Villain Saving System (BL)

3.5 Kitten [M]

3.5 Kitten [M]

0Oliver's tongue traced the seams of Lu Yizhou's lips before giving it a little lick and nip here and there. It was ticklish. He resembled a kitty who was lapping on milk, the notion slipped into Lu Yizhou's mind out of nowhere. He pulled Oliver back by the back of his nape, his palm coincidentally pressed on the gland patch there, pulling a loud groan and full body shivers from the omega. The excessive reaction Oliver gave took Lu Yizhou off guard and his hold loosened. As a result, Oliver once again seized the opportunity to get close and wound around him like a koala, arms around Lu Yizhou's neck and legs around his waist.     

Through heavy-lidded eyes, Oliver murmured. "That...That feels good. Touch me again...hmm?"     

He grinded himself against Lu Yizhou, his erection rubbed against Lu Yizhou's stomach and the fabric soon turned wet, drenched by his leaking precum. The buds in his chest perked up, it was a pretty pale pink color. Lu Yizhou's wings fluttered in response to the provocation and he gave a helpless sigh. His pheromones wafted out against his control and coiled around the omega tightly. In an instant, the two's pheromones passionately tangled together as if hated to separate and the effect caused the temperature to shoot up in an instant.     

It was too powerful and delicious… Oliver thought with his hazy mind. He had never tasted this kind of dominant pheromones before. It made him feel weak all over as if he was high on drugs. Enraptured, he lost his grip and his body would have directly fallen to the ground if not for Lu Yizhou supporting his butt in the nick of time. The omega gasped sharply and his skin flushed even more. His head lolled to Lu Yizhou's shoulders, breathing weakly as he whimpered in pleading.     

A wet sensation was felt on Lu Yizhou's palm and it took a few seconds for him to realize that Oliver's juices had overflowed so much that it trailed down his thigh and drenched his pants. Just a little sniff was enough to let Lu Yizhou know that it must have tasted sweet, just like him.     

Pinching his brows, Lu Yizhou finally decided to take the soiled pants and underwear off the Omega. He had just pulled it down halfway when Oliver kicked it off by himself then returned to clinging onto Lu Yizhou tightly. His delicate, pale colored manhood stood in full length with viscous white liquid oozing out from its tip, this time staining Lu Yizhou's clothes. The Omega once again nuzzled his head on Lu Yizhou's neck in a spoiled manner, whimpering in pain.     

He swallowed thickly. [How to calm him down?]     

[666: Have sex with him!]     

Veins bulged out on Lu Yizhou's forehead and sensing its Host's impatience, 666 hastily corrected.     

[666: T—That, he needs more of an Alpha's pheromones, Host! According to "Guide to ABO World" in Admin God's library, an Omega in heat bzzz...bzzz... can only be calmed down through sexual acts with an Alpha. Or at least his body should take in an Alpha's body fluid. Ehem! The point is, he must be exposed to an Alpha's pheromones bzzz...bzzz... for a prolonged period of time! Alright adios, 666's screen has been mosaicked so it's all in your hands now, Host! Fighting!]     

Body fluid…     

Lu Yizhou grasped Oliver's chin to lift his head. At this point, he was sure that Oliver had gotten so muddle-headed that he couldn't even remember his own name anymore. Lu Yizhou stared into those hazy almond shaped eyes and golden slit pupils, sighing. The exhale that brushed against Oliver's face caused the omega to rile up even more and he let out a soft, needy hum. Lu Yizhou walked to the bed and sat down, letting the slender omega straddle him. He wrapped his arm loosely around Oliver's waist to prevent him from falling off. The movement caused both of their erections to press against each other.     

Oliver let out a breathless gasp, his body shivering from both fear and excitement. Tears welled up in his eyes. He hated how promiscuous his reaction was but...he also anticipated what was going to come. The fear and need clashed within him and he bit his lips so hard it was going to bleed. He was ready to brace himself for whatever might come when he felt a thumb pressed softly against his lower lips to spare it from the bite, followed by a husky deep voice, so gentle that Oliver's ears heated up. "Don't do that. You will be hurt."     

The chord in Oliver's body thrummed at the sound and his eyes which barely regained a bit of clarity turned hazy yet again. His hips moved without him realizing to chase after the pleasure that the Alpha's growing erection could give him. Oliver could feel the Alpha's hardening length pressed on his inner thigh and the knowledge made him feel giddy. It was him, the Alpha reacted because of him… He stared up at the sexy creature in front of him and leaned forward to give his sharp jawline a lick.     

Another sigh sounded above his head, helpless. "You want pheromones, right? Here you go."     

Oliver's eyes widened in the next second and violent trembles shook his entire body. "Ah—'s too much!" The pheromones that had faintly seeped out from the Alpha's body was already enough to bewitch him and now that he let everything go loose, it was disastrous—a hot and arousing kind of disaster. It was like a violent tsunami had just engulfed him without any warning, submerging him in it until he couldn't make out the surface. The pores in Oliver's skin opened up to devour the pheromones hungrily and his pupils dilated even more. A sharp scream tore out of his lips. He quivered and came just like that—without even needing to be touched. Bursts of white liquid shot out of his twitching member, splattering both his own stomach and the Alpha's clothes. Breathing heavily, Oliver was numb with too much ecstasy that his mind turned blank.     

