Villain Saving System (BL)

3.25 Flower Festival

3.25 Flower Festival

2Lu Yizhou had no idea whether it was wrong of him to compliment Oliver that way. As if an unknown switch within him was being flicked on, since that day Oliver would catch him by surprise and went down on him to suck him off. From the initial clumsiness and innocent fumbles, Oliver quickly learned the spot where Lu Yizhou would feel good the most; where to suck, how to lick, when to squeeze and how much force he needed to exert. He nailed it to the point of perfection that Lu Yizhou almost couldn't catch a breath. Whereas Lu Yizhou...well, who was he to refuse? Everytime he showed the slightest bit of rejection, Oliver would look at him with those large eyes that were brimming with tears, fearfully asking. "Did I do something wrong?"       1

And everytime he did, all the words died down in Lu Yizhou's throat. Sometimes he suspected that Oliver knew perfectly that Lu Yizhou wouldn't be able to refuse him if he showed that kind of look and hence he used it to its full advantage.     

With that saying, the more Lu Yizhou relented, the more unbridled Oliver became.     

It got to the point where he dared to finger himself all the while sucking Lu Yizhou off. The sight was too stimulating to the point where Lu Yizhou felt the string of sanity within him snap and when he came to his senses, he had pushed Oliver underneath him, fair legs hanging over his shoulder as he devoured the omega's leaking hole, slurping the fragrant liquid that dripped out of his core. Oliver's screams and moans of pleasure echoed all over the warm and misty bathroom, wet and obscene. When the omega reached the climax with Lu Yizhou's tongue buried deep within him, he then turned so pliant and boneless that he couldn't wash himself unless Lu Yizhou assisted him. And then, the whole situation ended up with Oliver curling by his side as they slept together in Lu Yizhou's bed, a content smile on his lips.     

Lu Yizhou banged his head against the wall for the nth time today, hissing. "I am an animal."     

[666: …]     

[666: Well, Host, you're indeed a beastman now, remember? It's practically the same as an animal.]     

[Shut up.] He rolled his eyes and banged his head a few more times to sober himself up. How could he lose control so easily like that? Was he such a lustful person to begin with? No, totalling his actual age and the time he lived as CEO Lu, he hadn't even been involved romantically nor did he get the urge to get on with anyone (Don't count Raphael in because that's unfair. The pureblooded vampire's body was literally made of 50% blood and 50% sex) But as Altair? How many times had he lost his mind just because Oliver stuck close to him or when the omega deliberately breathed close to his ear?     

No. He couldn't let it continue any longer.     

Lu Yizhou counted in his mind. The doctor's prescription would last him for one more month until his rut finally came, thus he needed to make preparations from now on. Fortunately, the Goddess of Luck still sided with Lu Yizhou this time.      

The Flower Festival would soon arrive and so did the Arena Fighting.     

In total, there were around 500 Alphas joining the event. The classes for the week were canceled and the school yard would be used for the competitions. For the first three days, there would be 250 rounds of one-on-one battle based on lottery and the winners would step up to the quarter final. After that the next 125 Alphas would be eligible for the semi final. And then from there on, the Alphas would fight and be ranked based on their strength. The top 50 would finally get into the final stage which would be held on the last day of the festival.      

In the original plot, Ryan was hiding his strength. On the final list, he sat in 23rd place, not bad but not too good to the point where he would be noticed by the Emperor either. That's why when he finally unleashed his full potential and fought like the leopard he was, he swept everyone off their feet and took his enemies off guard. Part of the reason why he won was because of this strategy, causing more than one powerful opponent to underestimate him and end up having their faces slapped black and blue.      

Lu Yizhou had to was quite a brilliant strategy.      

But he had no plan to follow that.     

There was one thing he learned in a hard way and which had become his motto to remain alive—wait, no he couldn't be considered alive now but whatever—up to this day was; in the face of absolute strength, all tricks and strategies lost their fervor.     

