Villain Saving System (BL)

4.18 Immortal Zhao

4.18 Immortal Zhao

0Far, far away from the dormant volcano was a secluded mountain that was bereft of people for its peculiar location that was surrounded by the Valley of Abyss. Oftentimes, travelers could hear the mournful wails and screams from deep below and it was said that being in the valley's vicinity could give people hallucinations that bewitched them into jumping by themselves. Some even said that a vengeful immortal resided there. Stuck in the mortal realm and unable to ascend, they were consumed by loneliness and longed for the company of human beings. Since then, the area became a forbidden one despite the allure of the lush and thriving mountain.      2

It was in that exact mountain that Immortal Zhao settled in after centuries of wandering around. He was none other than the kind old man who introduced the male protagonist, Shan Duoyin, to the world of cultivation for the first time.      

A wisp of spiritual energy flew in through the barrier around the mountain straight to the figure that was currently meditating by the river. Immortal Zhao's eyes snapped open as soon as his other consciousness came back. He let out a sharp gasp and sweat rolled off his skin in large beads. W—What was that?! What had he listened to?!     

Immortal Zhao had often projected his soul out of his body. It was similar to astral projection, but the difference was he could control where he went and he was in charge of when to return. It was his way of having fun amidst his long, unending life. The only downside was… his immortal flesh remained behind, defenseless and vulnerable in case of sudden attack although the possibility remained slight for there was nobody foolish enough to cross the barrier and traps he had set throughout the mountain and valley. The rumors were true. The spell he had casted could indeed bewitch people to jump in. However, Immortal Zhao had always saved them in the nick of time and sent them back to where they had come from. In the end, all of them passed it off as a supernatural experience.      

Let it serve as a reminder for others to think twice before they dared to venture in.     

It was at this kind of moment that he was grateful for his wits to set the barrier. That obnoxious man — Black Demon Weeping Blood — wanted to tear open the sky and let the demon in?! All of that only to save a little nine old girl? Was he insane?! Was he planning to forsake the whole world just because of one person?! No, Immortal Zhao couldn't allow it to happen! He had to prevent it somehow!     

Since his failure to ascend, Immortal Zhao had vowed not to take part in mortal affairs anymore except for one slight mishap when he gave Shan Duoyin the book of cultivation. In his case, Immortal Zhao just couldn't leave the boy alone! He had such a bright future yet it was dimmed by the environment he lived in. Thus he offered a tiny olive branch to help the boy. The rest of his destiny would then depend on him alone.      

But… this was a different matter altogether! He let his eyes drift to the sky, muttering. "Oh Heavenly Law, please give guidance as to how this lowly one shall proceed. That mortal is too greedy and selfish. Sooner or later, he will cause the world's destruction!"     

"Who are you talking about?"     

The sudden voice behind him caused Immortal Zhao's soul to almost bounce out of his flesh again. He swiveled around in shock to find a man clad in light blue robes with cold silver eyes. He—How…How did he get in?! And most importantly, how could Immortal Zhao not be notified when there was an intruder?! Exactly how long had he been there?! Immortal Zhao didn't even sense a thing!     

Immortal Zhao stared at him warily. To his dismay, this… was the last person he had expected to see. "Beloved child of Heaven, Jingxue-Jun."      

"Immortal Zhao." Lu Yizhou replied cordially. "It's such a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I have heard so much about you."     

Once again, Immortal Zhao choked on his breath. How could this man know him?! It was impossible! The people who recognized him had either been buried three feets underground or reincarnated into another form of life, there was no way that someone could—      

Immortal Zhao's gaze abruptly turned sharp and piercing as he studied the cultivator in front of him. "You're not Jingxue-Jun." He stated with a matter-of-fact tone.     

"Oh?" The response he got was merely a raised brow and a slightly intrigued tone. [He knows.]     

[666: Aaaaah, how can he know?!! Host, you must have given yourself away!]     

