Villain Saving System (BL)

2.18 I Was So Afraid

2.18 I Was So Afraid

0Lu Yizhou dragged Alfred's limp body to the front gate of Valmor Residence and hung him there after making sure that he wouldn't awake until the sun rose tomorrow. This was a punishment as well as a warning for every vampire out there, the consequences of breaking into a territory he protected. With this, they would have to think twice before even daring to touch the outer wall of the residence.      2

He stared up at Alfred's ghastly pale face and his eyes that rolled backward, suddenly recalling the wounds on Theodore's arm. Once again, anger rose in his heart and his nails elongated, sharp and deadly. A long gash formed on Alfred's neck in the next second. Vampire's healing ability was top notch but it was a different matter altogether if the one who inflicted the injury was a pureblood. They would become vulnerable, similar to a human with slow recovery ability. Alfred's body jerked as blood spurted out from the wound and flowing down his body to the ground, still unconscious.     

[666: Host, your waist…]     

Lu Yizhou paused. He almost forgot about that. He lifted his shirt to see the wounds had already started to heal and pinkish flesh grew anew. One couldn't even have guessed that he was just shot just a moment ago. Once again, he marveled at Raphael's regeneration ability. Nonetheless, although the wound had closed up nicely...the bullet was still inside. Frown creased Lu Yizhou's forehead as he once again tore the wound open to dig the bullet out, biting his lips to suppress the groan that almost came out.     

[666: *retch* oh fortunately, 666's screen is mosaicked but the imagination is enough to make 666 unable to eat for the whole day.]     

The bullet fell from his fingers and Lu Yizhou flicked the blood from his hand. [I didn't know you can eat.]     

[666: No, of course 666 doesn't eat hehe. 666 just wants to try saying that. It sounds cool!]     

Lu Yizhou was once again at a loss of words at the system's absurdity. Ignoring the remarks, he turned his heels and made his way inside the building. [With this, the tragedy that should befall Valmor Family has been evaded right?]     

[666: Oh yes! Congratulations, Host! You have successfully altered the villain's fate. He doesn't have to lose his family and go through the torment of being a slave! Host is cool, Host is powerful! Host doesn't know how envious other systems are when 666 showed them Host's pictures! They were all gushing about how Host is soo handsome!]     

[Shut it. You still dare to say that?] Lu Yizhou sneered. In the first place, it was only because 666 was distracted with taking pictures that it failed to notice Lu Yizhou that Theodore was eavesdropping behind the door. Well, regardless of that, Theodore was able to have a good talk with his parents so he couldn't say that it was a bad thing although having his identity exposed in such a way left a bitter taste in his mouth. [There's something I am confused about. In the original plot, Alfred is still alive but the attack on Valmor Residence still happens.]     

[666: Yep, that's just how the simulator works. It conjures up the most probable scenario that will lead to a certain major event. In your case, Host, Alfred's revenge is the most suitable. Even if Alfred is still alive, the world will create another scenario that will lead to the same situation, for example Master Valmor's enemy or a wandering group of thieves. Anything that can result in the death of the villain's parents.]     

Lu Yizhou hummed. He made his way to his room and opened the door. His movement of unbuttoning his collar halted when he caught sight of another person who had made himself comfortable on his bed. Theodore was hugging his pillow and wrapped himself with his blanket, clad on his sleepwear. As soon as he saw Lu Yizhou, he scowled. "Where the hell are you going in the middle of the night?! Do you want to disappear without a word again?!"     

"Young Master…?" Lu Yizhou blinked, still couldn't get over his surprise. "What are you doing here?"     

Theodore glared even more, his eyes saying how dare this vampire still asked about that. "Isn't it your fault? My room is beyond messy because of your actions! How can I still live in that pigsty?! Do you have any objections if I stay here?"     

Lu Yizhou moved to close the door behind him. "No...of course not. Young Master is free to stay wherever he wants."     

Theodore's eyes fell on his hand that was still stained with blood, stunned. "You... You're still bleeding?" The teenager scrambled up from bed. "Your wound, how is it?"     

Lu Yizhou took a subconscious step backward. Seeing that, Theodore froze. Lu Yizhou cursed under his breath and said. "Don't worry, this servant heals fast. Do you mind if I hop into the bathroom for a second? I can't possibly get close to Young Master in such a filthy state."     