In other words, Lu Yizhou was going to use pure force to crush his opponents and coincidentally or not, Altair's specialty was the brute strength of his. He was both a land and air beastman. No matter what kind of opponent he faced, he would hold an advantage unless they cut these wings of his which was impossible to do.     

With the excuse of preparing himself for the competitions—which he was sure didn't sound too convincing judging from the skeptical look Oliver gave him—Lu Yizhou crashed into Derek's place for a few days. The poor Beta was so shocked to receive his Royal Highness in the middle of the night. He meant, Lu Yizhou had a luxurious condo with a beautiful omega by his side so why did he have to squeeze in with a Beta?! Derek grumbled incessantly, even more when he heard that Lu Yizhou still hadn't changed his mind to go through his rut alone.      

It was a long, arduous week which Lu Yizhou'd prefer not to elaborate. Since the day he was transmigrated into his world—no, scratch that, since the day he transmigrated starting from the first world—this would be the first time he was separated from the villain for such a long time. All these while, he had always kept them under his wings so that he could watch over them closely. But now… goddamnit, it was way harder than he expected it to be to the point where he had to consume twice as much sleeping pills so that he could catch a few hours of sleep.     

Life without Oliver by his side was...barren and dry.      

He barely paid attention to anything else and he found himself always gazing at the opposite building as if Oliver would pass by and he would be able to catch a sight of the omega once in a while. All the more so, he didn't want to acknowledge that the omega had graced his presence in his dreams every night. The scene only grew increasingly debauched.      

At first, Lu Yizhou dreamt that Oliver was sleeping atop of his bed with his clothes, pillows and blankets surrounding him. Sunlight sprinkled into the room and painted the omega's visage golden, his lips rosy pink. He looked angelic, so charming and enthralling. Sleeping so peacefully and adorably that Lu Yizhou didn't dare to get close for fear of ruining the breathtaking sight.     

And after that night, the dream evolved. Oliver was no longer sleeping but laying there awake, his big golden slit eyes blinked at him as he reached out both hands. "Come here..." He purred.      

The night after that, Lu Yizhou finally climbed into the bed and sank into the softness that was the omega's body, peppering kisses on every patch of bare skin his lips could reach, causing red bruises to litter all over the milky skin like petals of cherry blossom. The omega's breath was sweet and his moans sweeter. It drove Lu Yizhou to the brink of insanity.     

Those were no nightmares but for Lu Yizhou, they might as well were.     

His mood gradually worsened and he became irritable, impatient and rough. It was to the point where his classmates and homeroom teacher noticed it—the same teacher who wanted to put a collar on him last time—and worriedly inquired about his mental condition.      

As bad as the whole situation could be, Lu Yizhou still managed to find the silver lining. Alone, he had more than enough time to ponder how he should proceed in the future. He also used the time to meditate which slightly calmed his mind. Just a lil bit though.      

Amidst this turbulent period, the Flower Festival began without a hitch.      

The street was decorated with red lanterns all over, flower petals—both natural and synthetic—rained down like delicate snowflakes, flying in myriads of breathtaking hues of blue, pink and white. The street was filled with jubilant laughter and uproarious talks, ever so lovely and exuberant. Young couples were seen everywhere, dressed to the nine to impress, seizing the chance they had never had for the school building between Alphas and Omegas were separated and any interaction was closely monitored. It was only during these times that they could let themselves loose, going on a date, holding hands, wide and happy smiles grazing their lips. There weren't only Alpha-Omega pair, but also Alpha-Beta, Omega-Beta, or even the same secondary sex couples. The sight was uncommon but it didn't mean they didn't exist.     

Lu Yizhou was sitting on the chair in the waiting room, the hubbub and muffled cheers outside drifted to his ears like buzzing noises. He was zoning out—one of the things he realized he had been doing quite often recently. His mind was filled with only one person and with him forcefully removing it from sight, he was left with only a familiar ache of voidness deep within him.      