"This one has had the chance to meet Jingxue-Jun before and accidentally stole a peek into his natal chart. He is a talented and excellent cultivator but sadly, his life is a short one and he is fated to die a cruel death." Immortal Zhao whistled to summon his spiritual weapon. The long saber flew from deep within the mountain with a deep hum, slicing through the air with a sharp precision before landing in Immortal Zhao's hand. The ground seemed to shake along with its powerful vibration. He barked out and pointed the tip toward Lu Yizhou. "Speak! Who are you to occupy the poor man's body?!"     

Lu Yizhou stared at him closely with perking interest, heedless of the rocks and soil that started to tremble around him. Truly, the immortal was called immortal for a reason, Lu Yizhou mused. He was a being that was one step away from becoming a God. [He can guess my identity with one look? This must be the existence that can challenge the simulator itself.]     

[666: Host, is this the right time for this?!! He's going to hack you to pieces! Oh my God, look at his saber. It is twice as long and thick as your arm. Hostttt!!!]     

[Stop screaming in my ears.]     

Instead of answering Immortal Zhao's questions, Lu Yizhou asked in return. "Will you pretend that you heard and saw nothing today?"     

Immortal Zhao was confused for a split second before he realized what the other man was talking about. This… This—how could this man know about his whimsical trips?! Was there anything that he didn't know?! Exactly who was this man?! Immortal Zhao grew more alert and wary. "You mean… the Black Demon's obnoxious plan? Ha! He is but a walking destruction. Someone has to stop him before he can push the world to the cliff of demise!"     

Lu Yizhou let out a sigh. "What's the good in that? You should just pretend that you know nothing and live the next few centuries of your life in peace."     

Immortal Zhao's eyes flew open in incredulity. "Are you asking this one to turn a blind eye and walk away when this one has the power to prevent an imminent disaster?"     

"No, I am saying that you should care for your own life." Lu Yizhou's eyes chilled a few degrees. Strapped to his back, Hexue rattled within its sheath in response to its owner's bloodlust. "If you insist on hurting him, then there's no need for you to exist anymore."     

"You're on his side..." Immortal Zhao mumbled in disbelief. "How could you…? Do you realize what kind of abominable crime he is planning to do?! Do you have any idea what it will cost every living being in this realm?!"     

The corner of Lu Yizhou's lips lifted slightly and his eyes mellowed with affection. "If he wishes for the world's destruction, then I will personally see it happen and bring it to him on a silver platter."     

"You—!" Immortal Zhao fumed, enraged. The sky around them darkened abruptly as the clouds gathered in, bringing with them the beginning of a storm. The old man's white robes fluttered as he lifted his saber. Lightning struck, illuminating the anger shining in his eyes. "Do not be too pompous, child! Do you think this one will stand by and let it happen without doing anything?!"     

Lu Yizhou almost let out a chuckle but in the end, it came out like a mocking snort. Of course, Immortal Zhao noticed it and grew even more furious to the point where his long beard was frizzing. Lightning hammered down in response to his call and his angry bellow reverberated through all directions. "You're but a demon who loves to play with humans and enjoys purgatory, this one will personally bring you down!!!"     

"I have warned you." Lu Yizhou narrowed his eyes as he watched the uncanny proceedings in front of him. The mountain shook wildly, birds flew away in fluster and the sky exploded in waves of rumbles as if Heaven and Earth was being turned upside down. Yet not a change could be seen in his expression. "Being an immortal doesn't mean that you can't die. It's just that no power under this universe is able to bring you down. Unfortunately…" The corner of his lips curled into a frightening smile. "...I am not from this world."     

[System notification: You have purchased one (1) small size nuclear bomb! This is a special destructive item that can only be purchased as a means of self defense. The system has judged the current situation applicable. The remaining points you have is 0. Thank you for your patronage!]     



Mini theater     

666: Zero… our point is zero. Just let 666 die…     


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