Villain Saving System (BL)

2.5 Feeding Grapes

2.5 Feeding Grapes

0"I apologize for Young Master Theo's tricks. He's only playing with you." Ben said as he escorted Lu Yizhou through the winding hallway. "Young Master Theo is actually a very good and obedient child. You will understand it soon."      1

Lu Yizhou grimaced. Obedient? Judging from how thorny Theodore's behaviour was, he doubted that. The two walked side by side deeper into the house until they arrived in front of a separate building to the east.     

"This is the Young Master's private building. He's currently waiting for you. Let's go in."     

Lu Yizhou nodded. Stepping in, he could feel a prickling sensation on his skin. It didn't hurt but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. He looked around for the source and found out that the walls were hung with numerous crosses.     

Noticing his stare, Ben added. "That's a protective measure. The vampires have been rampaging lately. Your main job is to protect Young Master from harm and assist him in everyday's life. Make sure not to take the crosses off."     

Lu Yizhou could feel Ben's stare drilling a hole through the back of his head and he nodded. Following the head servant, they didn't go to Theodore as he had said but instead, went to the kitchen where many cooks were busy running back and forth. "Today, we are baking garlic bread for Young Master. It's his favourite."     

The heavy smell of garlic blasted Lu Yizhou's face, it was so overpowering that he wrinkled his nose, disgusted.     

Ben raised a brow, his eyes scrutinizing. He handed Lu Yizhou a warm, toasty garlic bread fresh from the stove. "It's really delicious. Do you want to try one?"     

Ha… Lu Yizhou finally realized what Ben was getting up to. So, he suspected Lu Yizhou for being a vampire, didn't he? He got a sharp eye, Lu Yizhou had to give it to him. However, he wasn't one who would back down without a fight either. He took the garlic bread and nipped off a bit, bringing it to his mouth.     

[666: AH, AH, HOST!!! You will get stomachache if you eat that!]     

[System notification: Ding! Permanent Skill "Devil's Whisper" is active! For the next five minutes, your words will be taken as the absolute truth!]     

Lu Yizhou paused before the bread could enter his mouth. "Actually, I am heavily allergic to garlic. If I eat one, then I will get diarrhea all day long."     

Ben blinked, his eyes a bit dazed. "Oh, that so?"     

"Hmm-mm." The corner of Lu Yizhou's mouth lifted. "If you're worried that I am a vampire, don't be. I have the young master's best interest in my heart. I won't hurt him, ever. So all you have to do is to trust me, Ben." He leaned forward to whisper, soft and beguiling. "You can do it, can't you?"     

The sweet fragrance of rose wafted into Ben's nose and he snapped out of his reverie, taking a step backward. "A—Alright, I have received your sincerity. Then from now on, I will entrust Young Master Theodore to you."     

Lu Yizhou nodded in satisfaction. "Thank you. Now, shall we go?"     

Ben led him out of the kitchen and finally, to Theodore's room. Knocking, he said. "Young Master, I have brought your new servant here."     

Theodore was slouching on the divan outside the balcony, enjoying the sun. Seeing them approaching, he averted his eyes and harrumphed. The tip of his ears that were hidden beneath the hair reddened slightly. "Why are you bringing him here? I didn't ask for him!"     

"He is Young Master's servant so of course he has to stay by Young Master's side at all times." Ben smiled and turned to Lu Yizhou. "If you need anything, then don't hesitate to come to me for help. Now, if you'll excuse me. This servant will leave you two alone."     

Theodore's eyes widened. "Wait—" However, Ben had gone away as fast as wind, closing the door softly behind him. Theodore stared blankly at the door, panicking inside.     

Lu Yizhou stared at him and bowed, placing his right hand over his chest. "Thank you for choosing me, Young Master."     

Again… Theodore gritted his teeth. Why was the man's voice able to make his goosebumps raise and send shivers down his spine?! He switched his position uncomfortably on the divan, painfully aware that albeit the other person's eyes were lowered, his attention was wholly focused on him, watching his every move and reaction. Why did it bother him so much anyway?!     