"Hey, are you okay?" One of the Alphas whose locker was right beside him asked. He was also Lu Yizhou's classmate but he had forgotten his name (yes, he admitted that he never took the initiative to remember or get close to them) "You have been acting weird recently."     

Lu Yizhou lifted his eyes and just in time to see a certain someone averting their gaze. Who was it if not Ryan, the main protagonist? The corner of his lips ticked upward into a barely discernible sneer. What was the odd of them sharing the same waiting room? "I'm fine." He replied to the fox Alpha who looked mildly worried and more curious instead. "Thank you for asking."     

The Alpha waved his hand and coincidentally, the staff came in and summoned him—Hubert, Lu Yizhou noted. Hubert sucked in deep breath and stood up.      

"Good luck." Lu Yizhou said which earned him a surprise look.      

Hubert blinked and patted his shoulders, chortling softly. "You too, buddy. Pray that we won't have to meet until the final stage though."     

This time, Lu Yizhou returned the smile. "I, too."     

The fox Alpha went out, leaving Lu Yizhou alone with three other Alphas. Two of them seemed to be acquaintanced with each other as they conversed among themselves. The image was conspicuous when compared with Lu Yizhou and Ryan. Lu Yizhou had every intention to treat the main protagonist as air. Not until the other suddenly sneered, voice lacing with intense sarcasm. "Pretend to be a hero, aren't you? If you meet him on stage, will you pummel him to the ground and attempt to kill him in one go?" Just like you almost did to me? The silent question hung between them, unsaid yet both clearly knew what the other meant.     

The atmosphere abruptly stilled and the two other Alphas glanced at each other before firmly decided to leave the room and leave the two ticking bombs in the accompany of each other.      

Lu Yizhou was calm, he had always been. One of the things he had mastered to do was to ignore the yapping of unimportant people in his life. If he were to mind, there would be no end to it. In retrospect, he knew that all he had to do was ignore and then...that was that. Everything would be over. Lu Yizhou trusted that Ryan wouldn't be so stupid as to provoke him into a fight when the competition was just a few minutes away.      

But today's Lu Yizhou wasn't the usual cool-headed, aloof and laid-back Lu Yizhou. There was a fire burning underneath his veins, heating and scorching with nowhere to go but stay in place, bubbling in ferocity. All he wanted to do was to hole himself in Altair's skyhouse and pass the day gazing at the drifting clouds and he would appreciate it very much if he was granted a minute of peace and tranquility. The headache was always there on the back of his head and once he acknowledged it, like turbulent tides they came back and popped up his veins.      

His face darkened and a faint rumble emerged from his chest, feral and wild. "I won't, because they aren't you." He said with heavy sarcasm in his tone. He even gifted Ryan a smile, one that didn't reach his eyes.     

Ryan whipped his head up, glaring. "What did you say?!"     

"Should I repeat it?" He crossed his arms, leaned back and squinted. His demeanor was nothing but provoking. "I say—" The door creaked open, interrupting him mid-sentence. Lu Yizhou blinked and screwed his eyes shut. Stop it, he chided himself. It was wrong of him to snap at this moment. Keep yourself together, Lu Yizhou! He turned to the Alpha who had just gone out less than five minutes ago. He had only his head in, looking back and forth at Lu Yizhou and Ryan before he settled for the former.     

"Um…" He gestured outside. "Altair, isn't it? There's someone asking for you outside."      

Without waiting for the Alpha to finish his sentence, Lu Yizhou had already stood up. He couldn't have mistaken it. The upcoming rut heightened his senses and made him all the more sensitive to scents. Thus there was no way he could have missed Oliver's pheromones, no matter how faint and thin it was. There was an unspoken agreement for them to keep their distance for the time being thus it was strange for Oliver to seek him out all of a sudden.      

...Did something happen to him?     

"Where is he?" Lu Yizhou marched out, a barely detected hint of urgency in his tone.     

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