Villain Saving System (BL)

3.19 Nightmares

3.19 Nightmares

0From the corner of Oliver's eyes, he deduced that the Alpha wasn't looking then he discreetly pulled his collar up to inhale deeply. Oliver almost let out a groan of satisfaction at the pheromones around him, so warm like the cocoon of blankets on a rainy day. It was truly weird, Altair's pheromones clearly smelled like winter but the person himself was the warmest and gentlest person Oliver had ever known. The two startling contrasts pulled Oliver's lips upward without him realizing. He decided that he didn't want to wash these clothes. Ever. And he didn't want to take it off either.      0

Lu Yizhou turned to find Oliver already succumbing to the comfort of the soft bed, expression drowsy. His eyes softened. "You have had a long day. You should rest."     

"No...!" Oliver shot up sitting abruptly and only realized what he had done after seeing Lu Yizhou's eyes widening. He blinked rapidly as blush suffused into his cheeks. "I mean—you… are you going to leave?"     

Lu Yizhou pointed behind him to the opposite door.     

Of course, Oliver berated himself. He was going to return to his own room. Of course, what did you expect? He bit the inside of his cheeks and wished that his face didn't betray anything away. "Um... goodnight, Altair. Thank you so much for today."     

Lu Yizhou observed Oliver's tail which bristled a moment ago but now withered down dejectedly even though the omega was putting on a smile like always. He raised a brow and approached, crouching in front of him and taking his small hands into his larger one. "What's wrong? If there's something you need, don't hesitate to tell me. You heard the doctor. Your condition is still unstable."     

Oliver hesitated. "...Anything?"     

"Anything." Lu Yizhou confirmed.     

Oliver squirmed in his seat. His tail swished back and forth. Slower at first but the movement grew larger as time passed. He slowly opened his mouth, his voice barely a whisper. "This smells nothing like you."     

Lu Yizhou blinked. "Hmm?"     

Oliver pressed his lips together and shyly ducked his head into the Alpha's shoulders, hands grasping the clothes in a tight grip. "I can't get used to it. It doesn't have your smell. T—The royal doctor said that I should get used to your presence…"     

Lu Yizhou resisted smiling and wrapped his arms loosely around the Omega's waist. "So?"     

Oliver groaned soundlessly. Must he say it out loud? Since when did Altair become such a tease?! He clearly knew what Oliver meant but he still forced Oliver to say it! He dug his head deeper into the crook of the Alpha's shoulders and said in a muffled tone. "I don't want to sleep here…" He stammered. "T—Take me to your room—oof!" Oliver was caught by surprise when Lu Yizhou suddenly lifted him up. He wrapped his arms around the Alpha's neck to prevent himself falling—not that he would, he trusted Altair with all of his heart—his throat once again issuing warbling purr as Lu Yizhou's long legs took them to the opposite room in a few large steps. He gently lowered Oliver to the bed and smiled as he saw the Omega's blissful look, surrounded by his smell and large fluffy pillows.     

"Anything else?" He asked.     

"" Oliver buried his head into the pillow, the tip of his ears beet red. However not a second passed and he turned slightly so that half of his face was showing. He scooted over and patted the empty space by his side. "Come...Come up here?"     

The Alpha surprised Oliver by agreeing readily. "Alright, give me a few moments to wash up." Oliver grunted and buried his face back into the pillow. When Lu Yizhou entered the bathroom and the sound of running water floated out, he gingerly slid down from the bed and looked around with hesitation on his face until his eyes finally landed on the large walk-in closet. Oliver glanced at the bathroom door and made a split second decision to rush into the closet. He groaned in pleasure and almost wanted to bury himself into the neat display of clothes. Altair's clothes. Altair's smell. Fortunately Oliver still knew not to let himself loose and only grabbed two pieces of shirt which smelled of the Alpha the most.     

And when Lu Yizhou stepped out of the bathroom with warm mists radiating from his skin clad only in a satin robe, what he found was a curled up Oliver who had surrounded himself with his pillows, blanket and hugging his clothes tightly. The Omega's breath was smooth and long and he was sleeping soundly, curly eyelashes cast subtle shadows over his face, rosy hue tinted the porcelain skin of his cheeks, looking especially soft and adorable. Lu Yizhou blinked, suddenly feeling as if something was squeezing his heart.     

Oliver was...nesting? With his belongings?     

The corner of Lu Yizhou's lips curled up. He dried his hair and shook the water off his wings. Then he took off the robe and climbed up the bed. Oliver stirred, his eyelashes fluttering as Lu Yizhou brought him into his embrace. He hushed softly. "Sleep."      

The omega let out a soft noise and his bleary eyes inadvertently fell onto the red teeth mark on Lu Yizhou's arm. His heart instantly wrenched in pain, regretful whine coming out of his throat as he offered another round of licking. He was already drowsy enough thus his act was messy and sloppy, just like a little kitten who blindly searched for his mother's milk.      

