Villain Saving System (BL)

2.19 Travelling Merchant

2.19 Travelling Merchant

3Theodore let out a huge sigh as he stood in front of his father's study. The guard inquired whether they should announce his arrival but he shook them off quietly. Taking in a few deep breaths, Theodore tried to calm his thundering heartbeats to no avail. He couldn't remember the last time he ever talked to his father; not the kind of meaningless bicker or arguments where they both ended up shouting at each other, but a real heart-to-heart talk between father and son. Their relationship over the years had been so estranged that Theodore had to muster a lot of willpower and courage just to drag his feet here.     

However, he only needed to think of Raphael for determination to blaze all over his chest again, enough to make his blood boil.     

The vampires' invasion last time was horrible, he couldn't imagine what would have happened if Raphael didn't come on time. He and Ben might be injured even graver and worse, they might even die. Not only them, but his parents also. All of them could survive only thanks to Raphael's presence. After finding out the shocking truth, Ben fell ill with a high fever and he took the chance to retire right at that moment, promising that he wouldn't run his mouth about the Valmor Family's affair. Afterall, this was a family he had been serving for decades. Theodore assumed that Ben's outlook of how a vampire should be was refreshed after the incident. Overall, everything ended quite well.     

Along with that incident, the truth behind Alfred's attack and the hideous things he had done to Theodore was finally brought into light and Callen Valmor blamed himself immensely for that. Alfred was his friend over decades, one of the best but he didn't even realize how despicable his true character was. Theodore heard that the officials had found concrete evidence of Alfred's dealings with vampires over the years which proved why he could revive as one. Now, his whole family was implicated by the affair—regardless whether they were innocent or not.     

Theodore took another deep breath and slammed the door open. Instantly, his whole body froze. Callen was inside together with Melissa and the man's collar was wide open whilst the woman sucked on his neck, blood trailing down. Seeing Theodore, they were both stunned for a moment and Melissa recovered her senses first. She pushed Callen away and wiped her mouth, giving his son an awkward smile. "T— you need something?"     

Callen almost fell off his chair after being pushed abruptly by his dhampir wife. With a frown, he tidied up his collar and scowled. "What kind of attitude is that? Can't you just knock on the door?!"     

"Don't say it…" Theodore facepalmed. "I have already regretted my action." Seriously, couldn't they take this to a more private place? Theodore pressed his lips together as he sat on the chair. He couldn't bring himself to look at his parents' eyes otherwise he would be reminded of how Raphael had also sucked his blood just like that. Just the mere thought was enough to make his face heat up. Damn it...he recalled the kiss they shared again. The way Raphael's breath gently grazed his skin and their noses which brushed against each other, the soft thin lips that traced his mouth and the way his eyelashes fluttered—he shook his head to disperse the image.     

Callen grumbled sullenly. "What are you coming here for?" His harsh question earned him a slap on the shoulder by Melissa who turned to Theodore with a much more genuine smile.     

"Do you need something, my dear?" She asked gently.     

Theodore clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. "Mother, Father, I have thought of it clearly and...I've decided. I want to learn how to be a merchant."     

Theodore came to this decision after days of pondering. He had wealthy parents and lived in a huge house surrounded by servants, thus he had never really thought about his future. Everything he wanted he could get just with a hook of his finger. It wasn't until he knew Raphael's true identity and the incident a few days ago did he realize that he couldn't go on living this forever. Raphael was a Vampire King; the most powerful and supreme there was. But he…he was only a spoiled Young Master who couldn't do anything without the servants. He was sheltered, naive and narrow-minded. Even when a deranged vampire was standing in front of him, he could do nothing except being frightened silly like some princess in distress who awaited for a charming prince to rescue her.     

His pride couldn't accept it. The more he thought about it, the more awesome Raphael was and the more useless he was. He wanted to stand on equal ground with Raphael, to be able to stay by the vampire's side without being ashamed of how worthless he was.     

