Villain Saving System (BL)

3.7 Open Your Mouth [M]

3.7 Open Your Mouth [M]

1Lu Yizhou blinked and without a word, traced his fingertips on the rim of the Omega's hole. It was already soaking wet. The omega's body had long been prepared to be intruded upon, releasing wet liquid that easily drenched Lu Yizhou's hand. Lu Yizhou felt no restriction at all as he thrust one finger in, up to his second knuckle.      1

"Ah!" Oliver held onto Lu Yizhou's neck tightly and buried his face into the Alpha's shoulders as he felt the foreign thing entering his body. Thick… the Alpha's finger was so thick. Just one was enough to make his inside burn. What to do…? It felt so good and definitely not enough. He had become a sobbing mess by then, spiralling in the pool of lust and ecstasy. He instinctively sat down to trap the Alpha's hand under his butt. "Altair...Altair, I'm scared…"     

"Sssh, it's okay." Lu Yizhou gathered Oliver into his arms as he inserted the second finger and started to move in and out, so gently that the omega's body gradually relaxed and turned into a puddle in his arms. Oliver was so tight and hot, clenching around him in a death grip and as soon as Lu Yizhou pulled out even a bit, his walls would contract and hold him in place. Honestly it was very...alluring. He curled his fingers and bumped into a certain spot.     

Oliver let out a strangled scream and just like that, he had his third orgasm, feeling as if his soul had floated out of his body. White pleasure clouded his vision and his body was floating, trembling in pure bliss. He only came to his senses when he felt Lu Yizhou pull his fingers out. He lifted his eyes in time to see the Alpha bringing his cum-soaked fingers into his mouth and gave it a lick. "As sweet as I expected." He commented in a deeper, much sexier voice than before. Oliver gulped and his wet cock twitched again at the sound.     

Seeing that, Lu Yizhou raised a brow and Oliver buried his face into the Alpha's chest, mortified. "It—It's all your fault!" He bit his lips soon after. Since when did his voice become like that?! So coy and needy…     

How embarrassing!     

However, his hole had started to learn the contour of the Alpha's fingers and yearned for the earth-shattering pleasure again. Now that he had pulled out, Oliver felt so empty inside… The breath hitched in his throat and his eyes widened in disbelief as the Alpha cupped both his asscheeks with his broad palms and slapped it with moderate force. Oliver yelped and the fur on his tail stood up.     

"Not enough?" He whispered deeply into his ears.     

Oliver's eyes reddened even more as he obediently lifted his hips so that Lu Yizhou could thrust his fingers inside easily. His tail coiled around the Alpha's arms, pulling him closer. Impatient, Oliver craned his neck up, his lips parted in want and the other immediately responded by locking their lips in another fervent kiss. A faint growl slipped out of the Alpha's throat when Oliver sucked on his tongue and the sound caused him to clench around the fingers inside him. Lu Yizhou's hips thrust upward in instinct, the friction was sharp and sudden against Oliver's sopping wet erection and he gasped, arching his back breathlessly from the front and back onslaught.     

Oliver belatedly found out that he loved it so much when he could draw out such a reaction from Lu Yizhou. He cried into Lu Yizhou's mouth when he felt another finger enter. It was three now. His hole was stretched to its maximum and juices overflowed down his thigh, drenching the Alpha's trousers and the mattress beneath. His hips bucked without him realizing, the ecstasy built up deeper and deeper inside his stomach and he came with another blissful scream. Tears stained his face and his mind was blank with white, jaws hung open with saliva trickling down. He might have even lost consciousness for a split second. Collapsing atop of the Alpha with intermittent spasm and uneven breaths, Oliver glanced down to see his huge tent.     

Altair hadn't even released once… Oliver thought with his delirious mind. He gulped and bit his already swollen lips, reaching out to grasp the huge erection with his hand which barely held any strength.     

Lu Yizhou sucked in cold air and glanced down to the appetizing scene; Oliver sliding down to kneel on the floor, his body glistening with his own cum and sweat. The omega unbuckled his pants with trembling hands and didn't even succeed after half a day. "Why… Why can't this stupid thing work…?" He grumbled in frustration.     

Seeing his failed attempt, Lu Yizhou let out a helpless sigh, seemingly unable to decide whether he should laugh or not. "Step back," he said. Oliver scooted back and he stared mesmerized as the Alpha stood up to his full height and unclasp the belt himself. He took out his rock hard length and Oliver's breath abruptly ceased. It was enormous; darker in color with veins all over the surface as if it was going to burst soon. Its tip oozing with precum. Oliver inhaled deeply and felt his mouth watering. Oh God, he really wanted to suck and lick it all over. However he had only reached out when Lu Yizhou commanded with a tone that left no room for rebuttal. "Hands off. Don't move until I tell you to."     

