Villain Saving System (BL)

2.17 Kill Me First!

2.17 Kill Me First!

1When Lu Yizhou arrived in front of Valmor Residence, he found the gate already collapsed as if a strong force suddenly crashed onto it, even making an indent on the steel material. The corpses of the guards scattered around the ground, the stench of blood that emanated was so overpowering that Lu Yizhou took a step back, his eyes becoming dazed as he was faced with the familiar scene. It was as if his nightmare earlier had manifested into reality, drenching his back in cold sweat. He covered his mouth and gasped heavily, nausea once again churned his stomach.     

[666: Host, are you okay?!]     

[Body... Nourishing Pill…]     

[666: Aye, Captain!]     

A pill popped up in Lu Yizhou's mouth and as soon as he swallowed it, the discomfort in his body slowly diminished and he was able to take small gulps of air. All kinds of scents and sounds surrounded him; blood, sweat, fear and desperation. And amidst them all, he suddenly heard a faint cry of his name. Lu Yizhou's eyes flashed and he abruptly disappeared on the spot and reappeared on top of Theodore's balcony room.     

In an instant, the vampires that had gathered around ready to attack froze like someone had just pressed the pause button. Their heads turned simultaneously toward the silver haired vampire who exuded a dark and dangerous aura, fear coursed through them like bolts of lightning     

T—That stunning appearance! Those intense crimson eyes! That was none other than their King, Raphael?! W—What was he doing there?!     

Lu Yizhou's presence caused every single vampire to be petrified except Alfred who was too enamored with Theodore in front of him to care about his surroundings. He stared at the blood running down Theodore's arm, saliva dripping his mouth. His original intention of revenge had vanished and he was consumed by the vampire in him who wanted nothing but to sink his teeth into Theodore's flesh and drink his blood whole.     

Theodore's eyes reflected nothing but Alfred's maniacal eyes who were drawing closer and closer. Seeing that, Ben's eyes flew open in horror as he scrambled to his young master's side. However, he forgot the broken shards of glass that were still lying on the ground and once again stepped on it. A cry erupted from his throat. "Get away, Young Master!"     

Alfred's claws lifted and cackled eerily. However, the next moment, his entire body froze. His eyes widened in shock as he tried to move his limbs to no avail. Why...Why couldn't he move?     

"Fuck off." A low growl reverberated inside his mind and echoed in his soul. As if attacked by an invisible force, Alfred's body flew back and crashed onto the balcony railing. The vampires who were perching on the trees stared at him in pity. Lu Yizhou turned his head sideways, sending a silent warning and all of them scrambled away, leaving the poor Alfred alone.     

"Ra...phael…" Theodore had no idea why he felt a kind of dejavu as Raphael slowly walked toward him. The vampire's silver hair was akin to an ocean of glittering stars as moonlight fell upon it and his crimson eyes didn't fear Theodore in the slightest. Instead, he felt so, so relieved to the point where he wanted to cry. But how could the proud Theodore show such a weakness? Even when his entire body was trembling, he still gave the vampire a glare. "What are you coming back for?!"     

Lu Yizhou scanned his face and his eyes automatically fell on his arm and the glaring nail marks. Fury flashed through his eyes and he promptly appeared beside Alfred who had just regained his footing and kicked him right on his stomach, making the man fall once again. The floor cracked under the force and a hole formed for him to fall into, followed by a muffled thud and his cry of pain.     

When Theodore blinked again, Lu Yizhou had reappeared by his side and reached out toward his bleeding arm. But then, his hand paused halfway and he curled his fingers, hesitating.     

Theodore clutched his arm and stepped away from the vampire, repeating his sentence. "What are you coming back for?! I never called for you! Why don't you just disappear for good?!"     

Lu Yizhou's gaze trailed up to look straight into Theodore's eyes and the curse got stuck in his throat, unable to be blurted out again. Sighing, Lu Yizhou stepped forward and kneeled down on one knee, his crimson eyes flickered with something complicated Theodore couldn't quite understand; hesitation, confusion and...pain. He gingerly offered his hand. "I'm sorry…" He said with a sigh. "I'm sorry for being late, Young Master and...for disappearing on you."     

