Villain Saving System (BL)

2.28 A Gift

2.28 A Gift

2In the end, Jeffrey accepted Selina's offer, half of it because he had received too much of a shock to think with sane mind and the other half of it was because of a dream he got a few days later.     1

In that dream, he met the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, who claimed that she was the creator of all vampires. The Goddess came bearing the clouds with crystal tears sliding down her cheeks, filled with much sorrow and grief. "My most beloved child, Raphael, is dying. His time has come but...if he continues like this, he will eventually go berserk and destroy the world. The chosen warrior, I beseech you, please stop him."     

Light engulfed Jeffrey and a sword descended from the sky accompanied by a cacophony of lightning, its blade was pitch black, not even the light could be reflected there. Every inch of the blade exuded a holy aura, so pious that Jeffrey couldn't bear to look straight at it.     

"I bestow you 'Nightfall', the holy sword that's taken out from my ribs and bathed in centuries of moonlight, which is able to exterminate the sources of evil. The chosen one, the fate of the world is resting on your shoulders now."     

Jeffrey jolted awake from his sleep and shot up sitting, breathing heavily. Sweat drenched his body and his eyes were still blinded from the light emanating from the Goddess. He rubbed his face roughly. What kind of dream was that? It was too ridiculous to come true. He was ready to get some fresh air outside when his feet bumped against a cold, solid thing. Astonishment reflected in his eyes as soon as he took in the pitch black sword that's resting by his bed. Not his sword.     

It was Nightfall.     


[System notification: Host's character corruption is in progress: 20%...21%...]     

Lu Yizhou bit on a piece of cloth to muffle his growl. His body tensed like a bowstring that was on the verge of snapping. Black veins spread all over his body; originally, it only affected his arm but now, it had crawled up to his chest. Soon it would be difficult for him to cover it up daily. His gums bled and blood trickled down his jaw, painting his teeth crimson.     

[666: H—Host...Host, are you okay? This is so scaryyy QAQ]     

Harsh breathing reverberated around the room and the figure that was covered by shadows was slick in sweat, his silver hair slid down his shoulders like a waterfall of stars. A pair of pitch black eyes slowly cracked open, dull and empty. Lu Yizhou was constantly attacked by a hammering headache and it had gotten way more difficult to maintain his human form. Soon, he wouldn't be able to hide anything from Theodore anymore. [How long…?]     

[666: 20 days left. You have to make a choice now, Host. 666 has just received another update. Jeffrey has obtained the holy sword, Nightfall, in his hands. He is coming for you. If you keep staying here…]     

Lu Yizhou closed his eyes and let out a huge sigh. He leaned back against the headboard, staying like that until the sun gradually rose in the horizon and Theodore came as usual to wake him up. Knock-knock-knock. "Raphael, are you there?"     

The door opened, showing the usual Lu Yizhou clad in high collar linen shirt with frills to cover his bulging veins from sight. He looked marvelous and Theodore stared, mesmerized. This was the first time he had seen Lu Yizhou dressed like this. He really looked like a nobleman straight out from the painting. "Theo?" He called out, bringing Theodore out of his wild imagination.     

The teenager cleared his throat. "I have eaten breakfast and today's orders have been completed. It's a rare free day. Moreover, the weather is good."     

Lu Yizhou raised one brow. The corner of his mouth twitched and he took the initiative to ask. "Want to take a walk around?"     

"Yes!" Theodore's eyes sparkled in a brown hue similar to Topaz under the sunlight, so dazzling that Lu Yizhou couldn't bring himself to look away. "What are you dilly-dallying for? Let's go!"     

Theodore seemed as if he had planned out the entire day. He dragged Lu Yizhou around the marketplace and searched around eagerly. Seeing that, Lu Yizhou couldn't resist asking. "What do you want to buy?"     

"Sssh!" Theodore hissed impatiently. "Shut up and don't ask anything!" Tugging Lu Yizhou along, he weaved through the crowd until someone hollered his name jovially. Theodore's eyes lit up and disregarding the question in Lu Yizhou's eyes, pulled the vampire along. "Do you have it?"     

"Here I am wondering why you aren't coming!" The accessories merchant laughed. His eyes trailed to Lu Yizhou behind Theodore, lips lifting into a teasing smirk. "Oh so this is the beau who—"     

"S—Shut up and give me the thing!" The tips of Theodore's ears reddened as he snatched the silk pouch from the merchant and without any other word, dragged Lu Yizhou away from that place.     