It was a poor excuse, they both knew it but Theodore still relented. He grunted softly and returned to the bed. Lu Yizhou heaved another sigh and went to wash himself clean, scrubbing off the blood over his body. The bathroom had nothing except towels and bathrobes. Lu Yizhou hesitated for a while before slipping the robe on. It was ridiculous. Why did he act like this? It was totally unlike him to disregard himself just to be considerate of another person. Well, he supposed that ever since he got pulled into these useless missions by the simulator, he hadn't been acting like himself.     

He came out to find Theodore still wide awake, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Sensing Lu Yizhou's presence, he scooted over to give him some space. The teenager's light brown eyes looked especially luminous under the moonlight and no matter how Lu Yizhou searched within them, he couldn't find an ounce of fear or admonition.     

Perplexed, Lu Yizhou stared at him with a complicated gaze. Why was Theodore still willing to get close to him after what he had done? Wasn't he scared that Lu Yizhou would lose control again and suck his blood dry? Hadn't he learned from the previous experience? Lu Yizhou couldn't get Theodore's crying face out of his mind. Instead of laying down, he opted to sit by the bedside instead.     

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Theodore asked, displeased.     

Lu Yizhou shook his head, his lips parted yet didn't know where to start. Without giving him any time to think, Theodore asked again.     

"Where have you been?" He sat up and leaned on the headboard, eyes brooding as he waited for Lu Yizhou's answer. "Don't you think it's only appropriate to report to your master after missing for three days?"     

"Nowhere," Lu Yizhou answered quietly.     

Theodore bit his lips, the rims of his eyes reddened in anger. "I have no idea what you're thinking about, Raphael." He said in a strained voice. "You confuse me. One second you thirst for my blood and the next second you're pushing me away as if you're... frightened. Are you scared?"     

Lu Yizhou fixed his stare at Theodore's eyes, raking his sight over the curve of his eyelids and the way his eyelashes fluttered with every blink. His eyes then inadvertently fell on his neck which was still wrapped in a bandage. "...Does it hurt?"     

He evaded my question again, Theodore gritted his teeth and spat out angrily. "Do you want me to bite you so you can see for yourself whether it hurts or not?"     

"I'm sorry…" Lu Yizhou lowered his sight and reached out to trace his fingertips over the bandage. Theodore flinched in surprise, Lu Yizhou could feel his pulse quickening yet the teenager squared his shoulders and didn't dodge his touch. "I didn't mean to hurt you. It's all my fault."     

"Stop looking as if you're pitying me!" Theodore pulled on his collar harshly. The distance between them shrunk in an instant and Lu Yizhou could clearly see the grievances and sadness hidden beneath the anger in those eyes. "Why do you keep acting like you're the one at fault?! I have said that I did it willingly and—" Theodore's eyes widened and his breath hitched on his throat. Lu Yizhou had ripped his bandage off with his nails and was now leaning over his neck. The man's powerful presence, the residual warm vapor from his bath and the slightly sweet scent of rose bombarded Theodore's senses, awakening the memory of that day and making his face heat up. He stuttered. "W—What are you doing...?"     

Lu Yizhou held the back of his nape. "Please bear with me for a while, Young Master. This will hurt a bit." Then he dipped his head low and started to lick the wound.     

Theodore let out a sharp gasp, his pupils trembling. The vampire's tongue felt scorching against his skin and the way he lapped again and again made Theodore's scalp all tingly; the pain and pleasure mixed into one. He grabbed onto Lu Yizhou's robe in reflex, pulling the sash tying the fabric together and revealing the smooth expanse of his upper body that was still slick with moisture. His hand inadvertently brushed against the side of Lu Yizhou's waist right where the wound was and the man gave a jerk, his movement halted abruptly.     

"Ah? What…" Theodore's eyes were half lidded, his eyes flushed with unshed tears. He glanced down and saw the new pinkish flesh that grew over the wound. He couldn't help but reach out to stroke it. "You have really healed…"     

Lu Yizhou hummed and pulled away, his face slightly paler but under the cover of the night, it wasn't as conspicuous.     

"What are you doing licking there? Do you want more—" Theodore gingerly touched his neck and was stunned when he couldn't feel the familiar bump of scabbing wounds and burning pain. Instead, the skin was all smooth and clean.     

