Villain Saving System (BL)

2.14 Why Sorry [M]

2.14 Why Sorry [M]

1It was sweet, sweeter than Lu Yizhou expected and more delicious than anything he had tasted before. Alfred's blood couldn't even be compared. As soon as Theodore's blood ran down his throat, the cells in his entire body instantly came alive, roaring in excitement and begging for more. Theodore's blood was just as warm as the teenager himself. It heated up Lu Yizhou's body, making him feel feverish all over.      1

...He couldn't stop, nor was there anyone to stop him.     

With their bodies pressed closely together, Lu Yizhou could feel Theodore's every breath, the little hitches in his throat and the way he let out a shaky breath which sounded a lot like a satisfied sigh. The teenager's fingers ran through his hair and hugged him closer, drowning Lu Yizhou even deeper in the allure of his blood. A drop trickled down through the bleeding wound and Lu Yizhou trailed his lips down to lick it, unwilling to let even a drop go into waste. Then he returned to the source of heat in Theodore's neck, lapping around the glaring holes as if soothing, kissing and licking. A gasp escaped Theodore's lips which he quickly suppressed. "That's...ticklish." He panted heavily.     

Lu Yizhou hummed and inhaled deeply, feeling as if he could never have enough. How could someone taste so exquisite? Different from the scent of food Lu Yizhou often smelled from another, Theodore tasted like spring after a prolonged winter, dispersing the chill around his body and warming his heart, no—he caused it to sear like never before, it was scorching. Lu Yizhou had never felt his heart beating this quickly before. His sanity slowly blurred and was replaced by the pure instinct of a vampire.     

"Theo..." Lu Yizhou rasped. "You taste so sweet…"     

Theodore bit his lips hard to suppress the embarrassing sounds that leaked out of his mouth. Grasping Lu Yizhou's shoulders, he grumbled softly. "I said stop licking. Are you full with just a few mouthfuls? I've said before that you can—hmmm!"     

Lu Yizhou tilted his head and bit down again, this time a bit lighter only enough to draw blood. He palmed the back of Theodore's neck, his fingertips resting on the teenager's veins where he could clearly feel the pulse.     

Damn it, this felt so good. He could be addicted to it.     

Theodore laughed lightly, the corner of his eyes flushed red with unshed tears. The tip of his tongue throbbed in pain and he yanked Lu Yizhou's hair to pull the vampire's attention. "Look here… I bit my tongue and it's bleeding. Come on, Raphael. You shouldn't waste food when you're starving already." His lips curled enticingly as Lu Yizhou drew closer like a moth drawn to the flame, his gaze transfixed on the bead of blood that oozed out. Their faces gradually came closer until Theodore could clearly feel the vampire's lightened breath against his face. His heartbeats thudded in his chest. He was still a bit afraid but more than that...he wanted this. He wanted Raphael more than anything.     

"Here…" He stuck his tongue out and in the next second, it was tangled by another warm and slick tongue, tasted metallic like blood yet strangely sweet and intoxicating at the same time.     

Theodore's attention was wholly focused on the hot, ticklish sensation that sent shivers down his spine and Lu Yizhou's arms around his body, trembling minutely. His back arched as Lu Yizhou nipped on his tongue and sucked on it, earning him another breathless gasp. He cracked his eyes open a bit and saw the vampire's enraptured expression and his heart soared again, feeling so happy as if it was going to burst.     

That's right...Just like this. Raphael should have relied on him just like this. He should only be allowed to suck Theodore's blood, to take what Theodore had to offer for his own.     

More...He wanted Raphael to be obsessed with him, to be unable to live without the taste of his blood...     

His mind was getting more and more disoriented as pleasure hummed in his veins like zaps of electricity. To vent, he tugged on Raphael's silver hair and he felt the vampire respond by delving deeper into Theodore's mouth as if plundering and sweeping the area clean to make sure that there was nothing left.     

Raphael's tongue was hot, it was as if Theodore had swallowed a bowl of fire into his mouth, the sudden notion popped up amidst the buzz in his head. Wet, obscene sounds escaped through their linked lips, mixed in with the inhales and sharp gasps. Theodore wished that this moment would last forever so that he could have Raphael in his arms until the end of the time.     

He breathed heavily, face flushed crimson, his eyes covered by a layer of mist, looking especially pitiful and lovely. "Why…" He muttered after Lu Yizhou pulled away to give him some space to breathe. "You're clearly the one who's drinking blood but I feel so good?" The close contact made Lu Yizhou quickly realize what he was talking about.     

A hard bulge was pressing against his thigh and he couldn't help but chuckle, his vampire instinct buzzed in excitement. His prey was fully ready to be devoured. He slipped his knee in between Theodore's legs and forced them to open wider as he pressed closer. He licked his lips, making the already luscious and tantalizing lips another layer of moisture. "Are you feeling it, Young Master?"     


"Pleasure." Lu Yizhou gave the seam of Theodore's lips a last lick before returning to his favorite place; Theodore's neck, nuzzling his nose there with a sniff. "You want me and your body knows it." One of his hands trailed down from Theodore's waist down until he had the bulge wrapped in his palm. Theodore let out a cry, his knees buckling.     