Lu Yizhou let out a brief throaty chuckle and ran his fingers along the Omega's scalp, massaging lightly and scratching the back of his ear while the other snaked around his waist, stroking up and down in a comforting manner. Oliver's tail swished in contentment and he purred against Lu Yizhou's arm, his eyelids dropping further and further. Until the end, he fell back to sleep, still with the faintest rumble on his chest.      

Lu Yizhou's nose was filled with Oliver's sweet scent which somehow managed to loosen his nerves. He couldn't resist nuzzling closer, the Alpha within him also let out a satisfied hum at their closeness. He pulled the cover over both of them. With his command, the light in the room instantly dimmed, leaving only a soft golden glow from the corners of the ceiling. The curtain also moved to close by itself, cutting the source of light from street lamps outside.     

He always had problems with falling asleep. Sleeping pills had become a regular medicine he would need to take so that he could rest his eyes for a few hours. His sleep was always plagued with nightmares—it had started for as long as he remembered—and he came to loathe the sleep that washed over him. He had had enough of always dreaming of the same thing again and again.     

Considering how dependent he was on sleeping pills, it was a wonder how Lu Yizhou hadn't died of drug overdose instead. At first one pill was enough but then his body started to grow resistance toward it. One became two, then three and four. Until the end, the doctor wasn't willing to prescribe him medicine anymore and told him to seek another alternative instead. 250 hours...that was how long he had gone without an ounce of sleep, he recalled. After that, he couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide.      

He heaved a sigh and pulled out one pill from the system inventory. He had bought 100 pills—and he was thankful that there's no purchase limit on this item—on the first day he was here, causing his points to drop until it barely reached 450. He had been here for around one week and there were 95 pills left. Lu Yizhou hoped that he could keep himself in check not to spend all of the points only for sleeping pills.      

666 had wailed loudly in his ears, telling him to save the points lest he would need it for emergencies but Lu Yizhou couldn't bring himself to care. He could find ways to solve problems without using the system store but sleeping pills were what he couldn't miss. He liked it because the effect was twice as potent as the usual medicine. Lu Yizhou slowly let the medicine kick in and closed his eyes.     




Mini theater     

Sunlight streamed in through the gaps of the curtain. The birds chirped outside the window and Oliver stirred in his sleep, feeling the most comfortable and satisfied he had been throughout his life. He was surrounded by warmth and a smell he really liked. A smile made its way to his face and he was ready to stretch his waist like the cat he was when he realized that something was restricting his movement—no, to be exact, a pair of arms. He abruptly came into his senses and belatedly found out that his back was leaning against a very warm and hard surface and his legs were tangled with another pair of long and toned legs. His head was resting on a muscular arm and another was snaking around his body, keeping him in place.     

Oliver's heart thudded in his chest.      

Slowly, with the softest movement he could muster, he turned around and no amount of willpower could prepare him for the breathtaking scenery that almost blinded his eyes; messy curls of silver hair, gorgeous sleeping visage, dangerously beautiful horns and light breathing that came out of those slightly parted lips… This was the first time Oliver had the chance to closely inspect Altair's features—under the daylight at that.      

Once again, he suspected that the Alpha was an angel in disguise with the halo surrounding his body and those fluffy wings. Otherwise, how could a person be so gorgeous? This was illogical. The air was knocked out of Oliver's chest and he would surely expire if this went on any longer. Cause of death: too mesmerized by the Alpha's sleeping visage that he forgot how to breathe.     

His eyes raked along every inch of the beastman's features, drinking in everything eagerly, tail thumping on the mattress due to excitement. And his body—bless the Lord—Oliver didn't even realize that Altair went to sleep bare chested. He had known that the Alpha's body was strong and powerful even through his clothes but the truth was even more marvelous than that. His shoulders were wide and his body was ripped with tone muscles, wide and smooth. Oh and he had eight delicious packs… In the face of Altair's towering figure, Oliver seemed so thin and small and he liked the feeling; how the Alpha could cover Oliver with his whole body easily.     

He gulped audibly and felt drool pooling in his mouth. He really wanted to take those dark colored nipples into his mouth and take a bite to see if it was sweeter than chocolate...     

Oliver's tail thumped on the mattress and the ruckus finally stirred the Alpha awake and the closely shut eyelids cracked open, revealing a pair of drowsy silver eyes. He blinked and slowly took in the sight in front of him. Oliver still couldn't bring himself to take a breath in fear that just the slightest movement from his part would shatter this unbelievably enthralling sight.      

He waited with bated breath until a tinge of clarity returned to the Alpha's eyes and the hardness of its edges softened, followed by the most sexy and captivating voice in the universe, one that seemed to have been the mixture of heaven's tune with sinfully demonic hymn. "...Did you have a good sleep?" Still half-awake, the Alpha rolled over until Oliver lied on his back and started to scent Oliver all over again with movement that couldn't be more natural.     

Oliver spontaneously combusted right then and there.     

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