Villain Saving System (BL)

2.24 Proud Of You

2.24 Proud Of You

3Lu Yizhou sighed helplessly. As expected, even if he had covered his presence, he wouldn't be able to fool other vampires because of the blood oath they had formed. He felt a warm palm covering his hand and turned to find Theodore with a reassuring smile on his face. Lu Yizhou couldn't help but smile back. How could his young master be so adorable just by the thought that he would be able to protect him?      3

Theodore gasped—a bit too exaggerated, to be honest—and spoke with a false sympathy in his tone. "What's wrong with the lady? Is she sick?"     

The corner of Jeffrey's mouth twitched. What did this brat come up with again? It wasn't like him to be so amicable. Left with no choice, he helped Selina up to take a seat on the chair that was provided for them. "Are you okay?"     

"I—I'm fine, sorry…" Selina blushed. "I don't know what came over me. Maybe I was a bit nervous." She bit her lips to endure the discomfort. She had no idea why she reacted so excessively either. Just now, she was too consumed in her own jittery to notice the two men in front of her. Now that she had taken a good look at them, weren't they a tad too handsome?!     

Especially the silver eyed one, was he the noble Jeffrey was talking about? Selina had never seen such a gorgeous man in her life before. She thought she was already beautiful enough to charm every man on the continent but now that she saw him, Selina's confidence instantly crumbled to pieces. If she stood side by side with him, no one would notice her!     

Noticing the woman's overly intense stare toward Lu Yizhou, Theodore gnashed his teeth. Jeffrey or the person he brought, they were all the same! He glared, the previous courteous look he put on was nowhere to be found. "What are you looking at, woman? Have I given you permission to look at my servant?"     

S—Servant? Selina almost choked on her saliva. This man was a servant?!     

"Young Master…" Lu Yizhou patted Theodore's back to soothe him. "It's okay. Don't be angry."     

What's okay? Everything wasn't okay at all! He glared at Jeffrey and crossed his arms over his chest with a harrumph. "So what do you need? Tell me quickly and then scram!"     

Jeffrey was so angry that he laughed. In the whole continent, the only person who dared to behave this atrociously to him was Theodore. Everyone scrambled to please him because he was the most capable vampire hunter. Who did Theodore think he was? Nothing more than a useless, arrogant brat who couldn't even do anything without his servant. Exactly where did he get such courage? Wasn't he scared that Jeffrey would be enraged and then maliciously directed a wave of vampires to his side? Or did he not fear vampires at all?     

Calm down, Jeffrey. There's no use trying to reason with a cocky child. He was the bigger person here. Yes, he should just look at Raphael. Who cared about what Theodore thought? Jeffrey was also a visual man and looking at such a gorgeous face was enough to quell his anger. Even his voice softened without him realizing. "I apologize for the late introduction. This is Selina, one of the women we rescued from the vampires last time. As you have known, we are planning to let them settle down in Istar but Selina here has no family she can go back to. If you don't mind, how about having her join your team?" His gaze trailed to Theodore's lower part, amused. "If I'm not wrong, Young Master is going to be an adult soon right? You should have a woman introduce you to the pleasure—"     

"Presumptuous!" Theodore stood up angrily, knocking his chair down. "Y—You...How dare you say that in front of me?! Forget about your audacity, did you not take into consideration the lady's feelings?! Talking about her fate as you please, you're no different than the vampires who treated her like a slave!"     

Jeffrey's expression hardened and the gaze he directed toward Theodore was broodingly dark. Lu Yizhou frowned, stepped forward and shielded Theodore behind him, facing Jeffrey's stare head on. "Young Master is right. I apologize, Sir, but we are unable to fulfill your request. You should take the lady back with you."     

Right at that moment, a guard approached from afar, carrying with him a bucket filled with unknown substance. Upon reaching the area, he 'tripped' and conveniently threw the bucket toward Jeffrey and Selina's direction, gasping. "I—I—I'm sorry, Sir! I didn't do it on purpose!"     

Muddy red water dripped down Jeffrey's clothes and he wrinkled his nose. It smelled just like dirty water and blood. Veins popped up in his veins and his patience quickly reached its peak. "How the hell are you walking?!"     

"I'm sorry, Sir!" The guard bowed deeply. "I—I was just going to throw the water we used to clean our injured guards' bodies… I didn't pay attention to the road and tripped. I'm very sorry, Sir! You can take off your clothes, let me clean it for you!" He glanced gingerly at Selina who was frozen in place, drenched thoroughly like a stray rat. "H—How are you, Miss?"     