He snarled. "Don't get ahead of yourself. I don't like you even a bit. If not for Ben, I won't even choose another servant."     

He thought that he would be able to see the man get humiliated or angry, yet what he got was only an impassive reaction. "This servant understands."     

Theodore's breath got stuck on his throat. This man— he...he's not fun at all. He pointed at the bowl of black grapes at the table inside the room. "I want that. Feed me."     

The man nodded and still with a stoic expression, turned around to retrieve the bowl. Theodore discreetly stared at his back, eyes raking up and down as he took in the way his long curly hair swayed with his movement, the straight long legs, broad shoulders that radiated strength and his perky ass...     

Theodore instantly withdrew his eyes the moment the man turned around, pretending as if he was looking out at the garden.     

Kneeling by Theodore's side, the man's slender fingers slowly peeled the grapes, the dark juice stained his pale skin, looking particularly enchanting and delicious…     

Snap out of it, Theodore! What are you looking at?!     

He berated angrily. "Why are you so slow?!"     

"Forgive me, Young Master." He said but Theodore couldn't sense an ounce of apology from his tone. It made him angrier. He was ready to explode when a cold sensation entered his mouth, bringing with it the sweetness that was tinged with astringent. The man retracted his hand and asked, "Is it sweet?"     

Theodore was left stunned in his position. That...That coldness he felt on the tip of his tongue...was it this man's finger?! He flushed angrily, it even spread to the tip of his ears down to his neck. "Why are you shoving it into my mouth so suddenly?!"     

The corner of that man's lips ticked upward a bit, making his luscious lips look more captivating than ever. Those silvery eyes stared straight at him with a hint of helplessness and in an instant, he forgot how to breathe. "Then shall I inform you next time?"     

H—How shameless!     

Theodore bit on the grape with force imagining that it was the servant's head.     

...It was sweet.     

He turned his head away and harrumphed. "You should know what to do without me telling you."     

"Alright." He put another grape against Theodore's mouth, taking him off guard. "Here is another one. Open your mouth, Young Master."     

"You…!" Theodore's lips parted and seizing the opportunity, the servant gently pushed the grape in. His fingertip grazed lightly against Theodore's lips, making it tingle and weird all over. The cold grape rolled in his mouth and the juice spread on his tongue. It tasted sweeter than the last time and the flavor seemed to roll down his throat straight to his heart, making it thump irregularly.     

The servant asked again. "Am I doing it right, Young Master?"     

"S—Shameless…" Theodore cursed under his breath. Somehow, the gentle sunlight shining down on him became a bit too harsh to his liking, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. Seeing that, the servant took out a silk handkerchief out of nowhere and dapped his forehead, his movement gentle and careful.     

Theodore peeked at him through his eyelashes. "You."     

"Yes, Young Master?"     

"What's your name?"     

The servant paused and slowly said, "Raphael. It's Raphael, Young Master."     




Mini theater     

"Bring me a bucket of hot water. I want you to carry it from the well and heat it up by yourself!"     

"Go and peel that basket of apples. I want them in my room in five minutes!"     

"Deliver this to our neighborhood. Remember, you should do it only at night! They are all busy during the daytime!"     

"You should bring back a bag of black grapes. I only want them sweet! If you're wrong, I will deduct your salary!"     

Theodore's command was getting more and more ridiculous by day but Lu Yizhou still obeyed without a word. Seeing how he worked like a dog, 666 felt pity.     

[666: Host, he's too ridiculous ah! Why don't you say anything? And one more thing, why are you so proficient in being a servant?!]     

The corner of Lu Yizhou's lips curled upward. The job wasn't tiring at all, he didn't even break a sweat. Nonetheless, the reason why he didn't say anything was that everytime he reported back after finishing his job, he would be able to see Theodore get angry. That frustrated look with nowhere to vent was unexpectedly...quite adorable.     

Like a little hedgehog who thought that it was a mammoth.     

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