

[System notification: Warning! Host is prohibited from eliminating the world's protagonist!]     

[System notification: Warning! Host is prohibited from eliminating the world's protagonist!]     

[666: H—H—Host! Don't do it!!!!]     

The corner of Lu Yizhou's lips curled into a bloodthirsty smile. Did he care about a fucking rule? No, he never did. His blood surged with adrenaline and his animalistic instinct yearned to kill, urging him to finish this stupid little thing once and for all.     

"How dare you touch what's mine," he growled and leaned closer to Ryan's ears, taking in the vivid fear reflected on his aghast face. "I will kill you."     

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