Oliver whimpered and stared up at him with a misty, pleading gaze. But soon he could no longer protest when Lu Yizhou started to pleasure himself. His palm moved up and down, more and more intensely as his breath soon turned heavy. All the while, he had never taken his eyes off Oliver. The omega gulped and pressed his thigh together, shuddering. God, he could jerk off to this heavenly sight. His throat was parched and he badly wanted the Alpha to shove that huge shaft of his into his mouth instead of doing it himself. Why was he doing it alone when he had an Omega in heat at arm's length? Oliver pressed his lips together, so upset that he almost cried. However, he was soon distracted when Lu Yizhou bit his lower lips slightly     

"Open your mouth." The man said in an extremely hoarse voice.     

Almost too eagerly, Oliver parted his lips and in the next second, thick white liquid shot into his mouth, still not stopping even when his mouth was full and trickling down his chin. There was so much and so hot… filled with the Alpha's intense pheromones. Oliver swallowed it down and trembled as he released all over himself again. He slumped to the carpeted floor, panting. The Alpha's semen scorched his body and he didn't even realize it when he was carried back to the bed.     

Lu Yizhou disappeared for a moment into another room and returned soon after with a wet cloth. He sat by Oliver's bedside and dapped his face and neck then wiped the cum on his stomach and thigh, his movement gentle and careful. Oliver stared at him through hazy eyes, once again mesmerized on how thoughtful the Alpha was.     

"With this, you're satisfied right?"     

Oliver let out a drowsy hum. He wanted to tell the Alpha not to go but he couldn't fight against the darkness anymore and fell into a deep slumber.     

When Derek arrived, it was already in the middle of the night. He ran up the stairs to Altair's room and found the man he was looking for leaning on the door. He stepped forward angrily. "Tell me what's going on! Who's that omega—ugh!" He inspected Lu Yizhou and asked in disbelief. "Did you mark him?"     

"No." Lu Yizhou snorted.     

"No…?" As if Derek could believe that! Altair's clothes were a mess and patches of half dried cum stained the dark fabric. Judging from the amount, it was a lot! The Omega must have been pleasured so many times… Moreover, as the person who had stayed by the Alpha's side the longest, Derek could easily detect the difference in Altair's face. Traces of passion still lingered on his eyes and there was just something different in his skin. Ah yes, it was glowing! They must have just had a mind-blowing sex, Derek tutted. "Don't be shy. If you have successfully popped your cherry, I must thank the Omega on behalf of Versatine Kingdom. Who's that beastman? He's so powerful to seduce you on your first day here." Derek craned his neck intending to take a peek when Lu Yizhou's eyes suddenly sharpened.     

He growled. "Stand back."     

Even though Derek was a Beta who couldn't sense pheromones, he was still taken aback by the threats in those brooding silver eyes. He obediently took a few steps backward and raised both arms in surrender. "Okay, I will just stand here." Sheesh, Alpha and their possessiveness, he grumbled inwardly and took out the Omega heat suppressor and a package of gland patch. "Here. You can inject it into his arm. The effect will take place in a few minutes you still need this?" Derek asked strangely.     

Lu Yizhou snatched the suppressor and gland patch from him without a word and turned to enter the room. Derek scratched his head. So...Altair really hadn't marked the Omega? How could it be? Gasp! Is he really... impotent? Realizing the gravity of the matter, Derek went to the corner and contacted the Empress—Altair's Omega father's—communicator. "Hello? Your Majesty. This is Derek. I have something to report."     




Mini theater     

Lu Yizhou took a shower and after that, he looked as pristine as always. Derek was speechless when he looked at how nonchalant he was as if this wasn't a matter concerning the future Princess Consort of Versatine. He was even more speechless when he saw Lu Yizhou taking a seat in front of him and staring blankly at the lavish dishes in front of him, not moving.     

Derek asked. "What are you waiting for? It's your favorite steak. Well done."     

Lu Yizhou gulped. Now, whenever he looked at food, what registered in his mind was the rotten stench and sour smell of garbage. Okay, he had officially received psychological trauma from the second world. However, he wasn't a vampire anymore so these foods should be edible, right?     

[666: QAQ 666 sympathized with Host… Just smell it, Host. It's delicious, right?]     

Right, it smelled delicious. Lu Yizhou finally took the fork and knife and slowly sliced the well done steak in his plate, bringing it to his mouth with a solemn expression of a General that was preparing for a harsh war.     

Derek: "..." What? Has his cooking skill degenerated?     

No, Derek tasted it himself. It was no different than how he usually cooked it. He observed Lu Yizhou, worried that something was wrong with him yet found nothing amiss. In the next few days, he continued to pick up his Royal Highness' strangeness such as blanking out whenever they started to eat and when Derek accidentally cut his finger when he was slicing onion in the kitchen, he turned around to see Lu Yizhou staring heatedly at the bead of blood on his fingertips.     

Derek: ???     

It took almost a week for His Highness to return to how he usually was. Only then could Derek sigh in relief.     

A/N: How many are you that expect this chapter to escalate into full blown sex? Lol ofc our Lu Yizhou is too gentleman to do so (that is, if coming all over into someone's mouth can be called gentleman) *wink*     

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