"Thank you for your patronage, Theodore! I wish you happiness!"     

"Ugh." Theodore grumbled along the way. "Why did he have so much to say? I knew I shouldn't have ordered it from him…"     

"What is it?" Lu Yizhou couldn't resist asking. Theodore was buying… jewelry? And from the look of it, he planned to give it to him right? Lu Yizhou didn't receive the answer until they arrived at the shade and Theodore pushed him to sit on the bench.     

The cherry blossom tree shaded over them, bringing with it the sweet scent of spring and soft breezes. Theodore once again confused Lu Yizhou by not sitting but instead, crouched down in front of him. Lu Yizhou stood up in reflex. How could he let his young master do that? But Theodore pressed him back down, his eyes chiding. "I know that you're not a fan of accessories and you aren't the kind of person who cares about appearance either. But I just really want to give something to you. Something which you can wear so that you will always be reminded of me."     

Theodore unfastened the pouch to show a small brooch that was decorated with little exquisite rubies. Deep, crimson rubies. It circled around the midnight blue sapphires in a shape of love. The design was very delicate and in a glance, it was obvious how much it was worth. Theodore cleared his throat. "I spent my entire month's salary to buy this." His eyes were akin to saying that if Lu Yizhou dared to say he disliked it, then he would get it from Theodore.     

Lu Yizhou couldn't react for a while. "...For me?"     

Theodore huffed. "Is there another person here?" He reached forward to clasp the brooch in front of Lu Yizhou's chest. His eyes twinkled. The vampire already looked refined and graceful to begin with and with the brooch, he looked twice—no, a hundred times as attractive. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously.     

Lu Yizhou gingerly touched the brooch. The teenager's body temperature still lingered on the surface. It was such a small weight yet he felt as if it was so heavy that he couldn't breathe. "...No one has ever given me a gift before."     

Theodore was surprised. "No one?"     

Lu Yizhou shook his head, the corner of his lips curled into a smile. The wind ruffled his hair and from Theodore's position, he could faintly see black marks under his collar. Narrowing his eyes, he leaned closer. "What is that?"     

Lu Yizhou recoiled abruptly. The teenager was taken aback, especially as he saw a flash of panic in the vampire's eyes. "Ah, this—sorry, you took me by surprise. I like it very much, Theo. Thank you…" He gave a smile and rubbed Theodore's head gently. "You're the first person who has done this for me."     

"The first?" In Theodore's mind, Raphael was someone who had lived for such a long time and had definitely seen everything there was in the world. Having taken one of Raphael's firsts exhilarated Theodore more than when he succeeded in signing a major contract. Just like that, he was distracted from his previous thoughts. "Really? I am?!"     

Lu Yizhou smiled again, making Theodore happier because it wasn't often he could see the vampire smile. It was hella difficult! All of the pain he went through to get the brooch instantly paid off with that. Theodore grinned and took Lu Yizhou's hand in his, clasping it gently as if cupping his beating heart and offered everything for Lu Yizhou to own.     

How Theodore wished that time would stop right now so he could be with this person forever. Just like this.     


Lu Yizhou stared at Theodore's soundly sleeping visage, his mind wandered off somewhere but also nowhere at the same time. He didn't know what he felt currently was his true feelings or the result of corruption. Every night, the black marks would crawl up bit by bit and now, they had almost reached past his collar. His hands trembled violently and he clenched them, his eyelashes fluttered gently.     

[666: Host, are you okay…?]     

Lu Yizhou let out a bitter smile and took off the brooch he had just received today. He wasn't lying, no one had ever sent him a gift before, at least not as far as he could remember. His life had been a picture of white and black, no in-between. Yet for the first time, his dull world seemed to have been splashed by colors.     

It was terrifying and mystifying at the same time.     

He put the brooch down to the nightstand and went to the window, giving Theodore one last glance as if imprinting every inch of his features into mind. The brooch sparkled under the moonlight, drawing his attention to it. He hesitated for a while before returning to take the jewelry with him, sighing. Just this one. Theodore had given it to him should have been his, right?     

[Let's go.] He turned and disappeared into the night, leaving only the open window and fluttering curtain.     

The chilly wind blew inside the room and Theodore shivered, his eyes opening. "Raphael…?"     

[System notification: Host's corruption is in progress: 32%...]     

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