Villain Saving System (BL)

2.11 Theodore's Parents

2.11 Theodore's Parents

3"What did you say?" Theodore's hand that was holding the fork paused. "Uncle Fred...died?"     0

"That's right, Young Master." Ben said with a somber look. "This morning, he was found brutally murdered in his residence. The culprit most probably is a…vampire."     

"What about the rest of his family?"     

"They're all safe, that's the weird point. Sir Alfred Moore is the only victim. It doesn't look like a mindless killing by a deranged vampire but something done for revenge. Now the officials are investigating whether he was involved in something with the vampires and if they find out he did, then his whole family will also be implicated." Ben heaved a long sigh and shook his head. "To think that he was just here yesterday…"     

Theodore put down the utensils and pushed his plate further. "I don't want to eat anymore. Take them away—wait, no. Just leave them here and call Raphael in."     

Ben bowed politely. "As you wish, Young Master." He went out and a few moments later, Lu Yizhou entered.     

He had heard the servants talking about Alfred's death but so far, all of them were condemnation of how he had received his retribution. It seemed like Alfred Moore was quite detested around the area. One glance at Theodore and Lu Yizhou knew that the teenager was bothered by the news. It was weird, Lu Yizhou thought in confusion. Alfred was the one who had always done many atrocities to him so why did he still put on that look as if he truly felt at a loss?     

"Raphael," Theodore caught sight of him and in a rare moment of weakness, opened his arms to hug Lu Yizhou's waist, burying his head in his stomach. Lu Yizhou paused and gingerly reached out to pat his head. "Uncle Fred died." Theodore mumbled in a quiet voice.     

"I heard of the news." He couldn't help asking. "Are you sad, Young Master?"     

"I don't know." Theodore pressed his lips together and sighed. "Like the others, you must have thought that it was his own retribution right?"     

More than that, he was even the one who had indirectly caused his death, Lu Yizhou mused. He didn't know what Theodore would do if he found out. Maybe Theodore would come to detest him or maybe, he might even be terrified. Well, just his identity as the Vampire King alone was enough to instill fear into vampires, let alone humans.     

"I have known Uncle Fred since I was small. He might come out as a bad person in our last encounter but in fact, he used to be a very kind and compassionate man. I know he has done a lot of heinous things to me but…" Once again, Theodore let out a long sigh.     

Lu Yizhou resisted the urge to chuckle. If Theodore knew that his demise started with Alfred selling him off as a slave, would he still be able to say that Alfred was kind and compassionate? Seriously...his Young Master was truly so naive and innocent. "I apologize for your loss, Young Master."     

Theodore gave a hum. He then snapped out of his senses and pushed Lu Yizhou away with a glare. "I—It's not like I am that saddened about his death. No need to go out of your way to comfort me!" He harrumphed and pulled Lu Yizhou down beside him then shoved his spoon into Lu Yizhou's hand. "My stomach is full already. You eat. If you dare to waste the food, I will kick you out of this place!" After that, he cupped his chin and fixed his stare on Lu Yizhou, his eyes threatening.     

Lu Yizhou stared at the disgusting junk in front of him and sighed helplessly. He stole a glance at Theodore then resigned to his fate and started to eat.     

Theodore harrumphed in satisfaction.     

[666: *retch* 666 is going to vomit if you keep this up, Host...]     

[Shut up. My tongue is numb already.]     

"Speaking of it, my parents are coming home in a few days." Theodore suddenly said. "You don't have to be nervous. If you're scared, you don't even need to show your face in front of them." He crossed his arms and lifted his chin smugly. "As long as you have me, you have nothing to be scared of!"     

Lu Yizhou paused. Theodore's parents were coming? [When will the accident happen?]     

[666: 666 can't estimate the exact time but it will be within this week, Host.]     

That meant that Theodore's parents would die after they returned this time, Lu Yizhou pondered. He turned to Theodore and said with all earnesty. "It's okay, Young Master. This servant can't hide behind Young Master's back forever. Receiving Young Master's favor is already more than enough for me."     

"W—Who said I favor you?" Theodore scoffed and turned his head away. Then, he glanced at Lu Yizhou from his peripheral vision and his voice softened slightly. The corner of his mouth twitched in an attempt to suppress his lips from curling upward. "Well if you say it like that, then I will have no choice but to take you along with me."     

Lu Yizhou smiled and patted his head gently. "Thank you, Young Master, for your generosity."     

Three days later, a luxurious carriage entered the gate of Valmor Residence and a middle aged couple came out of it, looking particularly harmonious with the man's arm hooked around the woman's waist. Theodore had inherited both of his parents' best qualities, he thought. He had Master Valmor's refined features as well as Madam Valmor's luscious hair and light brown eyes. Lu Yizhou observed them from the third floor window of Theodore's building when all of a sudden, the woman snapped her head up to look straight into his eyes!     