He also wanted to have something he was good at. He wanted to receive Raphael's recognition and make the vampire proud of him.     

Staring into his son's serious and somber face which he hadn't seen before, Callen was genuinely shocked. "Are you sure…?" It wasn't once or twice he had tried to persuade Theodore to learn but everytime, the teenager would only brush him off angrily. What had brought the change?     

Melissa raised a brow. "Sure, why not?"     

Callen snapped his head toward his wife, flabbergasted. "Dear?!"     

"Our son finally came to his senses and is willing to learn." Melissa said in a brooding tone. "Don't tell me you want to reject him after he has gone to such a length to ask us?"     

"No, it's not what I mean." Callen sighed and pinched his brows. "Of course he can. But…"     

"Father, you have goods to trade in the north, right?" Theodore chimed in. "You can hand it over to me. If you're still not rest assured that I will be able to finish the task successfully, you can lend me some of your most capable and trustworthy men. The best teacher is experience and this way, I will be able to learn as I go. I guarantee, I will do my best. If I fail, you can punish me whatever and I will comply with it willingly."     

Callen was once again stunned by his son's extreme change. "Son, are you...sick?" He grimaced in pain when his thigh was pinched by Melissa under the table.     

The woman beamed joyfully. "That's very good! Such a strong determination! Mother is very proud of you, Theo! Don't worry, even if you fail, your Father's money can still sustain you for a lifetime!"     

For the first time, Theodore came to a realization that the power holder and decision maker in his family was none other than his petite and gentle mother. In front of her, his father wasn't even given a chance to retort. Seeing them like that, Theodore felt slightly...envious. They had such a good relationship. Would he also be able to have one in the future...?     

The decision was quickly made and Theodore was set to depart in a week's time. He exited Callen's study and walked down the hallway, ready to break the news to Raphael first when his mother caught up to him.     

Confused, Theodore asked. "Is there anything else, Mother?"     

Melissa searched his face with an almost eager expression and suddenly threw a question that caused Theodore to choke on his saliva. "Theo my son...are you in love?"     

"What?!" Theodore coughed hard. His face reddened. "What kind of nonsense—"     

Melissa narrowed her eyes teasingly and leaned forward to whisper. "Don't tell me, is it the—the King?" Even now when Raphael became her son's servant, she still didn't dare to utter his name.     

Flush spread across Theodore's cheeks to the tip of his ears down to his neck. His whole body was akin to a boiled crab. "W—W—Who's in love with him?!" He turned around and stormed off, yet Melissa chased after him without breaking a sweat.     

"Don't be angry, Theo. Mother is just asking to make sure. It's not easy to fall in love with a vampire, you know? Especially...a pureblood like him."     

Theodore halted in his tracks. He tugged on his hair in frustration and turned to face Melissa, stuttering out a question with a beet red face. "Mother you… How did father manage to obtain your heart in the end?"     

Melissa blinked. "Your father, huh?" His light brown eyes mellowed, oozing with love and tenderness. "I guess it's because he's the one who is truly sincere toward me. Back then in our youth, the war between vampires and humans was so bad that a bloody battle would break out as soon as they met. In such a thorny time, your father braced through the risk of losing his life just to ask for my hand in marriage. Such a man, how can Mother not love?"     

Theodore stared at her blissful face, murmuring. "Sincere…" He lowered his eyes and pondered.     


A city on the north that was frequented by merchants, Istar.     

Lu Yizhou sighed. It was one of the largest cities in the continent as well as where the protagonist's mercenary group was. Finally, after going through such a winding way, Theodore would still have to meet the protagonist and the female lead.     

"What are you thinking about?" Theodore asked beside him. The teenager had his head on Lu Yizhou's shoulders. The carriage was wide enough for four or even six yet Theodore still chose to sit as close as possible to Lu Yizhou, rendering the man helpless. They had departed from Valmor Residence two days ago with three carriages—one for Theodore and him, one for Callen's men and guards who would assist them and the other was filled with the goods they were going to trade.     