Lu Yizhou followed his momentum and cushioned the fall. They landed hard on the ground and Theodore fell atop of him. A sharp gasp erupted from his lips as soon as he realized the position they were in. "You...!" He held himself up with Lu Yizhou's shoulders, the blush on his face turning deeper as if blood could trickle out if he nipped it just a bit. Lu Yizhou stared up at him, mesmerized.     

"What's wrong?" He swallowed. His throat that had just been nourished abruptly turned dry. This wasn't enough. The hunger for years could no longer be easily quenched just with this bit of blood. He pulled Theodore back before the teenager could escape out of embarrassment, legs straddling his waist and the position caused the two's erections to press against each other.     

Theodore froze and he glanced down, glaring. "You...You have a reaction for me! How impudent!"     

Lu Yizhou hummed. "This servant has done wrong." His head lolled until it dropped onto Theodore's shoulders, his words even more bewitching and captivating, sending Theodore into a quagmire of desire. "But Young Master said that I can take as much as I want. Do you know how a pureblood eats his fill?"     

Theodore knew that something was off about Raphael. The vampire who, until the last moment kept asking to be pushed away, who chose to starve himself and force human food down his throat, suddenly acting so unbridled. So...unrestrained and bold. Just the curl on the corner of his lips was enough to give Theodore goosebumps. This was truly unlike the Raphael he knew. It scared him but that fear was promptly dulled whilst the ecstasy of his blood being sucked was heightened. He stared into Lu Yizhou's eyes in daze and couldn't help asking. "How…?"     

"They aren't satisfied only with blood." The vampire whispered deeply into his ear with that deep, sexy voice of his. "Instead, they will take their prey to bed, entangle their bodies together and when the prey reaches the apex of climax, they will suck the blood that's filled with life force…"     

Shudders quaked Theodore's whole body and his scalp tingled, breaths coming out light and shallow. Lu Yizhou's voice caused his lower part to twitch and turned even harder to the point where it was getting a bit too suffocating inside the pants. He looked into Lu Yizhou's bloody, mirthful eyes and asked a question with a trembling voice. "Will you do it? Will you...take me to your bed?"     

Lu Yizhou chuckled deeply and was ready to answer yes—how could he ever refuse a delatable, willing prey? But then, a droplet of clear liquid fell onto his cheek all of a sudden and his entire body froze. What was that? He raised his hand to wipe it, his mind was befuddled from the powerful urge to gobble Theodore until the teenager became a jumbled mess who couldn't even remember his own name.     

"Eh…?" Theodore blinked and more droplets fell down from his eyes. "What is this? Why am I…?"     

It was as if Lu Yizhou was forcefully awakened from his slumber. Buzz rang loudly in his head and a strong headache pounded his head like a hammer. He blinked and registered the sight in front of him; a crying Theodore with four little holes on his neck, his fair skin bruised purple and black. The strong taste of blood on the tip of his tongue and their ambiguous position…     

In a snap, he distanced himself from Theodore, his back crashing hard on the wall across the room to the point dust fell from the ceiling. His face was aghast and from his eyes, Theodore could make out numerous emotions passing through; fear, apprehension, anxiety and dread. He looked even more horrible than Theodore himself.     

The sudden emptiness made Theodore lose his balance and he swayed to the ground, his eyes staring at Lu Yizhou in confusion. "Why…?"     

"I'm sorry…" What had he done? Lu Yizhou clutched his head. What kind of heinous thing had he done to Theodore? "I'm sorry, Young Master. I am truly sorry…" Without waiting for Theodore to react, Lu Yizhou flew out of the window and disappeared into the cover of the night. When Theodore snapped to his senses and ran to the window, he had completely disappeared.     

"What's with him...?" He slowly slid to the ground. His body trembled violently as his mind reveled in the intimacy a few minutes ago. He reached out to touch his neck and hissed at the throbbing pain, cursing at Raphael under his breath. He had succeeded in drawing other expressions from Raphael's face but why...did he not feel happy even a bit? "I was the one who incited you so why are you apologizing? Dummy Raphael…"     

From that day on, Theodore didn't see Raphael for the next three days.     




Mini theater     

Theodore changed his position for the nth time as sleep wouldn't come over him at all. His mind kept on repeating the earlier event and the way Raphael distanced himself from him.     

"Am I not delicious? No, that can't be. He said my blood is sweet." He mumbled to the air, frowning. "Then why did he act like that? Did he feel repulsed? Should I have not asked that stupid question?" His cheeks burned at the thought and his sensitive lower part started to get hard again. He rubbed his legs together and bit his lips, aggrieved. "Why did he leave me just like that…? This is so uncomfortable."     

"Was it my fault for crying?" He tugged on his hair in frustration. "Why was I crying anyway?! He must have thought that I am a stupid coward who got scared just by something like this!"     

The first night, Theodore spent the night mulling over unnecessary thoughts and couldn't catch a wink of sleep.     

The second night, he snuck into Raphael's room and his shoulders slumped in dejection as he couldn't find the vampire everywhere. Laying on Raphael's bed, he sniffed on the mattress. Oh, he could barely catch Raphael's scent still lingered there…     

Theodore buried his face deeper into Raphael's pillow. The moonlight became his only accompaniment. Unbeknownst to him, tears started falling from the corner of his eyes and seeped into the pillow case, creating a small stain on it.     

"Dummy, Raphael. Come home soon…" He whispered sadly. "Your bed is too hard, I can't sleep at all. It's your responsibility to ensure that I get a good night's sleep, right…?"     

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