Lu Yizhou's pupils dilated. He couldn't have mistaken it. Theodore's mother was a...dhampir?!     

The woman's body swayed in an instant and her face paled in fright. Theodore's father supported his wife, worry marred his face. From the movement of his lips, he seemed to ask what's wrong but the woman only shook her head with a stiff smile. She directed another glance toward Lu Yizhou and proceeded into the building.     

Lu Yizhou narrowed his eyes, his fingers tapping the windowsill. [Theodore's mother is a dhampir?]     

[666: This—This isn't written in the original plot, Host! This can't Theodore a dhampir too?! If so then the matter of Theodore reviving as a vampire can be explained! He has the blood of a dhampir running in his veins so the probability that he will be awakened as a vampire is also larger!]     

Lu Yizhou withdrew his gaze and walked down the hallway. [Well, we can know the answer if we ask directly.]     

When the night arrived and everybody was soundly asleep, Lu Yizhou made his way to the main building he hadn't visited before. Relying solely on his intuition, he walked toward the room where Theodore's mother had been waiting for him. As he expected, as he turned into a corner, he caught sight of a maidservant that was following behind Madam Valmor this noon, standing in front of the room as if expecting his arrival.     

The girl instantly fell on her knees as soon as she caught sight of him, her whole body trembled in fear and reverence. In front of the King that had been acknowledged by all vampires, there would always be a subconscious urge to bow down, it was already engraved into their blood. "M—My Lord, Madam...Madam has been waiting for you inside…"     

Lu Yizhou raised a brow. So this one was also a dhampir. How many vampires were there in this residence? What was the reason behind the death of Theodore's parents? With his head filled with questions, Lu Yizhou nodded, brushed past the girl and opened the door. The fireplace flickered gently, emanating a dim glow that illuminated the two people sitting on the couch.     

Madam Valmor stood up abruptly and was ready to kneel down when Lu Yizhou raised his palm. "No need for formalities." He said with a voice containing power that left no room for refusal.     

Master Valmor helped his wife up, eyes warily observing Lu Yizhou. "I have heard about you from Melissa, S—Sir. You're really...the Vampire King?"     

"He is, dear. My Lord, forgive me for the late greetings. My name is Melissa and this is my husband, Callen Valmor." Melissa straightened up and her brown eyes instantly changed faintly scarlet similar to the burst of red from the sunshine at dawn. It made Lu Yizhou wonder, if Theodore was indeed a dhampir, would his eyes also change into a similar color?     

It was a form of respect to show one's true form in front of the King and in return, Lu Yizhou also showed his true form in assent, the strands of his midnight blue hair shifted into pure silver and his eyes deep crimson. In the middle of the night, he was akin to a ray of moonlight that had grazed the Earth and took on the form of a human. Seeing that, Callen's breath got caught in his throat, mesmerized and aghast at the same time. He wasn't a vampire but he vividly felt the oppressive power enamating from Lu Yizhou that subconsciously made him cave.     

Lu Yizhou could hear the gear turning in Master Valmor's head. What was the Vampire King doing in his house and furthermore, become his son's personal servant at that? If Lu Yizhou was in his shoes, he would also think that he was up to no good. To prevent Callen's imagination from running even more wildly, Lu Yizhou said. "Don't worry, I mean no harm and I would greatly appreciate it if you can keep my identity a secret."     

"May I ask why...did you become my son's servant?" Callen asked gingerly.     

Melissa gasped in horror. "How can we allow that to happen? It's very presumptuous of us, My Lord please—"     

"No, I would like to remain as Theodore's servant if you may permit." Lu Yizhou stated. "I have my own reasons for doing so and please note that I have never, even once, thought of harming him."     

Callen stared at him strangely. "...Are you possibly interested in taking our son as your life companion?"     

"What…?" Lu Yizhou almost choked on his breath. Life companion? As in...lover or boyfriend?! What kind of assumption did Master Valmor have of him?!     

"Our son is a human, Sir." Callen added with a heavy frown. "We have arranged many tests on him when he was small and it has been confirmed that he doesn't inherit the dhampir's characteristics from his mother so you might want to reconsider if—"     

The door slammed open all of a sudden, cutting Master Valmor's words. Theodore stood there with the maidservant who tried to hold him back in panic. His eyes flew across the room and instantly landed on Lu Yizhou, stupefied. It was like thunderbolts were raining down on him. "Raphael…" He whispered in a strained voice that was thick in disbelief.     

Lu Yizhou's whole being was stunned, utterly caught off guard. [Sh—]     

[666: OH SHIT!!!]     

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