W—What was that? How could it feel so good…?     

"Oh?" Lu Yizhou's voice came out even more raspy than before. "You grow a tail."     

Oliver looked behind to see what the Alpha was talking about and he was shocked to find out a long, swishing black tail was growing out of his tailbone. He wasn't born with this tail!     

Lu Yizhou reached out to touch the tail, eliciting a whimper from Oliver. He held onto Lu Yizhou's shoulders weakly, his whole body still oversensitive from the previous orgasm.     

The fur was soft and velvety and the sensation was awfully familiar. Lu Yizhou blinked and chuckled deeply. "...A feline?" He wouldn't have mistaken it. This ought to be a cat's tail. "So you're a black kitten?"     

Oliver sprawled over his chest, mewling. His barely softened member instantly regained its vigor and he could feel wetness trickling down his thigh. The muscles he had never known before clenched and unclenched as the Alpha rubbed along his tail and flicked the tip. The breath caught in Oliver's throat. "Don't…!" He stuttered. "D—Don't touch me there…!"     

"Are you sure?" The man asked with mirth in his tone. "See? You're wrapped around me very tightly."     

Embarrassment flooded Oliver especially when he realized that the Alpha was telling the truth. His tail, which had just popped up out of nowhere, was coiling around the Alpha's wrist a few times, holding him in place. The rims of Oliver's eyes reddened. How...How to control this stupid tail?!     

Lu Yizhou suddenly let go and Oliver felt a kind of loss that felt so awful that he got the urge to cry. However, he had embarrassed himself enough in front of the stranger and he had to be grateful that the Alpha didn't mark him right here and now considering how excited his body was. Oliver glanced down and gulped hard, scared and excited at the same time. Even through the clothes, Oliver could trace the outline of the Alpha's clothed arousal. So huge and oh, it must be so... delicious. His breath started to turn heavy once again.     

"It seems like you're sober enough to hold a conversation." The Alpha suddenly lifted his chin, pulling Oliver's attention away from his crotch. "Your name?"     

Oliver found himself obeying despite him barely reigning in his self control. "O—Oliver."     

"Good." The corner of the Alpha's lips lifted slightly into a satisfied smile and Oliver stared, mesmerized.     

His eyes raked all over the prominent brows, the pair of half-lidded silver eyes, high bridge nose and thin, glistening lips. His face burned, he recalled that he...he had just kissed the Alpha there. He averted his eyes and it ended up landing onto a pair of wings behind the Alpha's back. He hadn't noticed them before but now that he did, he couldn't pull his gaze away. He sucked in a breath of cold air as clarity suddenly pierced through the fog of his mind. Pulling away, he inspected the Alpha's full appearance and was once again astonished to find a pair of pointed, spiral horns atop of his head. "Who are you…?" His voice came out into a barely inaudible whisper.     

"Altair." The man simply said.     

"Altair…" The name rolled off Oliver's tongue and he chewed on it softly, his heartbeat increasing in pace. "You've got a pair of wings… I have never seen one before…" When Altair brought him away from school, did he carry Oliver in his arms and fly across the sky with this pair of gorgeous wings?     

"Want to touch it?" The wings that were quietly resting behind the Alpha's back suddenly unfolded toward Oliver.     

The omega didn't even have to think, his hand had reached out before he realized. He gingerly poked it with his fingertips and marveled at the silkiness. It was so glossy. Oliver was sure that it was smoother than Rosemane's horsetail. His courage soared and he tugged gently on the Alpha's dark feather and played with it with his fingertips. A deep hum sounded above his head and Oliver snapped out of his stupor, shocked by his own audacity. He recoiled, aghast. "I...I'm sorry—" But the words instantly stuck in his throat as he caught a clear sight of the Alpha's features. The corner of his eyes were red with fervor and he pressed his lips together in an attempt to suppress even though his bodily reaction had given him away. He was harder than before—impossibly hard—Oliver felt it vividly below.     

Oliver's heart skipped a beat and the temperature around him rose again. It was getting harder to breathe. Sweat trickled down his forehead as his breath turned shallow and light. Gingerly, he reached out and pressed his palm on the Alpha's chest, feeling his intensely beating heartbeat that matched his.     

Altair yearned for him the same way as Oliver wanted him. He knew from the physical education teacher that Alphas—especially ones who possessed prominent beast signs—had higher sexual drive than normal Alphas but instead of taking him… Altair endured it so as to not make Oliver scared. Altair didn't even try to do anything despite the persistent advance that the omega sent his way. Oliver was sure that if it had been any other Alpha, they might have already forced him to bond with them and might even impregnate him right then and there. The knowledge somehow made his chest feel so full to the point of bursting. Altair's gentle care, careful gesture and courtesy gave Oliver the impression that he was being cherished and he loved the feeling so much. A bit too much, honestly.     

He leaned his forehead on Altair's chest, his pulse quickening in pace. This was crazy. He didn't even know Altair and they had practically only met less than half a day but… "D—Do you want to mate with me?" There, he blurted out the question. Oliver closed his eyes firmly and waited with bated breath. Shyness, nervousness and hope flooded his chest.     

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