Villain Saving System (BL)

3.14 It's Me

3.14 It's Me

3Oliver was startled. Rather than the shocking sentence of someone being killed in the hospital, he was more concerned about the first half of the nurse's sentence. "My...Alpha?" Oliver choked out in a strained voice. Had he died and gone to an alternate universe? Since when did he have an Alpha?     0

"That—" The nurse blurted out in one breath. "The winged and horned beastman! The one who has always stayed by your side during your hospitalization!"     

Before Oliver knew it, he had ripped out the IV drips and heartbeat detector. The pain be damned. His entire body screamed in protest from the sudden exertion. He gritted his teeth. "Lead the way! Hurry up!"     

A loud commotion was heard in the hallway and Oliver could see a crowd of people around, their faces pale as they slumped against the wall. The silver haired Alpha stood in the middle of all, in his grasp was the neck of a woman in her last breath, wheezing with tears streaming down her purplish face.     

Oliver held his breath as a wave of dominant pheromones swept through the air, so overpowered and sharp that it propelled everyone backward. Now Oliver knew why the nurse was so desperate for him. Altair exuded such a threatening scent that no one could get close to him unless they were ready to throw their lives away. Black veins flared out along his arms and the tip of his horns grew red as if boiling lava was concentrated there. A beta security guard braced himself and came forward to stop him only to be sent crashing against the wall by his wing, coughing blood. His feathers glinted under the light, looking particularly sharp and deathly. Just one glance was enough to tell Oliver that he was utterly livid — and tethering on the brink of losing control.     

Oliver sucked in a sharp breath. The effect of Altair's pheromones recognized no one and stabbed through him, drawing pain. Nevertheless, like a soldier who wasn't afraid of death, Oliver marched forward into the battlefield. It was only when he drew closer did he realize that the person whose neck was in Altair's vice grip was Cathy. The mouse omega's eyes rolled back and her body convulsed. The words of apology could no longer be uttered from her broken throat. Not that Oliver cared either way.     

He shifted his attention back to Altair. He had never seen the Alpha look like this before. In Oliver's mind, he was always calm, composed and collected. He wouldn't even change his expression even if the sky came crashing down. However, the person was currently narrowing his sharp eyes. His pupils dilated to the point where it almost disappeared, leaving him only with a pair of white scleras. His jaws clenched and unclenched. The black veins along his arms seemed as if they had come alive, pulsing and struggling to get out of his body. The instinct in Oliver's body warned him to stay away as far as possible. This Alpha was dangerous! He could snap your neck off with a single hand! Alas, his heart twinged in a mixture of pain and happiness; pain because of Altair's current condition and happiness because Oliver knew he was the reason behind it.     

Sensing another presence, the Alpha's eyes didn't even move. His gaze transfixed on the dying mouse Omega with his grip tightened, slowly squeezing the life out of her in a slow torment. Only his wings moved, carrying with them a violent gust of wind that could surely send someone—or in Altair's case, a flock of people—flying.     

Oliver lifted his arm to block the gale, his eyes squinting. This was kinda suicidal, he realized. But the next thing he knew, he had thrown himself forward and clung onto Altair's wings for dear life. The feathers ruffled wildly, ready to shake off whoever fool it was to the gate of death when Oliver suddenly shouted and released his own pheromones. "Altair...! Altair, calm down. It's me, Oliver!"     

He had a bit of expectation—scratch that, a lot actually—that his voice could reach the Alpha and sobered him up. Still, Oliver gritted his teeth and braced himself for the oncoming blow when the hard and dangerous wing underneath him suddenly froze. Along with it was Altair himself. A sigh of relief escaped Oliver's lips and only then did he realize that his body was shaking slightly. Oliver slid down from the wing, his knees weakened a bit then scrambled to reach the Alpha's stretched arm. Cold, smooth, packed with ridges of muscles and hard; it was easy to perceive how powerful it was. He ran his palm along Altair's arm down to the wrist, tugging with little-to-none force which he was sure that the Alpha could detect.     

"Altair…" He nuzzled his head on the Alpha's shoulder. His palm smoothed over the surface of Altair's back before hugging him tightly from behind. "I'm here. You recognize who I am, right...?" Oliver had never comforted anyone before thus his movement was slightly awkward and stiff but his instinct ended up dominating everything. Oliver's sweet pheromones wafted lightly in the air and the Alpha's sharp and deadly scent mellowed in an instant. Like what happened back then in Altair's condo, the two strands of pheromones tangled with each other, creating a soothing and pleasant scent.     