Selina was thunderstruck. She was too shocked to hear Jeffrey's cruel words to the point where she didn't even register the stench of blood coming closer. Blood. Her whole body was reeked of blood. Even though Selina was a dhampir, she had lived peacefully among humans for the past sixteen years. She never got the strong urge for blood either because she made sure to avoid it at all costs. But now…     

Her body temperature boiled and her heart started beating faster. The blood smelled delicious. She could even imagine how tasty it was on the tip of her tongue. Her teeth grew itchy and she licked her lips, feeling her throat run dry all of a sudden. What...What happened to her?     

Jeffrey's eyes sharpened as soon as he caught sight of Selina's brown eyes which slowly turned scarlet. He pulled out his sword and placed the tip right on the woman's chest, growling. "Dhampir! You're a dhampir?!"     

Selina's eyes widened. Her body trembled violently in dread and horror. Oh no, her eyes! Realization struck her like lightning bolts as she scrambled to cover her eyes. "No...No… I am not! Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"     

Nonetheless, Jeffrey's eyes were freezing cold. All of the courtesy and politeness evaporated and what stood in place was only a coldblooded vampire hunter. "There's no mercy for dhampirs. They are the most disgusting creatures in the world. How can a human bear to conceive a monster's child in their stomach? It's utterly repulsive. They deserve to die."     

Theodore's eyes turned red as the string holding his sanity together snapped. He lunged forward for an attack but was promptly held back by Lu Yizhou. The vampire had the struggling teenager in his arms as he ordered the guards. "All of you, pay attention and secure the area. I will take Young Master to a safe place."     

[666, monitor the scene and inform me if there's any developments.]     

[666: Aye, aye, Captain!] 666's data shivered violently. To have the protagonist and female lead turn against each other, only its Host was able to do it. No, no, the idea came from the villain first. But it was Host who incited him to do so. Hence in the end, which one was more terrifying, Host or the villain? 666 seemed to witness a duo villains instead QAQ     

Along the way until Lu Yizhou got them to a desolate place, Theodore kept on struggling and kicking madly in his arms. He let out a suppressed howl. "Let me go! I will teach that bastard a lesson! My mother is a dhampir, damn it! She's the most beautiful and wonderful woman on Earth! How dare he… How dare he!!!"     

"Sssh, it's okay, Theo." Lu Yizhou wrapped his arms around the red-eyed teenager, stroking his back in an attempt to comfort. "It's okay. That's just who he is. Don't take his word to heart."     

"How can I not?!" Theodore glared, tears brimming in his eyes. "He's going to kill you! He said he is going to hunt you down and take your head! He also cursed my mother...!"     

The woman who gave birth to him and the man he loved just happened to be vampires and that bastard Jeffrey just crossed Theodore's bottom line by targeting them. He even said that all vampires deserved to die… Theodore's body quivered as fury bubbled in his chest. Did they choose to be born as a vampire? If they could live peacefully, did they not want to?! The more Theodore thought about it, the angrier he became; however he couldn't budge a bit, not with Lu Yizhou holding him tightly. In a fit of anger, he bit down on the vampire's shoulder to vent his frustration, tears of anger sliding down his cheeks.     

Lu Yizhou winced lightly and patted Theodore's back, murmuring. "That's good. Just vent it on me. I am proud of you, Theo. You are wise and not prejudiced; you don't hesitate to defend your dhampir mother and in a situation where your dignity is trampled, you still put yourself in the lady's shoes. You're such a gentleman."     

Theodore gradually calmed down, still with his chest heaving. He let go of his bite and buried his head in Lu Yizhou's shoulders instead. "...Does it hurt?"     

"No," Lu Yizhou chuckled.     

"Are you… Are you really proud of me?"     

"Yes." He stroked the back of the teenager's head gently.     

Theodore caught his breath, his jaws tightened up. He hooked his arms around the vampire's neck and sniffled. "Have I done a good job...?"     

"You have." Lu Yizhou kissed his temple. "You did well and I am very proud of you, Theo."     

[666: Host…]     

[What's wrong? Has Jeffrey killed her?]     

[666: No. Selina managed to escape. Because of the stimulation of blood and adrenaline, she awakened her abilities earlier than in the original plot. However…]     

Lu Yizhou furrowed his brow. [What?]     

[It seems like she is showing signs of turning into a deranged vampire.]     

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