Tears welled up in Theodore's eyes and before his brain could think, his body had moved toward the figure whom he had missed so much. He stretched out a hand to accept Lu Yizhou's hand when all of a sudden…     


A bullet pierced straight into Lu Yizhou's side waist, taking him off guard as his body jerked to the side. He covered his wound and slowly lowered his sight, coughing. Blood trickled down his jaw.     

"Stay...Stay away from him, you vampire!" Ben growled and pulled the trigger again.     

"No!" Theodore pounced forward to shield Lu Yizhou behind him as he faced Ben head on, the rims of his eyes reddened. "Don't do that, Ben!"     

"He's a vampire, Young Master and…" Ben's hand trembled violently as he stalked closer. "Those eyes...he's a pureblood. I heard those vampires say that he's the King! He's the Vampire King!"     

"So what?!" Theodore hollered in return, his eyes blazing with determination. "If you want to shoot him, then you have to kill me first!"     

"Young Master!" Ben cried out in disbelief.     

"It's okay…" Lu Yizhou coughed and pulled Theodore back by his uninjured arm. He received an anxious and worried gaze which he returned with a pat on the head. "I won't die so easily." Then, he turned his gaze toward Ben who stared at him warily. "I've told you, I won't hurt him."     

"But you're still a vampire!" Ben gritted his teeth, betrayed. "How trustworthy is a vampire's promise? Their words contained nothing but tricks and deception. All they care about is blood and their own well-being!" Realization dawned on Ben in the next moment. "The wound on Young Master's neck... it was you, wasn't it?! How dare you!"     

Lu Yizhou didn't move as the muzzle pointed at him, not even with Theodore pulling him. Only when the teenager sported an expression as if he was going to cry did Lu Yizhou patted his hand and offered a reassuring gaze—which wasn't that reassuring anyway, judging from how his whole body was thoroughly drenched by rain and blood soaked through his clothes, making his already pale skin looked even whiter, blue veins popped up on his neck.     

"It's me." He admitted. Ben's eyes widened in disbelief at his audacity. "And for that, I would like to apologize. It wasn't my intention to hurt him—" Pa! A slap landed on his face and his face was thrown to the side.     

Theodore panted heavily, his eyes bloodshot. "Why are you saying it like that? What are you apologizing for, damn it?! I was the one who offered you blood! Why are you just standing there stupidly?! Don't you know he's a vampire hunter? His bullets can kill you!"     

"And you! Lower your gun, Ben! I am fully aware of the fact that he's a vampire and I couldn't care less about it!" He snarled toward Ben, earning him an incredulous look from the head servant. He couldn't believe that his young master chose to side with a vampire whom he had only known for less than a month.     

He snapped his eyes to Lu Yizhou, enraged. "What spell have you casted on Young Master?" The more Ben thought about it, the angrier he was. How could he keep his calm? The person he had taken care of for more than a decade ended up choosing the creature he had spent his whole life to hunt! "Even if I have to die today, I will bring you down with me!"     

"No!" Theodore bellowed in indignation. But Lu Yizhou had pulled him behind his back, firmly pressing him there as he faced Ben's attack head on. He didn't even try to resist.     

"Halt!" Another shout came from the doorway and Ben snapped his head to the side to find the Master and Madam of the residence. Callen Valmor stepped in, his clothes messy and stained with blood, proof that he had just gone through a harsh battle. But other than that, he looked as fit as a fiddle.     

Melissa entered behind him, she looked at Ben with regret and sighed. "Put down your gun, Ben."     

"Madam?!" Ben couldn't understand. Why was everyone siding with that vampire? Had he enamored the whole residence with his vampiric charm? He's a pureblood so there was a huge possibility that he could do that! He was ready to argue again when he saw Melissa's brown eyes slowly changed into scarlet. Those eyes...which only dhampirs could possess. The gun slipped from Ben's hands as his jaw hung open, stupefied.     

"Sorry, Ben. We have never told you." Callen wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders, gently kneading for comfort. "Actually, Melissa is a vampire herself."     




Mini theater:     

Ben: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? My whole life has been a lie…     

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