"A vampire can heal this little wound. That's how they manage to drink human's blood unnoticed." Lu Yizhou confirmed his doubt. He then rolled Theodore's sleeve to reveal the wounds on his arm. Taking off the bandage, his jaws tightened as soon as he saw the hideous wound and the raw flesh. He brought Theodore's head to his shoulder. "If it hurts, you can bite me."     

"What…" Theodore blinked and hadn't fully registered Lu Yizhou's words yet when his arm suddenly started to burn painfully. He cried out and tugged on Lu Yizhou's hair, his body trembling and struggling in reflex but Lu Yizhou held him down and kept licking. "No, stop it! It hurts! Raphael, it hurts…!" He clawed on the vampire's shoulders and in a spur of a moment, bit down harsh enough to imprint a mark.     

Lu Yizhou stiffened. However he quickly recovered and healed Theodore's wounds as quickly as possible. When he was done, the teenager was already a sobbing mess in his arms. He couldn't stop trembling from the pain. The sight made Lu Yizhou's heart feel like it had been stabbed again and again. "Sorry...I am sorry…" Lu Yizhou brushed the hair that fell on his face away, his movement exceedingly gentle and careful.     

Theodore's shoulders quivered as he slowly loosened his bite and in exchange, buried his face into Lu Yizhou's shoulders. Slowly, droplets of warm liquid trickled down, each drop scalded Lu Yizhou's skin like the most potent holy water. "I was so afraid…" He mumbled. "And you're nowhere to be found. I thought you wouldn't come back ever again. It scares me…"     

Lu Yizhou silently hugged him tighter, his heart twinged in pain. He lifted the teenager's chin and wiped his tears, whispering the words of apology again and again.     

He was so gentle and kind, Theodore thought. How could he like this vampire so much? Even right now, he was filled with the insuppressible urge to get closer to the point where his whole body ached. His soul craved for Raphael so much that he couldn't think straight anymore...     

It was unknown who reached out to whom—or maybe both of them reached out to each other—but when Theodore came to his senses, they were already kissing. Lu Yizhou's lips traced gently over the seams of his lips, exerting a bit of strength just enough to make Theodore's lips tingle. The teenager gave a soft grunt in protest and in response, Lu Yizhou deepened the kiss, his arms went around Theodore's body as he easily pushed the teenager flat on the bed. When he pulled away, Theodore's upper body lifted to chase after him but Lu Yizhou simply dropped a kiss on his forehead. "You have had a long day, Young Master. It's time to rest."     

Theodore's breath was uneven, his eyes dazed and cheeks flushed in crimson. He reached out to cup Lu Yizhou's cheek, thumb grazing on the spot where he slapped the vampire earlier.     

As if knowing his thoughts, Lu Yizhou said, grasping the teenager's hand in his. "It doesn't hurt at all."     

"Your eyes are crimson…" He murmured, captivated. "It's so beautiful…"     

Lu Yizhou's eyelashes quivered as he lowered his sight. "It's because I have a taste of Young Master's blood earlier." Theodore trailed his fingers down, intending to poke the vampire's fangs and played with it but Lu Yizhou promptly caught his hand, gentle but Theodore still couldn't shake him off. "No. It's dangerous, Young Master will be hurt."     

Theodore scoffed, half amused and half angry. It was disconcerting. Raphael was clearly a figure powerful enough to eliminate anyone who slighted him yet the man's every act and behavior made Theodore feel as if he was the one who held the leash over him. It made him feel so... satisfied and giddy. He stared into Lu Yizhou's eyes which gradually returned to silver and asked with a mumble, his eyelids drooping due to the drowsiness. "Uncle it you who killed him...?"     

"I'm not. But I was the one who caused his death." Lu Yizhou paused and added. "Do I make you afraid?"     

Theodore snorted softly. "I...will never be afraid…" His breathing gradually softened and his hand fell slack to the bed, soundly asleep. Lu Yizhou stared at him for a few moments before pulling the quilt to his chest and getting up. He didn't lay down as Theodore ordered him to, instead he only sat on the bedside, immersing himself in the teenager's rhythmic heartbeat that for some reason sounded so soothing.     

[666: we still restart?] 666 asked gingerly.     

[...No.] Lu Yizhou closed his eyes and let out a huge sigh. [There's no need.]     

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