Lu Yizhou shook his head. "Just thinking of the city we are heading to."     

Theodore straightened up. "You've been there?"     

Lu Yizhou surprised Theodore by shaking his head. "It's been too long, this servant can no longer remember. Moreover, I prefer to stay indoors all the time if I can." He was speaking for both him and Raphael. Lu Yizhou was reminded of 666's words who said that the character seemed to be tailored just for him. It wasn't until now did he feel some uncanny similarities between him and Raphael. Not only limited to how detached they were to the world, but also their outlook and line of thoughts. Lu Yizhou couldn't help but imagine, if he was the real Raphael, he would also walk on the path which Raphael walked on.     

Theodore gave a soft hum and returned to his position, nuzzling his head on Lu Yizhou's shoulders and making himself comfortable there. "Don't worry. If you have forgotten, then I can just remind you again."     

Lu Yizhou raised a brow, puzzled. Why did he feel like...Theodore had completely mellowed over the span of two days? No, not only these past few days, he had acted strangely unlike himself for the past week. It was like a hedgehog who had been stripped of his thorns and showed his soft belly for others to pat. Theodore hadn't even lost his temper at Lu Yizhou at all.     

[Is he sick…?]     

[666: Wait, let 666 scan him first. Hmm, no-pe. All indicators are normal. He's perfectly healthy physically.]     

[Then is he bothered by something?]     

[666: Hehehe if that's the case then it is Host's job to find out about that!]     

Lu Yizhou pondered. Had he done something to slight Theodore? He knew he wasn't exactly perceptive and quick-witted thus it was better if he asked the teenager himself. This way, he could fix his mistakes. This kind of Theodore made him feel weird all over.     

He was ready to ask when the carriage suddenly jolted violently. Caught off guard, Theodore almost rolled off his seat if not for Lu Yizhou reaching out to hold him. He had the teenager in his arms tightly as he scanned him up and down. "Are you okay, Young Master?"     

"I—I am okay…" He turned his head aside, the tips of his ears reddened. He huffed in annoyance. "What the hell is wrong with them?!"     

"Stay here." Lu Yizhou patted his head and stepped down the carriage. He could hear the horses' neighs and faint commotion ahead. "What's wrong?" He asked one of the guards.     

"That's…" The guard pointed ahead and Lu Yizhou followed the direction to find two large wooden carriages blocking their way. "They claimed to be a wandering mercenary group and right now, they're a bit short of daily necessities. Tell Young Master not to worry."     

"Mercenary group?" Lu Yizhou was stunned. Could it be…?     

[666: Host! Host! There! On your ten o'clock!]     

A handsome man dressed in mercenary clothing approached, a long sword strapped to his back. He had jet black hair tied into a low ponytail and bright blue eyes. When he caught sight of Lu Yizhou, his eyes lit up in an instant, making those blue eyes glittered like sapphires. His gait was composed and languid as he drew closer, yet still emanating such intense aura that made people unable to look down on him. An alpha male through and through. "Are you the master of this group? Sorry to bother you but we will really appreciate it if you can offer us some help. Ah, don't worry, we are not suspicious people." He offered a hand to Lu Yizhou. His lips curled into a thin, charming smile. "I am Jeffrey Saxh, the leader of mercenary group Gilith."     

Jeffrey, the protagonist, had finally appeared. Lu Yizhou didn't expect that it would be this fast. He measured the tall man who exuded sexual charm all over and was ready to shake his hand when another hand reached out from behind him to accept Jeffrey's hands.     

"I AM the master of this group." Theodore emphasized with a sharp look on his eyes. "Nice to meet you, I am Theodore Valmor."     



Mini theater     

Theodore: How can I prove my sincerity? I guess I have to treat Raphael better. I shouldn't get mad at him over every little thing.     

Lu Yizhou: This kind of Theodore makes me feel weird all over.     

Poor Theodore…     

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