Before he knew it, Altair's grip on Cathy had loosened and the mouse Omega's body crashed to the ground, unconscious with bubble foam on the corner of her mouth. Oliver took over the Alpha's stretched arm and held it to himself. Kicking Cathy's body away, he positioned himself in front so that he could cup his beloved's face and look into his eyes. A little smile graced his lips when he found Altair's pupils expanding—slowly returning to normal.     

"O...liver…" An extremely hoarse voice came out.     

Oliver had no idea why he got the urge to cry. He brought Altair's hand to his lips and pressed light kisses on his knuckles. "Hmm, it's me." He whispered and licked the tip of Altair's nose in an attempt to comfort. "Sorry, I've made you worried, am I?"     

The Alpha blinked and slowly, with a stiff movement, brought Oliver into his embrace. He let out a huge sigh which contained a hint of tremble in the end. "If you are okay...then everything's good."     

Oliver smiled and suddenly, a strong vertigo attacked his head and his body swayed. Altair's panicked face was the last thing he saw when his consciousness faded. He wanted to tell the Alpha that he was okay, that he was only tired and needed a little rest but before he could do so, he totally blacked out in Altair's arms.     

The situation was quickly brought under control. Cathy was pushed into the emergency room, her throat sustained quite a heavy injury and it was unknown whether she would be able to speak from now on.     

Meanwhile Oliver woke up not long after with Altair by his bedside, looking so guilty that it pained the omega's heart badly. It was because of Altair's angry pheromones that he fainted, yes, but the matter could also be attributed to Oliver's weak body. It took him a lot of persuading to convince Altair that he was okay but Oliver surmised that the incident had caused quite a deep trauma on the Alpha.     

After that incident, Oliver found out that he had an allergic reaction toward the perfume Cathy sprayed on him. The doctor had to pump the substance out of his system and put him on observation. However, Oliver's health seemed to have improved ever since he grew out a tail, he was able to wake up after less than fifteen hours. From the moment when he was brought out of the school, convulsing and coughing out blood, until the time when he was moved out of the emergency room, Altair never left his side. It wasn't until the doctor declared that Oliver's condition had stabilized that Altair left to drag Cathy out of her hiding place—her house where she was huddling in her room trembling all over. It seemed like Altair was hellbound on making Cathy prostrate by Oliver's bed and sensing the Alpha's intention, Cathy struggled vehemently which led to the Alpha's patience running thin and almost snapped her head off right there and then.     

Because of the huge uproar, Oliver's incident was known all over the school. As the culprit, Cathy received most of the blame. Her act of forcing an Omega to mate drew hate and repulsion not only from her fellow Omegas but also from the Alphas. It was further blown up when the Emperor released an official news that Oliver was actually one of his children. In other words, he was Alaze's Prince! Moreover, from the rumors spreading around, it was said that Oliver had been engaged to the royal member of another kingdom!     

For God's sake, what was in Cathy's mind that she dared to do such an atrocious thing to Oliver? Was she stupid or idiot?! Many speculation came up. People started to question her relationship with Rosemane. Cathy was the Princess' bestfriend and Oliver was her half-brother, a fellow Omega. They smelled conspiracies here, a very strong one. For a certain period of time, the doubt of whether Rosemane had something to do with the incident that befell Oliver became a widely discussed topic. However there was none who could clarify because Rosemane had been grounded by Emperor Bernard and Cathy had turned half insane due to the trauma of facing Altair. Every night, she would have nightmares of being hunted by a predator who had a pair of piercing silver eyes.     

In the end, Cathy was expelled from school and her whole family moved into another kingdom, too ashamed to show their faces.     

Overall everything ended well on Oliver's part. The only thing he regretted was why had he fainted in the end? As a result, Altair would fuss over every single thing about his health and force him to stay in the hospital for two more weeks until he's all fattened and ruddy faced. Let alone doing any intimate acts, he wouldn't even touch the tip of Oliver's fingers!     

The cat Omega was both mentally and sexually frustrated. He couldn't wait for his next heat to arrive so that he could become mates with the silver-eyed Alpha. But then, his eagerness was instantly dampened when the doctor told him they couldn't confirm when his next heat would be coming.     

Seriously, why did the universe never side with him?! Oliver wailed inwardly at his misfortunes. Now he couldn't even ascertain when he could form a bond with Altair.     

Oliver's mood wasn't good after he heard the news from the doctor. However, the night before he was discharged, when he was wringing his fingers together thinking hard to put up an excuse to spend the time with Altair longer, he suddenly heard the Alpha offered. "How about moving in with me?"     


A/N: We got 200 PS, you guys rock! One extra chapter coming on Monday. If we can reach 400 then I will give two! And thank you for the GTs Arcane, Anireader, Seraf and everyone else I can't mention. Love you *kiss*     

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